E-Filing for AY 2024-2025 has been stopped. We will notify you once ITR filings for AY 2025-26 are enabled.

E-Filing for AY 2014-2015 has stopped. Plan your taxes effectively for next year Learn More


Do you have a Form-16? Click here to upload your Form-16 PDF and avoid manual entry.
Your tax return will be automatically prepared.

Don't have a soft-copy? Use our step-by-step-guide to understand your Form-16.

Form-16 Guide

Use our step-by-step guide to download and upload your Form-16.

Employer Details

The name of Company / Organization


Salary Information

Please provide this information as per your Form-16.

In your Form-16, find this information under Part-B - Details of Salary Paid (Heading 6).
This is your Taxable Salary.
click to see sample

Please provide this information as per your Form-16 Part-B.
You can match each item with the field number in your Form-16.

click to see sample




TDS Details

In your Form-16, find this under Part-A - TAN of Deductor click to see sample

In your Form-16, find this under Part-A: Total of Amount of tax deposited / Remitted click to see sample

Address of Employer





Forgot to claim HRA?
Learn more

Applicable if you have not already claimed the HRA component in your salary and live in a rented apartment

Calculate HRA

HRA Calculation not in Form-16?

Don't lose out on HRA Exemptions if they haven't been included in your Form-16.

Get our Rs. 574 Expert Assisted plan & a tax expert will help you avail HRA Exemptions.


or if you changed jobs during the year

or if you changed jobs during the year