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  3. Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates

GST rates and HSN code for Fish, Fresh, Chilled.

Origin Chapter: Chapter 3

HSN Code Description Rate (%) CESS (%) Effective Date Rate Revision
302 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fish Fillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304 - Salmonidae, Excluding Livers And Roes: Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3021100 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304Salmonidae, Excluding Livers And Roes : Trout (Salmo Trutta, Oncorhynchus Mykiss, Oncorhynchus Clarki, Oncorhynchusaguabonita, Oncorhynchus Gilae,Oncorhynchus Apache And Onco Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3021300 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304-Salmonidae, Excluding Livers And Roes : --Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus Nerka, Oncorhynchus Gorbuscha, Oncorhynchusketa, Oncorhynchus Tschawytscha,Oncorhynchus Kisutch, Oncor Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3021400 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304-Salmonidae, Excluding Livers And Roes : --Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) And Danube Salmon (Hucho Hucho) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3021900 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304Salmonidae, Excluding Livers And Roes : Other Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3022100 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304Flat Fish (Pleutronectidae, Bothidae,Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidaeand Citharidae), Excluding Livers And Roes : Halibut (Reinhardtius Hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus H Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3022200 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304Flat Fish (Pleutronectidae, Bothidae,Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidaeand Citharidae), Excluding Livers And Roes : Plaice (Pleuronectes Platessa) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3022300 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304Flat Fish (Pleutronectidae, Bothidae,Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidaeand Citharidae), Excluding Livers And Roes : Sole (Solea Spp.) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3022900 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304Flat Fish (Pleutronectidae, Bothidae,Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidaeand Citharidae), Excluding Livers And Roes : Other Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3023100 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304Tunas (Of The Genus Thunnus), Skipjack Orstripe?Bellied Bonito [Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)Pelamis], Excluding Livers And Roes : Albacore Or Longfinned Tunas Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3023200 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304Tunas (Of The Genus Thunnus), Skipjack Orstripe?Bellied Bonito [Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)Pelamis], Excluding Livers And Roes : Yellowfin Tunas (Thunnus Albacares) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3023300 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304Tunas (Of The Genus Thunnus), Skipjack Orstripe?Bellied Bonito [Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)Pelamis], Excluding Livers And Roes : Skipjack Or Stripe Bellied Bonito Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3023400 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304Tunas (Of The Genus Thunnus), Skipjack Orstripe?Bellied Bonito [Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)Pelamis], Excluding Livers And Roes : Bigeye Tunas (Thunnus Obesus) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3023500 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304Tunas (Of The Genus Thunnus), Skipjack Orstripe?Bellied Bonito [Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)Pelamis], Excluding Livers And Roes : Bluefin Tunas (Thunnus Thynnus) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3023600 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304Tunas (Of The Genus Thunnus), Skipjack Orstripe?Bellied Bonito [Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)Pelamis], Excluding Livers And Roes : Southern Bluefin Tunas (Thunnus Maccoyii) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3023900 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304Tunas (Of The Genus Thunnus), Skipjack Orstripe?Bellied Bonito [Euthynnus (Katsuwonus)Pelamis], Excluding Livers And Roes : Other Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3024000 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304Herrings (Clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii) Excluding Livers And Roes Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3024100 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fish Fillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304-Herrings (Clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii), Anchovies (Engraulis Spp.), Sardines (Sardina Pilchardus, Sardinops Spp.), Sardinella (Sardinella Spp.) Brisling Or Sprats(Spra Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3024200 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fish Fillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304-Herrings (Clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii), Anchovies (Engraulis Spp.), Sardines (Sardina Pilchardus, Sardinops Spp.), Sardinella (Sardinella Spp.) Brisling Or Sprats(Spra Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3024300 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fish Fillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304-Herrings (Clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii), Anchovies (Engraulis Spp.), Sardines (Sardina Pilchardus, Sardinops Spp.), Sardinella (Sardinella Spp.) Brisling Or Sprats(Spra Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3024400 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fish Fillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304-Herrings (Clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii), Anchovies (Engraulis Spp.), Sardines (Sardina Pilchardus, Sardinops Spp.), Sardinella (Sardinella Spp.) Brisling Or Sprats(Spra Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3024500 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fish Fillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304-Herrings (Clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii), Anchovies (Engraulis Spp.), Sardines (Sardina Pilchardus, Sardinops Spp.), Sardinella (Sardinella Spp.) Brisling Or Sprats(Spra Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3024600 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fish Fillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304-Herrings (Clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii), Anchovies (Engraulis Spp.), Sardines (Sardina Pilchardus, Sardinops Spp.), Sardinella (Sardinella Spp.) Brisling Or Sprats(Spra Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3024700 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fish Fillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304-Herrings (Clupea Harengus, Clupea Pallasii), Anchovies (Engraulis Spp.), Sardines (Sardina Pilchardus, Sardinops Spp.), Sardinella (Sardinella Spp.) Brisling Or Sprats(Spra Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3025000 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304Cod (Gadus Morhua, Gadus Ogac, Gadus Macrocephalus), Excluding Livers And Roes Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3025100 Cod (Gadus Morhua, Gadus Ogas, Gadus Macrocephalus) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3025200 Haddock (Melanogrammus Aeglefinus) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3025300 Coalfish (Pollachius Virens) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3025400 Hake (Merluccius Spp., Urophycis Spp.) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3025500 Alaska Pollack(Theragra Chalcorramma) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3025600 Blue Whitings (Micromeisitius Potassou, Micromeisitius Australis) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3025900 Other Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3026100 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304 Other Fish, Excluding Livers And Roes : Sardines (Sardina Pilchardus, Sardinops Spp.), Sardinella (Sardinella Spp.) Brisling Or Sprats(Sprattus Sprattus) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3026200 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304 Other Fish, Excluding Livers And Roes Haddock (Melanogrammus Aeglefinus) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3026300 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304 Other Fish, Excluding Livers And Roes Coalfish (Pollachius Virens) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3026400 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304 Other Fish, Excluding Livers And Roes Mackerel (Scomber Scombrus, Scomber Australasicus, Scomber Japonicus) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3026500 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304 Other Fish, Excluding Livers And Roes Dogfish And Other Sharks Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3026600 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fish Fillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304- Other Fish, Excluding Livers And Roes:-- Eels (Anguilla Spp.) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3026700 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fish Fillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304- Other Fish, Excluding Livers And Roes:-- Swordfish (Xiphias Gladius) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3026800 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fish Fillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304- Other Fish, Excluding Livers And Roes:-- Toothfish (Dissostichus Spp.) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3026910 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304 Other Fish, Excluding Livers And Roes Other : Hilsa Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3026920 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304 Other Fish, Excluding Livers And Roes Other Dara Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3026930 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304 Other Fish, Excluding Livers And Roes Other Pomfret Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3026990 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304 Other Fish, Excluding Livers And Roes Other Other Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3027000 Fish, Fresh Or Chilled, Excluding Fishfillets And Other Fish Meat Of Heading 0304Livers And Roes Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3027100 Tilapias (Oreochromis Spp.P Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3027200 Catfish (Pangalasius Spp.,Silurus Spp.,Clarias Spp., Ictalurus Spp.) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3027300 Carp(Cyprinus Carpio, Carassius Carassius, Clenpharyngadon Idellus, Hypotaspp., Mylopharyngodon Piceus)Lmichthys Spp., Cirrhinus Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3027400 Eels (Anguilla Spp.) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3027900 Other Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3028100 Dogfish And Other Sharks Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3028200 Rays And Skates (Rajidae) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3028300 Toothfish (Dissostichus Spp.) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3028400 Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus Spp.) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3028500 Seabream(Sparidae) Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3028910 Hilsa Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3028920 Dara Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3028930 Pomfret Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3028990 Other Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil
3029000 Livers And Roes Nil 0 01/07/2017 Nil

Disclaimer: Rates given above are updated up to the GST (Rate) notification no. 05/2020 dated 16th October 2020 to the best of our information. We have sourced the HSN code information from the master codes published on the NIC's GST e-Invoice system. There may be variations due to updates by the government. Kindly note that we are not responsible for any wrong information. If you need information about the "Effective Date" for every GST or cess rates, then please visit the CBIC website.
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