Exclusive offer for Meesho sellers

Expert Assisted Tax Filing Plans for you

Dedicated tax expert & Account Manager

Completely online, 100% accurate & transparent

Advisory on the best tax saving options

Cleartax offering

Limited period offer, prices include GST*

GSTIN Registration

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Filing of application for registration

Follow up till you get GST Identification Number

Cater to all compliance and registration requirements

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How does expert assisted plan work?

ClearTax professionals will help you with preparation of the documents to filing income tax returns for you. We also advise best tax saving investments.

Purchase plan
Upload documents
Talk to your tax expert
Preparation & filing
Purchase our plan

Purchase the relevant tax filing plan on our website

Upload documents

Upload required documents to your ClearTax account

Talk to our tax expert

We assign a tax expert to you who would flle returns for you

Preparation and filing

Income tax return is prepared & filed by an expert

What our clients say

My executives could learn it so quickly and we implemented literally in a couple of days.

Mr. Anil Chakravarthy
Tax Practitioner

We file GST returns for more than 250 clients through ClearTax. Without them, it was not possible.

Vcas & Co.
CA Firm, Surat

Best data import-export features, super easy returns filing, top class support team and webinars.

Ms. Roshni Karmakar
Tax Practitioner

Have any queries? Contact us.

Email: services@cleartax.in
Phone: 080- 67458777