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    Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR)

    What is the Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR)?

    The Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) is a financial metric used to assess an individual’s, company's, or government’s ability to repay debt obligations. It measures whether an entity generates enough income to cover its principal and interest payments.

    higher DSCR indicates strong financial health, making it easier to obtain loans, while a low DSCR suggests financial strain and a possible risk of default.

    How to Calculate DSCR?

    Formula for Businesses:

                    Net Operating Income
    DSCR  =  一一一一一一一一一一
                     Annual Debt Payments


            DSCR      =   一一一一一一一一一
                                  Interest + Principal


                              EBITDA - CapEx
         DSCR     =     一一一一一一一一一
                                Interest + Principal

    • EBITDA: Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization.
    • CapExCapital Expenditures (subtracted to show available cash flow for debt repayment).

    Interpreting DSCR

    • DSCR > 1 → Sufficient income to cover debt payments (favourable for loans).
    • DSCR < 1 → Insufficient income; higher risk of default.
    • DSCR = 1 → Just enough income to cover debt, but no extra cushion.

    Importance of DSCR in Finance

    • Used by lenders to evaluate loan eligibility.
    • It helps businesses measure financial stability.
    • Assists investors in assessing company risk before investing.
    • It is more comprehensive than Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR), which includes total debt service rather than interest payments.

    Key Takeaways

    • A higher DSCR improves the chances of getting a loan approval.
    • It includes existing and new debt obligations.
    • Market conditions & credit history also affect loan decisions.
    • Depending on financial history, some banks may approve loans even if DSCR = 1.

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