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    CVV, Card Security Code

    Introduction to CVV - Card Security Code

    Card Verification Value or CVV is a Card Security code which is unique to every card holder. CVV along with your other details like your name, card number, issue date and expiry date are mentioned on your debit or credit card. CVV is the 3 or 4 digit number that you see at the back of your card and should be kept confidential at all costs.

    CVV or Card Verification Value is a unique value which is generated using the personal details of the card holder like the card holder’s name, the number of the card, the date on which the card was issued, expiry date of the card and the unique code of the card holder. This CVV should be protected and not shared with anyone to avoid fraudulent activities.

    CVV or Card Verification Value is useful when making digital payments using your card or your phone. When swiping a card, the card machine scans the CVV but when you are making payments through your phone by entering the card number, you have to manually enter the CVV as well.

    The position of the Card Verification Value or CVV on the credit card depends on the type of card you are using. In case of VISA or Mastercard, the CVV appears on the back of the card at the right hand side of the card holder’s signature. The Card Verification Value or CVV number for both VISA and Mastercard is usually a 3 digit number.

    If the credit card you use is issued by American Express, the Card Verification Value or CVV is present on the front of the card at the upper right side of the account number. The CVV number for cards issued by American express often has 4 digits.

    As compared to credit cards, the location of CVV on debit cards or as we call them, the ATM cards is much easier to find. Card Verification Value or CVV on the debit card is usually located at the back of the card and the first half of it is hidden; only the last 3 or 4 digits are visible.

    How does a Card Verification Value or CVV work?

    Card Verification Value or CVV is a card security code which is present on the credit or debit cards to ensure secure payments and protects the card holder against any fraudulent activities. CVV ensures that while making telephonic payments it is the card owner who is making the payment as such payments cannot be made merely by entering the card number but require the CVV to be entered.

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