Introduction to Proof of Concept
When you develop a new business idea and work hard to execute it, but it does not get the response you expected it can be very demotivating. So, having your idea validated before you put it out in the world can be of great help in respect to going forward with it and putting more effort into producing it on a large scale.
You can get this validation about your idea or product by developing a proof of concept or POC which is an initial test of your product’s potential for success in the real world. Proof of concept is an important part of developing your product as it tests the product’s feasibility and prove it’s possible success.
Through this article we will have a brief look at the proof of concept and how you can develop it to test your business idea.
What is Proof of Concept (POC)?
Proof of concept is basically the initial test of your idea to check whether the idea can be turned into reality and if done so will it be successful in the real world. This helps the creator of the idea or product to understand the feasibility of the idea and whether it will turn out as envisioned by the creator.
Proof of concept is usually developed in the initial phase of creation, which is the ideation phase that takes place before the extensive work that goes in for developing the project as a whole. So the proof of concept is done on a relatively initial model of the idea or product.
The proof of concept does not test the product’s demand in the market or what production process will be best for the product. It focuses on whether the idea is viable and whether it can be turned into a reality. So basically, proof of concept tests the potential of the idea but does not test the demand that it has in the market.
Developing a proof of concept will help you to understand any potential issues that may prevent your product’s success in the market. This helps you as the product owner to make the necessary changes that will improve your product, and give you validation that your product has the desired potential.
Proof of concept is also used as a reference to convince investors and managers to invest in your project by proving its viability and success. How to create proof of concept? While creating the proof of concept you should follow the following process: - Identify your audience - Create a criteria for success - Have an evaluation component - Create a proof of concept - Get internal feedback - Finalise the proof of concept