Henry Gantt first developed Gantt chart for a graphical representation of a project schedule. The Gantt chart displays the different components of a project and eases the process of project management. The components include the activities to be carried out, resources required, targets to be achieved, and other aids required for meeting the targets.
Understanding a Gantt Chart:
By assisting in project planning, Gantt chart facilitates sequencing activities required for project execution. Gantt charts use horizontal bars to represent data. Each horizontal bar is representative of the estimated time for each activity.
The chart also enables monitoring of progress and completion of work with respect to the planned timelines. Hence, project managers know about the planned work, progress to date, and completion. The project managers can report on the status of the project and compile reports.
An analysis of the Gantt chart helps in determining the tasks that can be completed parallelly, tasks that are lined after completion of one another. The chart also helps in identifying any issues in the implementation of the planned activities. Monitoring the chart can help in knowing if any resetting activities or resetting of priorities are required.
The chart can be further broken into critical activities, non-critical activities, and slack time available. Critical activities have to be performed on time; non-critical activities can be delayed within the slack time available. The project duration is mapped on the chart with start dates, completion dates, and work duration.
Gantt chart can be used in a variety of industries, for small or big projects. For example, it can be used to assess the progress of dam building, highway development, construction of bridges, software programming, pharmaceutical research, and so on. Small projects are those built on a small scale.
Various examples of project management tools include SharePoint, Microsoft Excel, Matchware; they help in developing Gantt charts.