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    Common Law

    What Is Common Law?

    Common law is a system founded on judicial precedents instead of codified legislation. It develops through judgments in courts, where judges explain laws and create precedents to guide subsequent cases. Common law originated in England but has a pervasive effect on the legal systems of numerous countries, such as India.

    Benefits Of Common Law In India

    • Judicial Precedents: Court decisions establish legal principles binding on future cases.
    • Uncodified Law: Although codified laws exist in India, standard law principles and rules continue to apply where statutes are silent.
    • Role of Judiciary: Judges form an essential aspect of law development through interpretation and case decisions.
    • Flexibility & Evolution: The system evolves with time based on new judgments and shifting societal norms.

    Example Of Common Law In India: Law Of Torts

    The Indian Law of Torts follows common law. It permits people to recover compensation for civil wrongs like negligence, defamation, or nuisance. Courts use precedents and judicial constructs to resolve tort cases, a reflection of the dominance of common law in India.

    Key Takeaways

    Indian common law is a convention-led tradition-based legal system. It offers a framework wherein flexibility and interpretation can be applied by the judiciary .It remedies law gapsprovides consistency, and is essential in fields such as tort law, where legislation is limited.


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