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ClearTax GST Software- How to Create All Types of Sales Invoices

Updated on: Jul 13th, 2021


4 min read

In this article, we will go through “how to create all types of sales invoices” through ClearTax GST software.

How to Create a Normal Sale Invoice?

To create a normal invoice, follow the below steps:

  • Select the option of ‘Sales Invoices’ on your dashboard
  • Now, you will get the option to create different kinds of sales documents
  • If you want to make a bill for any goods, then click on ‘New Sales Invoice’
  • To make the bill, you have to fill in all the details here. But first, let us understand these fields:
  • For Invoice ID, write the serial number of the bill
  • For Reference Number, add any information relevant to you such as Order number etc
  • Under Due Date, write the date when you will collect payment against the sale but filling this detail is not mandatory
  • Under Customer Name, add the name of your customer. If the name is not saved already then you can add a New Customer
  • Under Billing address, the customer’s address will be auto-populated. If you want to change this, then click on Edit and after changing the information, click on Save
  • For Shipping address, insert the address of where you want to deliver the items. If the shipping address is same as the billing address, then tick the box that reads Same as Billing Address. 

(Do remember that it is not necessary that the shipping and billing addresses will always be identical. They can be different

  • Add the information of the goods to be sold. If you want, you can make new information here. Now click on Save

A sample invoice is below for reference Watch a video on How to Create a Normal Sales Invoice

How to Create a Reverse Charge Invoice?

Advance Settings - Reverse Charge

The steps to create an invoice under reverse charge are just the same as that of creating a normal sales invoice Additionally, you need to go to Advance Settings below and click on Reverse Charge The invoice will be saved as a transaction under reverse charge  

Watch a video on How to Create a Sales Invoice under Reverse Charge

How to Bulk Import Invoices?

Here’s what you can do to bulk import your invoices: If your business has a large number of sale bills and you want to keep all of them together in your account, then use the Bulk Import feature. You can use the bulk import feature even when you have been using any other accounting software such as Tally, Busy to record your bills, but want to file your GST returns through ClearTax GST. Here’s a step by step guide to explain you the process:

  • To use the bulk import feature, login to your account 
  • Select the business that you want to import bills for
  • Now click on ‘GSTR 1’
  • Go To ‘Prepare Data’
  • Click on ‘Upload Excel’
  • The following screen will appear

Select the type of upload option carefully – Govt/ Tally/ Busy Format

  • If you are using Government Utility or excel exported from tally or Busy use this option
  • Select the period and tick mark the sheets you want to upload

– Clear Tax/ Tally Patch Format

  • Select this option if you are using Clear tax Template to import data
  • Select this option if you have installed our Tally Patch in your Tally
  • Select the Period
  • Select the type of template. There are 3 different templates for Sales Invoices, Credit/ Debit Notes, Advance Receipts

– E-Commerce Format

  • We have created templates for our E-Commerce Partners. Taxpayers selling on these E-Commerce platforms can use our templates
  • Select your E-Commerce platform and then select the type of template
  • After selecting the appropriate template, upload the excel.

On Successful import of data, the following screen will appear In case or any error in the data the following screen will appear As you can see, there are 3 kinds of notes here:

  • Number of invoices that will show all bills
  • Failed invoices that will show only those bills that have errors
  • Passed invoices will show bills that have no errors

Let’s now see how to fix errors in a bill: If a bill has any error, you can click on it to fill the right information. After you have fixed all the errors, click on Revalidate.

How to Create a Freight/Transportation Invoice?

When you sell goods and add any transport cost to your bill, it is necessary to show it on your bill. Would the sale bill have additional information such as freight/transport/packing charges or tax? How will you show it on your bill? Yes, any expense you charge on your bill will have GST applied to them. Add this expense to your total taxable value or you can add it to the value of each individual item. To create a Freight/Transportation invoice, follow the below steps:

  • Click here to show Freight, delivery or transport on the Sale Bill
  • Now, click to make a list of those changes
  • In the item description, insert freight, delivery or transport charges and under item type, Add the goods and save
  • Add the billable charge here and select the tax rate at which you have sold other goods

After the whole process, the entire tax amount will be calculated. This way, you can add all these charges to your bill. Watch a Video on How to add Freight Charges to a Sale Bill

Different Billing and Shipping Addresses (Place of Supply)?

Under GST, the time when the tax will be levied depends on the supply of goods. The tax type, such as CGST, SGST or IGST depends on the place of supply, that is, where you are supplying goods from. There are rules to know to determine the place of supply but usually, it is your billing address. As we all know, the correct place of tax will determine the right kind of tax and if we make a mistake here then we pay the tax to the wrong department. We understand the problems this might pose and that’s why at the time of making the bill, we give you the option of selecting the place of supply yourself. Do note that under billing address, the registered address of your business will be auto-populated. To create an invoice in case of different billing and Shipping addresses, follow the below steps:

  • If your shipping address is the same as the billing address then tick the box that reads Same as Billing Address
  • If it is not the same, then enter it in the given space
  • This shipping address will the place of supply of your sale

Watch a Video on How to Create an Invoice for Different Billing and Shipping Addresses (Place of Supply)

How to Print Invoices?

Here’s what you can do to print your invoices:

  • After you make a sale bill, first save it
  • You will see a Print option on the bill. Click on that to print the bill.
  • If you haven’t correctly entered the address of your business then fill the information you see on your screen
  • Now save and click on Print

Note: The fields marked Optional, are not necessary. Every time you print a bill after this, you will get this information pre-filled on the bill. Watch a Video on How to Print Sales Invoices.

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Clear offers taxation & financial solutions to individuals, businesses, organizations & chartered accountants in India. Clear serves 1.5+ Million happy customers, 20000+ CAs & tax experts & 10000+ businesses across India.

Efiling Income Tax Returns(ITR) is made easy with Clear platform. Just upload your form 16, claim your deductions and get your acknowledgment number online. You can efile income tax return on your income from salary, house property, capital gains, business & profession and income from other sources. Further you can also file TDS returns, generate Form-16, use our Tax Calculator software, claim HRA, check refund status and generate rent receipts for Income Tax Filing.

CAs, experts and businesses can get GST ready with Clear GST software & certification course. Our GST Software helps CAs, tax experts & business to manage returns & invoices in an easy manner. Our Goods & Services Tax course includes tutorial videos, guides and expert assistance to help you in mastering Goods and Services Tax. Clear can also help you in getting your business registered for Goods & Services Tax Law.

Save taxes with Clear by investing in tax saving mutual funds (ELSS) online. Our experts suggest the best funds and you can get high returns by investing directly or through SIP. Download Black by ClearTax App to file returns from your mobile phone.

Cleartax is a product by Defmacro Software Pvt. Ltd.

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