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Laxmi Goldorna House Ltd

BSE: 535354
This stock is currently not listed in BSE
52w high/low icon
52w high/low
₹21.5 / ₹14
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Shareholding pattern

What is shareholding pattern? Who are shareholders?

Shareholding pattern represents the percentage of share ownership that different investors are holding in the company. A company can have multiple investors who invest in its shares. These are called as shareholders and there are two major categories of shareholders - promoters and public shareholders.
Promoters are typically the founders and public shareholders could be financial institutes like banks, insurance companies, domestic institutional investors, foreign institutional investors and common public.

Cash flow

What is a cash flow statement?

It is a financial statement that offers aggregate statistics on all cash inflows a business collects from its continuing activities and external sources of investment. It also includes all cash outflows over a specified time paying for company operations and investments.The main components of the CFS are cash from three areas: operating, investing, and financing activities...Read more

Balance Sheet

What is a balance sheet?

A balance sheet is a financial statement that records the assets, liabilities, and equity of a company at a certain point in time and provides a basis for estimating return rates and determining the capital structure. It offers a snapshot of what an entity owns and owes, as well as the sum that shareholders spend.The balance sheet complies with the following accounting equation in which assets on the one side, and liabilities plus shareholders' equity on the other, balance out:
Assets = Liabilities + Shareholder's Equity
This is used to conduct fundamental analysis or the estimation of financial ratios alongside other essential financial statements, such as income statement and statement of cash flows...Read more

Profit and loss

What is a profit and loss statement?

A profit and loss statement is a financial statement that represents the revenues, costs and expenses that the company has incurred during a quater or a fiscal year. It is also sometimes referred to as statement of profit and loss, income statement or statement of operations. This statement basically shows the investors and management whether the company has incurred profits or losses and in which areas.

Key Ratios

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What are dividends?

Dividend, in financial terms, means a certain amount shared with shareholders of a company or a mutual fund on a regular basis – monthly, quarterly or annually. Read more


What are bonuses?

A bonus issue is an offer given to the existing shareholders of the company to subscribe for additional shares. Instead of increasing the dividend payout, the companies off... Read more

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About Laxmi Goldorna House Ltd

Laxmi Goldorna House Limited was originally incorporated as a private limited company with the name 'Laxmi Goldorna House Private Limited' on January 07, 2010 in Gujarat. Further, the Company was converted into Public Limited Company and consequently name of company was changed from 'Laxmi Goldorna House Private Limited' to 'Laxmi Goldorna House Limited' on July 25, 2017. The Company was originally promoted by Mr. Jayesh Chinubhai Shah and Mrs. Rupalben Jayeshkumar Shah who were the initial subscribers to the Company's Memorandum and Articles of Association in the year 2009-10 and also they are Present Promoters of the Company. The Company is an ISO 9001:2015 certified Company and has started its journey in the year 2010 with business of gold jewellery and ornaments which includes wholesale and retail trading of all types of jewellery items. Also the Company process some of its jewellery through jobwork. With continuous growth in jewellery and ornaments business the Company has diversified its business activity in real estate in the year 2017 which includes construction of commercial and residential Projects by adding real estate business in its main Object in Memorandum of Association.

Key info

Laxmi House M G Haveli Road, OppBandharanoKhacho ManekChowk, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 380001
Fax Nos.
91-79-9898 033044
Telephone Nos.
91-79-2214 9482

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