Residential Status Calculator
Do you qualify as an NRI, a RNOR or an Ordinary Indian Resident?
How many days were you in India, this Financial Year?
Financial Year 2023-24 is from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024
Less than 60 days
60-182 days
More than 182 days
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You are an NRI.
Go back and check again
You are an Ordinary Indian Resident
Go back and check again
You are a Resident but Not
Ordinarily Resident (RNOR)
Go back and check again
Please select one of the following:
Person of Indian origin
Indian Citizen
Citizen of foreign country
Member of crew on an Indian Ship
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Have you been a resident of India in the past 2 out of 10 preceding years?
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Are you a person of Indian origin on a visit to India?
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How long have you been in India for last 7 years?
Less than 729 days
More than 729 days
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Are you on a visit to India?
Yes, I came to visit India
No, I am here for my job
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Did you spend atleast 365 days in India, in last 4 years?
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Did you go abroad on employment?
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