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    Below Poverty Line (BPL)

    What is BPL (Below the Poverty Line)?

    Below Poverty Line (BPL) is an economic benchmark set by the Government of India to identify financially weaker individuals and households who need government assistance. People earning below this threshold are classified as BPL and qualify for various subsidies and welfare schemes.

    Understanding BPL Criteria in India

    The poverty line is determined by considering essential living expenses such as food, education, healthcare, transport, and electricity.

    BPL Criteria (2011 - Suresh Tendulkar Committee)

    • Urban Areas: Spending less than ₹33/day
    • Rural Areas: Spending less than ₹27/day

    The BPL threshold differs across states and is updated periodically based on socio-economic factors.

    Causes of Poverty in India

    • Population Explosion: India's rapid population growth (~2.2% annually) increases the number of people needing resources.
    • Low Agricultural Productivity: Small landholdings, lack of modern techniques, and post-harvest losses reduce farm output.
    • Unemployment & Underemployment: A large workforce lacks stable jobs, leading to low income.
    • Inflation and Rising Costs: Necessities like food, education, and healthcare become more expensive, making survival difficult for people in poverty.
    • Social Inequality: Caste, gender, and regional disparities limit access to resources and opportunities.

    Advantages of BPL Classification

    • Access to Subsidized Food & Essentials (via Public Distribution System - PDS)
    • Government Welfare Schemes (e.g., MNREGA, PMAY, Free Education, Healthcare for BPL families)
    • Financial Assistance & Direct Benefit Transfers
    • Reservations & Special Benefits in education & employment


    BPL classification helps the government target welfare programs to the most needy individuals. However, it needs periodic re-evaluation to correctly identify and reduce poverty efficiently.


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