All You Need To Know
Updated on: Jun 15th, 2024
2 min read
SA 330 deals with the auditor’s responsibility to design and implement responses to the assessed risk of material misstatement identified in accordance with SA 315.
Let’s understand in detail about SA 330 Auditor’s Responses To Assessed Risk.
To obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about the assessed risk and design & implement appropriate responses to those risk SA 330 is effective for the audit of financial statements for periods beginning on or after 1st April 2008
Design and implement overall responses to address the assessed risks of material misstatement at the financial statement level.
Nature, timing and the extent of the audit procedures are to be based on and are responsive to the assessed risk of material misstatement at the assertion level. Consider the reason for the assessment given to each class of transaction, account balance and disclosure including:
Controls have to be tested to confirm its operating effectiveness and sufficient appropriate audit evidence to be obtained when:
More persuasive audit evidence, the greater the auditor relies on the control effectiveness
Test the controls for the particular time or throughout the period for which the auditor intends to rely on those controls related to risk assessment procedure
When auditor obtains audit evidence about control’s operating effectiveness during an interim period, then:
The auditor should consider the length of the time period that may elapse before retesting a control and take into account the following:
i. The effectiveness of other elements of internal control including risk assessment process
ii. The risk from the control characteristics –manual or automated
iii. General IT-controls effectiveness
iv. Control effectiveness and its application including nature and deviation in the application noted in previous audits
v. If there are any personnel changes which may affect control application
vi. If lack of change in a particular control poses a risk due to changing circumstances
vii. Risk of material misstatement and the extent of reliance on the control
viii. Continuance relevance of evidence by inquiring for any significant changes in those controls subsequent to previous audits
ix. If no changes, the auditor should test the control at-least once in every third audit and some controls each audit to test effectively
Any significant risk in auditor’s opinion should be tested in the current period. During this process, evaluate whether there are any misstatements detected by substantive procedure indicates the control are not operated effectively. If there are deviations, the auditor should understand its potential consequences through specific inquiries and determine:
Irrespective of assessed risk of material misstatement, substantive procedures for each material class of transaction, account balance and disclosure are to be performed:
If misstatement that the auditor did not expect arises at an interim date, then the nature, timing, and extent of substantive procedures for the remaining period has to be modified
“Evaluate whether the overall presentation of the financial statements, including related disclosures, is in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework”
Before the conclusion of the audit, the auditor should determine whether the audit procedures performed and audit evidence obtained is appropriate for the assessment of the risk of material misstatement at the assertion level. An auditor should consider all relevant evidence regardless of whether it appears to corroborate or to contradict the assertions
If the audit evidence about the operating effectiveness control obtained in previous audits is used by the auditor, such fact should be documented. Auditor’s documentation should demonstrate that the financial statements agree to the accounting records.