
What is Trial Balance? Meaning, Objectives, Format, Example

Updated on: Jun 9th, 2024


9 min read

Ever thought about what will happen if we do not segregate our financial transactions into debit and credit amounts? Well, first and foremost, you will not be able to prepare your financial statement, leading to no understanding of your business finances and others.

So why take the risk of not preparing your financial statements accurately when you just need to follow a few simple steps using the trial balance method? Take a look at this article to get a comprehensive guide on trial balance, its importance, method of preparation and examples.

What is Trial Balance?

Trial balance refers to a part of a financial statement that records the final balances of the ledger accounts of a company. This statement comprises two columns: debit and credit. An organisation prepares a trial balance at the end of the accounting year to ensure all entries in the bookkeeping system are accurate.

The term 'Trial Balance' is derived from the perspective that it acts as a test for fundamental entries in the bookkeeping but does not perform a full audit. It is the first step in checking or auditing business finances as it helps accountants to be sure that no mathematical error happens before proceeding with other complex financial statements.

Why is the Trial Balance Prepared?

After closing all general ledger accounts, the trial balance is prepared at the end of the financial year. It helps to record the income and expenditures of the business and easily complete the preparation of the balance sheet in the next step.

Moreover, the trial balance is also prepared to detect any error in the mathematical calculation. A key objective of preparing a trial balance is to summarise the financial transactions while continuing with the business activities. It helps the business management to make necessary decisions regarding changes in the finances and business activities.

Features of Trial Balance

Below is a list of features that trial balance has, helping businesses to analyse and proceed with financial recordings accurately:

  • It comprises a list of different accounts of general ledger balances, both debit and credit amounts.
  • Preparation of trial balance allows a firm to check for mathematical accuracy of the general ledger balances.
  • This statement is prepared at the end of the financial year.
  • It is not a part of the final financial statements.

Limitations of Trial Balance

Even though the trial balance is an important part of the financial statement providing significant financial details, it has certain limitations. Here they are:

  • The trial balance may fail to detect errors when a journal entry contains an incorrect amount recorded in both accounts.
  • Errors of omission may go unnoticed as some transactions may not be recorded in the journal, making it impossible for even a correctly balanced Trial Balance to reveal such omissions.
  • Any missing journal entry in the ledger will not be reflected in the Trial Balance, making it challenging to spot such omissions.
  • Correct amounts in journal entries might be misallocated under the wrong accounting category by the accountant, a mistake that the trial balance is incapable of identifying.

How to Prepare a Trial Balance?

Here is the process to prepare trial balances in your business:

  • Firstly, close all general ledger accounts to get their closing balance at the end of the financial year.
  • Prepare the worksheet of trial balance as per format. It must comprise the columns of account names and debit and credit amounts.
  • Fill in the trial balance worksheet as per the balances of the accounts. Any assets or expense amount of the business is considered in the debit column, and any revenue or business liabilities amount is recorded in the credit column.
  • Add values accurately in each column.
  • Lastly, close the trial balance worksheet. You must remember that if your total amount of debit balance matches the total credit balance, then recordings in the trial balance have been done accurately. Differences in totals suggest either mathematical error or input error of the balances.

Trial Balance Rules

While preparing a trial balance, there is a set of rules you need to follow. They are as follows:

  • Assets of the business must be put down in the debit column.
  • All business expenses must be written down in the debit amount column.
  • Every liability of the company must be recorded in the credit column.
  • All revenue and business gains will be recorded in the credit column.

Trial Balance Format

Follow this structure to understand the format of trial balance:

Name of Company

Trial Balance as on ………….. (date on which it is recorded)



Debit Balance (Rs)

Credit Balance (Rs)

Capital A/C



Cash A/C




Purchase A/C




Sales A/C



Furniture A/C




Purchase Return A/C



Salaries A/C








You must remember that the total for both debit and credit columns has to be the same to ensure the accuracy of the trial balance.

Trial Balance Example

Here is an example that will help you understand how trial balance is prepared and how to understand the accuracy of the result.

As of 31st March 2023, AR Handicrafts Pvt. Ltd. recorded the following balances after preparing and closing the general ledger accounts:


Amount (Rs)















Accumulated Depreciation on Equipment




Accrued Revenue




Bank Loan


Sundry Debtors


Therefore, the preparation of the trial balance as per the above information will be done as follows:

AR Handicrafts Pvt. Ltd.

Trial Balance as of 31st March 2023



Debit Balance (Rs)

Credit Balance (Rs)



























Accumulated Depreciation on Equipment







Accrued Revenue








Bank Loan



Sundry Debtors








Bank Overdraft in Trial Balance

A bank overdraft in your trial balance is treated as a credit amount. This is because the rate of interest needs to be paid back to the bank in 6-12 months, due to which it is considered a short-term loan. Thus, as it becomes a liability of the business, the recording of this transaction will be in the credit column.

Carriage Outwards in Trial Balance

While recording carriage outwards in a trial balance, the amount must be written down in the debit column. Carriage outwards is considered as an expense of the seller that occurs while transferring goods to customers. Hence, it is considered a selling or indirect expense of the business and, thus, recorded in the debit column of the trial balance.

Return Outward in Trial Balance

The company deducts the money received from returns on purchases from the total amount spent. This is treated as an expense. Therefore, returns outwards are recorded as a credit balance on the trial balance.

Difference Between Trial Balance and Balance Sheet

To understand the difference between trial balance and balance sheet, check the table provided below:

Trial Balance

Balance Sheet

This statement records the closing balances derived from general ledger accounts.

This records the balances of the company’s assets, equities and liabilities.

Not a financial statement.

This is a financial statement.

Mostly used for internal auditing and recording of transactions.

Mostly used to show shareholders, owners and the general public how to assess a business's financial health.

Verifies if totals in credit and debit balances are the same.

Check if business assets are equal to the company's equities and liabilities.

Can be recorded any time of the year.

Recorded at the end of the financial year.


Trial balance is a significant part of a company's accounting procedure. It acts as one of the pillars based on which the financial statements are prepared. Based on such financial statements, the monetary position and health of the business are checked, and decisions to make changes are taken. Overall, trial balance summarises the company's activities, helping to seamlessly proceed with other accounting systems.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of a trial balance?

Trial balance is used to simply finish the next phase of preparing the balance sheet by aiding in the recording of the company's income and expenses.

Why is closing stock not in the trial balance?

Unsold products from acquisitions made during an accounting period are represented as closing stock. The Trial Balance has already recorded the entire cost of the purchases. The closing stock would be tallied twice in the Trial Balance if it were included. Hence, it is omitted in trial balance preparation.

Will opening stock appear in the trial balance?

Yes. Opening stock always appears in the trial balance, and the amount is recorded in its debit column.

How to prepare a balance sheet from a trial balance?

Follow the process below to prepare a balance sheet from the trial balance:

  • Prepare and adjust the balances in the trial balance.
  • Eliminate any expense or revenue accounts as they are not a part of the balance sheet.
  • Aggregate the amounts of the remaining account in two separate headings that is, 'Assets' and 'Liabilities'.
  • Cross-check your entries in the balance sheet format to avoid any errors.
  • Lastly, sum up the totals for both the 'Assets' and 'Liabilities' sections. If the two amounts match, then your balance sheet preparation is accurate. 

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