Here is the IFSC & MICR Codes of Icici Bank,Ranjangaon, Maharashtra, Ranjangaon, Maharashtra. Also get the latest address, contact number of Icici Bank, Ranjangaon, Maharashtra.
Bank: | ICICI BANK |
IFSC: | ICIC0001476 |
MICR Code: | 411229030 |
Branch Code: | 001476 (Last Six Characters of IFSC Code) |
Branch: | Ranjangaon, Maharashtra |
City: | Ranjangaon |
District: | Pune |
State: | Maharashtra |
Address: | Icici Bank Ltd., Gate No. 1798/1a, Gayatri Bhavan, Ranjangaon Ganpati - 412209, Pune Dist., Maharashtra. |
Phone No: | NA |
IFSC code is allotted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to all banks and its branches. The IFSC code of a bank can be commonly found on a bank account passbook, cheque leaf issued by the bank or on the RBI website. Any kind of fund transfer through a bank requires a valid IFSC. The different types of fund transfers are NEFT, RTGS and IMPS.
The 11 alphanumeric code of IFSC is structured in a pattern where the first four characters representing the name of the bank, while the last six characters represent the branch of the bank. The fifth character is generally 0 (zero) reserved for future utilisation. The format of IFSC is as below.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Bank Code | 0 | Branch Code |