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Updated on: Dec 7th, 2021
2 min read
DIN is a unique Director identification number allotted by the Central Government to any person intending to be a Director or an existing director of a company. In this article, we will discuss the concept of Director Identification Number (DIN) based on the following topics:
It is an 8-digit unique identification number that has lifetime validity. Through DIN, details of the directors are maintained in a database.
DIN is specific to a person, which means even if he is a director in two or more companies, he has to obtain only one DIN. And if he leaves a company and joins some other, the same DIN would work in the other company as well.
Whenever a return, an application or any information related to a company will be submitted under any law, the director signing such return, application or information will mention his DIN underneath his signature.
To apply for DIN, the above forms are to be filed electronically. It has to be digitally signed and then uploaded on the MCA21 portal .
Attach proof of identity and address proof. DIN would be allocated to an applicant only after approval of the form.
a. Attachments:
b. Documents to be attested by a CA or CS or CMA:
Photograph, identity proof and residence proof must be attested by a Chartered Accountant or a Company Secretary or a Cost Accountant, in whole-time practice.
In the case of foreign nationals, their documents can be attested by the Consulate of the Indian Embassy and Foreign Public Notary.
After uploading DIR-3 and the supporting documents, the applicant will pay the fee in the next window screen. It has to be paid through net banking, credit card or NEFT. Manual(offline) payment is not allowed.
c. Generation of DIN:
Once the application fee is paid and the application is submitted, the system will generate an application number. Central Government will process the application and decide the approval/ rejection.
If the DIN application is approved, the central government will communicate the DIN to the applicant within 1 month.
If the DIN application is rejected, it will e-mail the reason for rejection to the applicant and will also put the reason on the website. The applicant will get 15 days to rectify the reason. If he rectifies such reasons and is able to satisfy the central government, he will be allotted DIN otherwise central government will label the application INVALID.
d. Intimating DIN to company:
Within one month of receiving DIN from the central government, the director has to intimate about his DIN to all companies where he is a director.
The company will intimate RoC about DIN within 15 days from the date when the director intimates his DIN to the company.
Failure of the director to intimate DIN to the company or failure of the company to intimate RoC about DIN will result in penalties.
For changing any details mentioned in the DIR-3 form/ SPICe with respect to Directors, then Form DIR-6 has to be submitted online. With the form, the attested supporting document is also required to be submitted
The Central Government may cancel the DIN due to the following reasons:
The director can also surrender the DIN in Form DIR-5. With the form, he has to submit a declaration that he has never been appointed as a director in the company and the said DIN has never been used for filing any document with any authority. Upon verifying the e-records, the central government will de-activate the DIN.
Note that, once a person is appointed as a director in any company as per the Companies Act 2013, he cannot relinquish his DIN in the future. Even if he doesn’t remain a director anymore in that company or in any other company, his DIN will exist as it is.
Form Number | Purpose |
DIR-3 | Application for DIN allotment |
DIR-3C | Intimation of DIN by Company to the Registrar |
DIR-5 | Application for surrendering DIN |
DIR-6 | Application for changing details submitted in DIR-3 |