e-Filing for AY 2017-2018 has stopped. You can still use ClearTax to generate a paper return.


Do you have a Form-16? Click here to upload your Form-16 PDF and avoid manual entry.
Your tax return will be automatically prepared.

Don't have a soft-copy? Use our step-by-step-guide to understand your Form-16.

Form-16 Guide

Use our step-by-step guide to download and upload your Form-16.

Employer Details

The name of Company / Organization


Salary Information

Please provide this information as per your Form-16.

In your Form-16, find this information under Part-B - Details of Salary Paid (Heading 6).
This is your Taxable Salary.
click to see sample

Click here if you want to enter your salary information in detail.

Please provide this information as per your Form-16 Part-B.
You can match each item with the field number in your Form-16.

click to see sample




TDS Details

In your Form-16, find this under Part-A - TAN of Deductor click to see sample

In your Form-16, find this under Part-A: Total of Amount of tax deposited / Remitted click to see sample

Address of Employer





Forgot to claim HRA?
Learn more

Applicable if you have not already claimed the HRA component in your salary and live in a rented apartment

Calculate HRA

HRA Calculation not in Form-16?

Don't lose out on HRA Exemptions if they haven't been included in your Form-16.

Get our Rs. 574 Expert Assisted plan & a tax expert will help you avail HRA Exemptions.


or if you changed jobs during the year

or if you changed jobs during the year