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Announcement of GST Revised Rates

Updated on: Dec 19th, 2024


3 min read

The GST Council, in it’s 28th meeting held on the 21st of July 2018, recommended rate cuts on several goods. The move aimed to hit the consumer segment positively, through Rate rationalisation.

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Next GST council meeting date has been announced. 32nd GST Council meeting will be held on 10th January 2019 at New Delhi Decisions on rate cuts for the Housing sector and Private Lottery scheme distribution, on whether to introduce the service sector under composition scheme and much more! Read more about 32nd GST Council Meeting.

31st GST Council Meet Rate cuts
23 goods and few services underwent rate cuts at the 31st GST Council meeting held on 22nd December 2018

The key industries benefited by this are:

  1. Automobiles
  2. FMCG
  3. Handicrafts sector

This will mean that authorities are vigilant about the Anti-profiteering rules being strictly implemented to pass the benefits to the end-consumers. These rate cuts are summarised industry wise below:

IndustryItemOld Rate (%)New Rate (%)Rate Cut (%)
AutomobileLithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles281810
Concrete Mixers281810
Crane Lorries281810
Spraying Lorries281810
Fire Fighting Vehicles
Work Trucks used for goods transportation in factories, warehouses, dock areas, or airports281810
Semi Trailers281810
Fuel Cell Vehicles281216
Oil and GasEthanol18513
Brass Kerosene Stove18126
FMCGSanitary Napkins12012
Scent Sprays281810
Toilet Sprays281810
Powder Puffs281810
Cosmetic Pads281810
Glaziers' Putty281810
Grafting Putty281810
Resin Cements281810
Consumer ElectricalsWashing Machines281810
Vacuum Cleaners281810
Televisions (upto 68cm)281810
Water Coolers281810
Ice Cream Freezers281810
Milk Coolers281810
Food Grinders281810
Hair Clippers281810
Storage Water Heaters281810
Immersion Water Heaters281810
Hair Dryers281810
Hand Dryers281810
Electric Smoothing Irons281810
FootwearFootwear costing upto Rs 1,000 per pair*
*earlier, 5% GST was charged for value upto Rs.500 per pair
TextileChenille Fabrics1257
Handloom Dari1257
Knotted Caps costing under Rs 1,0001257
Jewellery Boxes18126
ConstructionBamboo Flooring18126
AgriculturePhosphoric Acid (Fertilizer Grade)1257
Solid Biofuel Pellets
Coir Pith Compost505
Art and Handicrafts (cottage industry)Stone/Marble/Wood Deities505
Wood Frames18126
Art Ware of Cork18126
Stone Art Ware18126
Stone Inlay Work18126
Ornamental Framed Mirrors18126
Glass Statues18126
Glass Art Ware18126
Art Ware of Iron18126
Art Ware of Brass18126
Art Ware of Copper18126
Art Ware of Nickel18126
Art ware of Silver18126
Aluminium Art Ware18126
Handcrafted Lamps18126
Worked Vegetable or Mineral Carvings18126
Wax Articles18126
Ganjifa Card18126
Handmade Carpets1257
Handmade Lace1257
Hand Woven Tapestries1257
Handmade Braids1257
Sal Leaves18018
Siali Leaves505
Sabai Rope12012
Phool Bhari Jhadoo505
Khali Dona505

Note: These rates have not been implemented yet. They will be made effective from 27th July 2018, the notification for which is still pending.

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