
What is Contra Entry: Meaning, Examples, Format, Advantages

By Adnan Ali


Updated on: Apr 30th, 2024


5 min read

Every day, financial transactions have become so common and automated that nobody cares about the financing mechanics that make them happen. A contra account is needed whenever a transaction involves a physical or digital money transfer, resulting in bank and cash account changes. Contra entry matches credit and debit transactions to maintain balanced ledger accounts. 

What is Contra Entry in Accounting?

Contra entry denotes the shifting of funds between connected accounts. When a beneficiary account is credited, the sender account must be debited accordingly. Contra-entry transactions happen between comparable accounts or using cash related to bank accounts. These transactions are contra in nature, and hence the name. Contra entry is often called a contra voucher. 

Types of Contra Entry

When there is a contra entry, it means that resources are circulated internally between records that are financially aligned with each other. Contra entry is made in cases of the following transactions:

  • Cash account to bank account
  • Cash account to cash account 
  • Bank account to cash account
  • Ban account to bank account

Businesses usually maintain a bank account and petty cash account. The petty cash account is used for minor expenses like stationery, refreshments, courier charges, etc. Funds for petty cash accounts are usually transferred from the main bank account. 

What is the purpose of contra entry?

Multiple chart accounts are essential for businesses with more than one bank account. Contra entry is needed when you transfer cash from one account to another. It becomes necessary for the following accounts:

  • Petty cash account
  • Cash on hand
  • Cash at bank

Contra entry always offsets transactions between two separate company accounts for accounts payable and accounts receivables. It may also involve transactions between two companies to reconcile bank accounts. 

Contra entry is associated with deposits and withdrawals to and from bank accounts. When there is a contra entry, it means that the transaction affects both cash and bank balances. 

The important point to note here is that contra-entry doesn't affect the business's financial position. It is only used to offset entries on either side of accounts. 

Contra Entry Journal Entry

A cash book is used for contra entries. This book contains cash and bank columns so that transactions involving both accounts are entered into the same book. This is also called a contra book. It is a double cash book.

On both sides of the cash book, the L.F. column will contain the letter C, denoting contra entries. 

Contra Entry Examples

Knowing the meaning of contra entry is vital to ensure accurate bookkeeping. Only contra entries must be entered into the contra book. Some examples that help in understanding contra entries are explained here:

TransactionIs it a contra-entryReason
Transfer of Rs 25,000 cash to petty cash accountYesIt involves 2 cash accounts – a petty cash account and a cash account
Rs 5000 withdrawn from ATM of office bank account towards petty expensesYesIt involves 2 accounts – a company bank account and a petty cash account
Rs 15,000 cash deposit to office bank accountYesIt involves 2 accounts – a cash account and a company bank account
Rs 2000 cash saleNo It affects only one account – the cash account
Paid cheque for Rs 5000 to a vendor, Mr AakashNoIt affects only one account – the cash account
Received cheque from client M/S Sharma for Rs 9000 NoIt affects only one account – the company bank account
Made cash purchase for Rs 1500NoIt affects only one account – the cash account
Salary of Rs 20000 paid by chequeNoIt affects only one account – the cash account

How to Enter Contra Entry?

As contra entries affect both cash and bank accounts, you must enter the details accurately. Debit transactions are written on the debit side (Dr) and will have a To entry. Destination accounts will have a corresponding entry on the credit side (Cr) and will have a By entry. You must enter two entries corresponding to both affected accounts in the same entry book. 

In the double entry method, all transactions are recorded twice side by side to offset the transactions and clear any confusion.  

Following is the format for contra entries:

Cash Book


Dr (Receipts)

Cr (Payments)

DateParticularsRN (Register Number)L.F (Ledger Folio)CashBankDateParticularsRNL.FCashBank

[Cash withdrawn from the bank]

To Bank

 C15,000 11.09By Cash C 15,000

[Paid into bank]

To Cash

 C 23,00021.10By Bank C23,000 


Advantages and Disadvantages of Contra Entries


Some of the advantages of contra entries are:

  • Streamlined recording of all offsetting transactions in a single book 
  • Accurate financial reporting of all related transactions 
  • Simplified reconciliation with consolidated transactions 
  • Clear representation of financial transactions that involve both cash and bank accounts

It also has a few disadvantages:

  • Increased complexity involving double entries for each transaction 
  • Misstatements if the bookkeeper doesn't correctly understand what contra entry is
  • Limited applicability as it can be used only for specific transactions 


Contra entries make it possible to track financial records involving cash and bank accounts. It is crucial for accurate bookkeeping and accounting. As contra entries involve two related accounts, they are recorded on opposite sides of the cash book. The double entries help with reconciliation and simplification. However, maintaining contra entries is time-consuming, and misinterpretation can result in inaccuracies. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is contra entry with an example?

Contra entry in bookkeeping records transactions on both credit and debit sides involving cash and bank accounts of a company. These transactions offset each other. For example, if a company withdraws Rs 1000 from its bank account for office expenses, the contra entry will look like this:

Bank account (debit) – Rs 1000

Cash account (credit) – Rs 1000

What is the double entry for contra?

The double entry for contra refers to the process of recording the same transaction twice – one for debit and credit. One of the accounts is debited, and the other is credited accordingly. 

What do you mean by contra entry?

Contra is derived from the Latin name, which means opposite. Contra entry refers to opposing transactions (debit and credit) involving cash and bank accounts. When there is a contra entry, it means that both transactions offset each other. In most cases, contra-entry refers to transfers or adjustments within the same entity. Cash withdrawals, deposits, or transfers between a company's bank accounts all come under contra entries. 

What is contra entry in class 11?

As per Class 11 accounting, contra-entry transactions record both debit and credit transactions within the same ledger accounts.  

About the Author

I am a curious person, and Finance is at the top of my list of interests. With more than 5 years of experience in fintech, I am an expert in lending, investment and personal finance. I believe the Devil lies in details, so I dig a lot before writing anything and armed my writing pieces with figures and facts. Read more

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