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IFSC Code of Icici Bank, Agra-air Force Station, Uttar Pradesh

Here is the IFSC & MICR Codes of Icici Bank,Agra-air Force Station, Agra, Uttar Pradesh. Also get the latest address, contact number of Icici Bank, Agra-air Force Station.

IFSC code


MICR Code:282229010
Branch Code:003520 (Last Six Characters of IFSC Code)
Branch:Agra-air Force Station
State:Uttar Pradesh
Address:Icici Bank Ltd Stadium Gate No 1-4,near Dakota,air Force Station Kheria Agra 282008
Phone No:+917525037596

Nearby ICICI BANK branches

IFSC code is allotted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to all banks and its branches. The IFSC code of a bank can be commonly found on a bank account passbook, cheque leaf issued by the bank or on the RBI website. Any kind of fund transfer through a bank requires a valid IFSC. The different types of fund transfers are NEFT, RTGS and IMPS.

How to find IFSC Code?

  1. IFSC code can be found on cheque leaf and bank passbook of the respective bank.
  2. Banks and respective branch list of IFSC codes can be obtained from Reserve Bank of India’s website.
  3. The IFSC code of a particular bank can also be found on the banks’ official website.

Uses of IFSC Code


Format of IFSC Code

The 11 alphanumeric code of IFSC is structured in a pattern where the first four characters representing the name of the bank, while the last six characters represent the branch of the bank. The fifth character is generally 0 (zero) reserved for future utilisation. The format of IFSC is as below.

Bank Code0Branch Code

How to find MICR Code

  1. MICR code can be found on a cheque leaf and bank passbook.
  2. You can also find MICR code on the specific bank’s website.

FAQs on ICICI BANK, Agra-air Force Station, Agra, Uttar Pradesh

What is the IFSC code of Agra-air Force Station, ICICI BANK ?

The IFSC code of Agra-air Force Station, ICICI BANK is ICIC0003520

What is the address associated with ICIC0003520

The address associated with SBIN0070130 is


Which district falls under the ICICI BANK ?

The district that falls under the ICICI BANK is Agra

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