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ITR Filing Last Date FY 2024-25 (AY 2025-26)

By CA Mohammed S Chokhawala


Updated on: Mar 19th, 2025


5 min read

Filing your Income Tax Return (ITR) is an essential part of managing your tax obligations, and it’s important to stay updated with the latest deadlines and requirements. This guide highlights the ITR filing due dates for different categories of taxpayers, helping you navigate the tax filing process with ease.

Budget 2025 Update

In Budget 2025, the deadline for taxpayers to file updated income tax returns has been extended from 2 years to 4 years from the end of the relevant assessment year.

When is the Last Date to File ITR?

  • The last date to file ITR is 31st July of the following financial year for non-audit taxpayers. 
  • So, for the Financial Year 2024-25 (Assessment Year 2025-26) the last date to file ITR would be 31st July 2025
  • However, if you miss filing on this deadline you can file a belated return by 31st December 2025 with penalties and interest.
ITR filing last date

Income Tax Filing Due Dates for FY 2024-25 (AY 2025-26)

Category of Taxpayer

Due Date for Tax Filing - FY 2024-25
*(unless extended)

Individual / HUF/ AOP/ BOI     
(books of accounts not required to be audited)

31st July 2025

Businesses (Requiring Audit)

31st October 2025

Businesses requiring transfer pricing reports   
(in case of international/specified domestic transactions)

30th November 2025

Revised return

31st December 2025 

Belated/late return

31st December 2025 

Updated return

31 March 2030 (4 years from the end of the relevant Assessment Year)

Here's an image for your easy understanding:


Consequences of Missing the ITR Filing Deadline


If you submit your return after the deadline, you will be liable to pay interest at a rate of 1% per month or part month on the unpaid tax amount as per Section 234A.

Late fee

In case of late filing, Section 234F imposes a late fee of

  • Rs.5,000, if your total income exceeds Rs. 5 Lakh.
  • Rs.1,000, if your total income is within Rs.5 lakh

Loss Adjustment

In case you have incurred losses from sources like the stock market, mutual funds, properties, or any of your businesses, you have the option to carry them forward and offset them against your income in the subsequent year. This provision substantially reduces your tax liability in future years. However, you will not be allowed to carry forward these losses if you miss filing your ITR before the deadline.

What if ITR Filing is Missed?

Worried that you missed the due date for filing ITR? You can still file ITR in the following ways.

Belated Return

  • If you miss the ITR filing due date, you can file a return after the due date, called a belated return. 
  • However, you will still have to pay the late fee and interest charges, and you will not be allowed to carry forward any losses for future adjustments. 
  • You can still claim deductions and exemptions while filing belated returns.
  • The last date for filing a belated return is 31st December of the assessment year (unless extended by the government). 

Updated Return

  • Still, if you miss the 31st December deadline due to unavoidable reasons still you can file the updated return (ITR U) subject to the conditions specified therein.

What if ITR Filing has Errors?

Worried that you have already filed ITR and made some mistakes in it? You can easily revise the return that is already filed.

Revised Return

  •  Revised returns allows the assessee to rectify the errors made in the original return filed by the him.
  • The due date for filing revised returns is 31st December following the end of the financial year.
  • Lets understand this with an example. Mr. X has filed his income tax return for the financial year 2024-25 on 30th June, 2025. But on August 1st, he realized that he has not claimed certain deductions in his returns. Therefore, he now has the option to revise the return until 31st December 2025.

The Income Tax Department has extended the due date for filing revised returns for financial year 2023-24 to 15th January 2025.

What are Financial Year (FY) and Assessment Year (AY)?

  • The previous year is the year in which the income is earned, whereas the assessment year is the year in which the income is charged to tax. 
  • The assessment year begins where the previous year ends, i.e., the next year to the previous year. 
  • Return of income needs to be filed in the assessment year for the income earned in the previous year.


Let's understand this concept through an example.

  • The return you will file in the upcoming year is for the income you earned in FY 2024-25, i.e. for the income earned between 1 April 2024 and 31 March 2025. 
  • The assessment year is the year in which returns needs to be filed for income earned during FY 2024-2025. 
  • Therefore, the assessment year would be the immediately next year, i.e. 1st April 2025 to 31st March 2026. Hence, the assessment year would be AY 2025-26.

Important Due Dates for Paying Advance Tax Instalments for FY 2025-26

Whenever we talk about income tax, there are certain tax formalities that need to be followed within the specified due dates, such as filing income tax returns, paying advance tax on time, etc.   

The due dates for the payment of advance tax are:

Due date

Nature of compliance

Tax to be paid

15th June 2024

First instalment

15% of tax liability

15th September 2024

Second instalment

45% of tax liability

15th December 2024

Third Instalment

75% of tax liability

15th March 2025

Fourth instalment

100% of tax liability

15th March 2025

Presumptive scheme

100% of tax liability

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to pay income tax after the due date?

If you have missed paying taxes and filing your return within the due date, you will still be allowed to do so post the due date. However, a late filing penalty and interest will be levied while filing ITR. A penalty of Rs.5,000 is charged for the delay in filing of return. If the total income of the person is less than Rs.5 lakh, then the fee payable is Rs 1,000.

What section under the Income Tax Act allows an individual to file ITR after the due date?

Section 139(4) allows for the filing of a belated return, i.e., a return after the due date. A penalty of up to Rs.5,000 is charged for the delay in filing of return. 

What is the due date for filing an income tax return?

Usually, the due date to file an income tax return is 31st July for individuals and non-audit cases, and 31st October for audit cases of the relevant assessment year. You can seamlessly e-file your income tax return with Cleartax in under 3 minutes.

How to revise income tax returns before the due date?

If the taxpayer wants to revise the original return filed, the same can be done using the revised return under Section 139(5). The revised return can be filed as per the standard procedure followed for original return filing. However, the taxpayer has to submit the ITR under Section 139(5). The entire process of e-verification needs to be completed while revising the return.

How to revise income tax returns after the due date?

If the taxpayer wants to revise the original return after the due date, the same can be done using the revised return u/s 139(5). You can file a belated return on or before 31st December of the assessment year. Taxpayers cannot file any return once this date is passed. 

However, if the return was missed due to an extreme situation, you can lodge a request to your A.O. seeking permission to file past returns under Section 119.

What happens if the income tax return is not filed before the due date?

If you fail to file an income tax return within the due date, a belated return can be filed. However, a penalty of up to Rs.5,000 for late filing will be charged for filing belated returns. If the total income of the person is less than Rs.5 lakh, then the fee payable is Rs.1,000. 

What is the due date of return filing for Trusts?

The due date of return filing for trusts for FY 2024-25, whose accounts are not required to be audited is 31st July 2025. If the accounts of the trust are required to be audited, the due date to file ITR will be 31st October 2025.     
Suppose the trust is required to furnish a report in Form No. 3CEB u/s section 92E, the due date to file ITR will be 30th November 2025.

What is the due date of return filing for Companies?

The due date for the return filing of domestic companies for FY 2024-25 is 31st October 2025. However, if the company is having any international transaction or specified domestic transaction and is required to furnish a report in Form No. 3CEB u/s section 92E, the due date to file ITR will be 30th November 2025.

What is the last date to file ITR?

The last date to file ITR for individuals is 31st July of the relevant assessment year and 31st October for taxpayers whose accounts are subject to audit.

What is an income tax audit?

It is the examination and inspection of an entity’s books of accounts to ensure compliance with the Income Tax Act, 1961. Only certain types of assesses need to get their tax audit done by a CA or a firm of CAs.

What can be done if the 31st December due date return is also missed?

An updated return can be filed within 4 years from the end of the relevant Assessment year, if 31st December due date is also missed

Will the refund be delayed for filing the return after the due date?

Yes, if the return is filed after the deadline, then the refund credited to the assessee’s bank account might also be delayed. 

Will there be any penalty for filing the return if the income falls below the taxable limit?

No penalty or interest is levied for filing income tax return after the due date if the income is below the taxable limit.

Whether the penalty and interest both are imposed for late filing of Income Tax Return?
  • For Taxable Income up to Rs. 5,00,000, penalty may be applied up to Rs.1,000. 
  • Penalty of  Rs. 5,000 for taxable income exceeding Rs.5,00,000.  
  • Further interest is charged at the rate of 1% per month on the unpaid amount of tax, if any.
What is the earliest date to file Income Tax Return?

The earliest date to file Income Tax Return in 1st April of the Assessment Year. For instance, the earliest date to file Income Tax Return for AY 2025-26 is 1st April 2025.

Can i file my ITR later if i miss the due date?

ITR can be filed after the due date but such ITR should be filed before 31st December. This ITR will be considered Belated Return and a late filing fee will be levied along with interest.

Can I file Income Tax Return after 31st December?

Yes, you can file income tax return after 31st December using ITR-U. However, you will be required to pay penalty of upto Rs. 5,000 and additional tax will be levied at 25% or 50% of the tax and interest due depending on whether the ITR-U is filed within 12 or 24 months from the end of the relevant assessment year.

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About the Author

I'm a chartered accountant, well-versed in the ins and outs of income tax, GST, and keeping the books balanced. Numbers are my thing, I can sift through financial statements and tax codes with the best of them. But there's another side to me – a side that thrives on words, not figures. Read more

Clear offers taxation & financial solutions to individuals, businesses, organizations & chartered accountants in India. Clear serves 1.5+ Million happy customers, 20000+ CAs & tax experts & 10000+ businesses across India.

Efiling Income Tax Returns(ITR) is made easy with Clear platform. Just upload your form 16, claim your deductions and get your acknowledgment number online. You can efile income tax return on your income from salary, house property, capital gains, business & profession and income from other sources. Further you can also file TDS returns, generate Form-16, use our Tax Calculator software, claim HRA, check refund status and generate rent receipts for Income Tax Filing.

CAs, experts and businesses can get GST ready with Clear GST software & certification course. Our GST Software helps CAs, tax experts & business to manage returns & invoices in an easy manner. Our Goods & Services Tax course includes tutorial videos, guides and expert assistance to help you in mastering Goods and Services Tax. Clear can also help you in getting your business registered for Goods & Services Tax Law.

Save taxes with Clear by investing in tax saving mutual funds (ELSS) online. Our experts suggest the best funds and you can get high returns by investing directly or through SIP. Download Black by ClearTax App to file returns from your mobile phone.

Cleartax is a product by Defmacro Software Pvt. Ltd.

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