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Capital Gains Accounts Scheme (CGAS), 1988

By CA Mohammed S Chokhawala


Updated on: Mar 21st, 2025


5 min read

The government, in order to encourage reinvestment of the capital gains made on the sale of capital assets by the seller, has provided with exemptions from capital gains tax if such capital gain is re-invested in certain specified assets within a specified time limit under section 54 to 54GB.

There may be instances where the taxpayer is unable to re-invest the capital gains in modes as specified in the Act before the filing of return of income. To address this, in order to enable the taxpayer to park his funds till they are invested for the prescribed purpose, the concept of Capital Gains Account Scheme(CGAS) was introduced.

What is Capital Gains Account Scheme?

Capital Gains Account Scheme was introduced in 1988 by the Central Government.

As mentioned above, the time required by the depositor for re-investment and avail the exemption on Long Term Capital Gains, in many cases is longer than the due date to file the return of income. In such cases, the taxpayer is given an option of depositing such under-utilized capital gains in ‘Capital Gains Account’ introduced under Capital Gains Account Scheme.

Any capital gain invested in Capital Gains Account Scheme will be eligible for capital gain exemption as it would in case of re-investment. 

It is to be noted that since Short Term Capital Gains are not eligible for exemptions under section 54 series, deposit under Capital Gains Account Scheme is irrelevant in case of Short Term Capital Gains.

Who Can Deposit in Capital Gains Account Scheme?

Category of the taxpayer with capital gains who is eligible to invest in CGAS from Section 54 to 54F of the Income-tax Act, 1961 is provided below:

Section Number

Capital Gains made on

Category of person


Sale of residential house

Individual or HUF


Sale of land used for agricultural purpose

Individual or HUF


Compulsory acquisition of land and building

Any taxpayer


Sale of any long term capital asset

Any taxpayer


Sale of long term capital asset being land or building or both

Any taxpayer


Sale of any long term capital asset not being residential property

Individual or HUF


Transfer of asset (machinery, plant or building, land or right in land or building) in case of shifting of industrial undertaking from urban area

Any taxpayer


Transfer of asset/s (machinery, plant or building, land or right in land or building) in case of shifting of industrial undertaking from urban area to Special Economic Zone

Any taxpayer


Transfer of residential property

Any taxpayer

When Can One Deposit in Capital Gains Account Scheme?

  • The taxpayer should invest the amount in the CGAS within the earlier dates of the following.
    • The due date of filing the return on income (For individuals and HUF - due date is 31st July of the next financial year).
    • The date of filing of return of the assessee.

Lets understand this time limit using an example:

  1. Mr. A has opted for exemption under section 54F for FY 2024-25. He wants to purchase the property for Rs. 5 crores. He filed the return on income on 15th June 2025. Now to claim the exemption, he should have deposited the money to CGAS on or before 15th June.
  2. If he missed the due date of 31st July 2025, and filed the belated returns on 5th August, he should have deposited the money to CGAS on or before 31st July 2025.

Where Should the Capital Gains Account be Opened?

Capital gains account can be opened in any of the authorized bank branches excluding rural branches of such authorized banks.

Procedure to open capital gains account and manner of deposit:

  • Capital Gains account can be opened by making an application in duplicate in Form A.
  • Documents such as PAN, proof of address, a photograph would be required.
  • Deposit can be made by any mode such as cash, cheque, demand draft etc. In case of deposits via cheque or DD, date of deposit will be date on which cheque or DD is received in the deposit office subject to its realisation.
  • The deposit can be made either in lump sum or instalments.
  • Separate applications shall be made for availing exemption under different sections and separate capital gains accounts shall be opened.

What are the Types of Deposits Available Under Capital Gains Account Scheme?

Two types of deposits can be made under Capital Gains Account Scheme which is explained below:

  • Type A Savings Deposit :
    • Type A account is similar to regular savings bank account of any bank.
    •  Interest at the rate similar to saving bank account interest will be credited periodically and also passbook is issued to the deposit holder. 
    • Just like savings deposit, Type A account offers better liquidity and withdrawals can be made at any time.
  • Type BTerm Deposit :
    • Type B account is similar to a fixed deposit account of a bank 
    • Interest at the rate applicable to term deposit and has restrictions similar to a term deposit. 
    • Maximum term allowed for a Type B account is 3 years. The depositor is required to choose the term based on his plan for specified investment such as 2 years for the purchase of new house property or 3 years for construction. 
    • The depositor would receive deposit certificate containing all the details of deposit and is required to be submitted at the time of withdrawal. Further, auto-renewal of term deposit is not possible.
    • Term deposit can either be cumulative or non-cumulative i.e., interest is either cumulated and re-invested along with principal or paid at regular intervals respectively.

The interest rate for both deposits is fixed by RBI from time to time. The depositor may choose the appropriate type of deposit keeping in mind his plans for specified investment, requirement of fund, rate of interest etc.

Withdrawal from Capital Gains Account Scheme

As mentioned there are no restrictions on withdrawal from Type A – savings account. While premature withdrawal from Type B account is allowed, it is allowed only after transferring the amount to Type A account and there may also be consequential penalty.

Any amount withdrawn is required to be utilized for specified investment within 60 days of withdrawal and any unutilized amount may be re-deposited to Type A account immediately.

Form C shall be submitted for withdrawal from an account for the first time and Form D for subsequent withdrawal providing details of the manner of utilization of money withdrawn earlier. Hence, no cheque-book or debit card is issued to the depositor.

Points to Remember 

The following are the few points to be kept in mind while depositing funds in to CGAS.

Transfer of Account

  • While change in nature of deposit is allowed such as savings to term deposit or vice versa, any transfer from Type B account to Type A account before maturity period is considered as a premature withdrawal. Further, transfer of account from one branch to another branch is allowed but not between different banks.
  • Form B is required to be submitted for conversion of account.

Closure of Account

  • Closure of both types of account requires approval from jurisdictional Income Tax Officer. Form G is required to be submitted for the closure of account along with jurisdictional income tax officer’s approval.
  • Form H shall be submitted for closure of account by nominee/legal heir of deceased depositor in the absence of nominee.


  • Nomination to inherit the account upon depositor’s death can be made by submitting Form E and change of nominee can be made by submitting Form F.
  • Nomination up to 3 persons is allowed and amount, if any to be received by nominees, will be in their order of nomination. No nomination is allowed for accounts opened on behalf of minor, HUF, AOP, BOI or firm. However, the nominee can be a minor and depositor can appoint a person to receive the amount in case of his death and during the minority of the nominee.

Loan Facility

  • No loan can be obtained against Capital Gains Account Scheme. Deposit certificate can neither be offered as collateral security or guarantee nor any charge be created on the same.

Income Tax Implications

  • While as per tax law it is necessary to attach proof of deposit to the income tax return for availing capital gain exemption, income tax return forms are attachment less forms and hence no document can be annexed to income tax forms. However, proof of deposit is required to be retained by taxpayer for submission to income tax department on demand in the future.
  • Interest earned on both Type A and Type B deposits is liable to tax subject to tax law and tax will be deducted by deposit office and TDS certificate will be issued to the depositor.
  • Any amount either under-utilized beyond 60 days of withdrawal or beyond specified time limit will be offered to tax.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Should I mandatorily open a Capital gain account scheme to claim exemption u/s 54,54F etc?

No, only if you are not able to invest the proceeds in the specified assets before the due date of filing u/s 139(1) and you want to claim exemption on the same then you will have to invest in CGAS. The purpose of the scheme is to commit the fund to be utilised for the specific purpose.

Where can I open the CGAS account?

CGAS is basically a bank account , So you can contact your bank who can assist you in opening the CGAS account. Syndicate Bank, the Central Bank of India, IDBI Bank, Bank of Baroda, State Bank of India and Corporation Bank are few of the banks that participate in this scheme.

What is the maximum duration for which I can keep the amount in a CGAS account ?

You can keep the amount in CGAS for a maximum period of 3 years from the date of transfer/Sale of such asset.

I have not been able to utilise the funds lying in CGAS even after 3 years ? What is the implication ?

If you are not able to utilise the proceed in CGAS for the specific purchase, then the entire unutilised amount will be deemed to be considered as long-term capital gain in the year of such expiry, and you are liable to pay the capital gain tax on such expiry.

Are there any conditions for withdrawing the amount from CGAS? Does Closure require AO approval?

To withdraw the amount from CGAS, one needs to submit the details in Form G along with supporting documents to the Assessing Officer(AO). Once the AO is satisfied that all documents are in order and the tax due on such deemed capital gain is paid, Form G will be approved.

However it is also worth mentioning the point that process closure of CGAS accounts depends from one bank to another. Certain banks allow the closure of CGAS accounts based on self declaration.

Does CGAS account provide interest?

Yes since CAGS is essentially a Fixed deposit in a bank , It provides interest.

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About the Author

I'm a chartered accountant, well-versed in the ins and outs of income tax, GST, and keeping the books balanced. Numbers are my thing, I can sift through financial statements and tax codes with the best of them. But there's another side to me – a side that thrives on words, not figures. Read more

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