E-Filing for AY 2024-2025 has been stopped. We will notify you once ITR filings for AY 2025-26 are enabled.

E-Filing for AY 2022-2023 has stopped. Plan your taxes effectively for next year Learn More

Income from other sources

This section consists of interest income, dividend income, agricultural income and all other incomes excluding salary, income from house property or capital gains or business/profession.

Interest Income

Tip: Make sure you enter Savings Bank Interest in your tax return. You may receive a notice otherwise.

Where can I find this?
You can also enter income from post-office saving deposits here.

Interest from sweep accounts converted to FDs, post-office fixed deposits also specified here

Click here to add any other interest income (eg: interest from bonds, interest from tax refund, etc).

If you had a income tax refund last year, you may have received some interest amount along with the refund amount.
Enter the interest amount only, do not enter the entire refund amount.

Eg: Bonds, unsecured loans, national savings certificates, etc

Other Income
Read more
Other Income Amount Date of Receipt

Dividend from investments in Mutual Funds, ULIPs, UTI
Other Income Amount Date of Receipt

Report any other income which is not part of Income from Salary, House Property, Capital Gain or Business and Profession.
Gifts can be declared as Income here.

Pass Through Income From Business Fund/Trust
If you have any income from a Investment Fund or Business Trust, then report the same here.
You have specified a total of entries
Exempt Income

Example: Interest earned on PPF

Specify any other exempt income

Do you have any income from Interests from PPF or Other Income which are exempt?
Agriculture Income
Do you have any Income from Agriculture?