Tax Loss Harvesting Made Simple
Updated on: Jun 15th, 2024
2 min read
Inventories are assets:
The objective of this standard is to prescribe the method of accounting for inventories. While accounting for inventories an entity needs to recognise the costs and amount to be carried forward until the related revenues are recognised. The standard also states how the cost should be determined and how it should be recognised as an expense subsequently, and write-downs to net realisable value.
This standard does not apply to the following :
This standard also does not apply to the measurement of the following inventories:
In both these cases, if there is any change in the value of inventories, it will be recognised in profit or loss. The exclusion to the above is only to the extent of measurement of inventories.
Inventories are measured at cost or NRV, whichever is lower.
Cost comprises of the following:
Cost of purchase includes all the costs directly attributable to the purchase of finished goods, material or services. These costs are adjusted for any discounts and rebates. Example of such costs are purchase price, import duty, taxes, transport, handling, and other costs.
Costs of conversion include all costs that are directly related to the unit of production. It also includes a systematic allocation of fixed and variable overheads that are incurred in the conversion of raw materials to finished goods.
For joint products, the cost is allocated on the basis of their sale value when the products become separately identifiable.
Other costs will be included in the cost of inventories only if it is incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. Other costs will be expenses out such as administrative costs, storage costs, and selling costs.
The techniques for measurement of the cost depends on the type of industry and the method that best approximates the cost.
For determining the cost formula to be used for determining the inventory valuation firstly the nature of the inventory needs to be defined. If the inventory is not ordinarily interchangeable and has been produced for a particular project then specific costs have to be assigned to inventory. If otherwise, then the entity can use FIFO or Weighted Average cost formula to determine the cost of inventories.
FIFO method assumes that the inventory at the end of a period is the last purchased material as what is purchased first is sold first. Weighted average cost formula is based on the average cost of similar natured inventories. The entity must use the cost formulas consistently for all inventory that is similar in nature.
Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.
In the following events, the carrying amount or net realisable value will be recognised as an expense.
The financial statements shall disclose: