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    White Revolution

    What Is White Revolution?

    The White Revolution is the dramatic surge in milk production in India under the leadership of Dr Verghese Kurien, which made India the world's largest milk producer. It began in 1970 with Operation Flood, spearheaded by the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), to enhance dairy farming and rural incomes.

    Phases Of White Revolution In India

    Phase I (1970-1980): Foundation & Growth

    The initial phase of the White Revolution was initiated by the introduction of Operation Flood in 1970 by the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) with financial support from the European Economic Community (EEC). The phase focused on increasing milk production by setting up dairy development programmes in ten different states.

    Phase II (1981-1985): Expansion & Self-Sufficiency

    In the second phase, there was exponential milk production. Milk was produced using enhanced breeding methods through veterinary and artificial insemination, and it was distributed smoothly and efficiently through veterinary services. The government consolidated dairy cooperatives and enhanced cold storage and transport facilities so that the distribution of milk was smooth and efficientDuring this phase, the country became almost self-sufficient in dairy production with minimal reliance on imported milk and dairy products.

    Phase III (1985-1996): Sustained Growth & Commercialization

    The third phase focused on strengthening existing dairy cooperatives and encouraging private sector participation in milk production and processing. With the increase in milk production and improved storage and processing facilities, India became a leading exporter of dairy products, achieving complete self-sufficiency in milk production by the end of this phase.

    Advantages Of White Revolution

    • Increased Milk Supply: Made India the world's largest milk-producing countryraising nourishment levels.
    • Job Opportunities in Rural AreasProvided millions of employment opportunitiesparticularly for farmers and women from rural areas.
    • Economic IncreaseBoosted India's GDP, powering an agrarian-based economy.
    • Improved Self-Sufficiency: Diminished reliance on milk imports, enhancing food safety.
    • Growth of the Dairy SectorSpurred technological change in processing, storage, and transportation of dairy products.

    Key Takeaways

    White Revolution turned India into the world's largest milk producer through Operation Flood, enhancing rural incomes, dairy infrastructure, and self-sufficiency and stimulating economic growth and nutrition.


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