Income Tax Changes From 1st April 2025: Top 10 New Income Tax Rules

By CA Mohammed S Chokhawala


Updated on: Mar 27th, 2025


8 min read

The Budget 2025 introduced some major changes to the Income Tax Act 1961 to simplify the tax structure in India. These changes will come into effect on 1st April 2025 and will be relevant from FY 2025-26 onwards. 

This article will cover all major changes that one must be familiar with to plan one's finances for FY 2025-26 accordingly.

Important Income Tax Changes 2025

Income Tax Slabs for FY 2025-26 (AY 2026-27)

The Budget 2025 proposed new tax slab rates under section 115BAC i.e., the New Tax Regime or the Default Tax Regime. This was to ensure that individuals save more and increase their spending capacity. These revised tax slab rates will be applicable for income earned in FY 2025-26 onwards.

The new slab rates for FY 2025-26 are as follows:

Income Tax Slabs

Income Tax Rates

Upto Rs.4 lakh


Rs. 4 lakh - Rs.8 lakh


Rs.8 lakh - Rs.12 lakh


Rs.12 lakh - Rs.16 lakh 


Rs.16 lakh - Rs.20 lakh


Rs.20 lakh - Rs.24 lakh


Above Rs.24 lakh


 Note: Income Tax slab rates under the Old Tax Regime (Optional Regime) remain the same.

Increased Rebate Under Section 87A

The rebate u/s 87A for taxpayers filing tax returns under the New Tax Regime was increased to Rs. 60,000 from the previous limit of Rs. 25,000. Now the taxpayer can enjoy a tax free income of up to Rs. 12 Lakhs.

This means taxpayers earning income up to Rs. 12 Lakhs will have no tax liability under the new tax regime.

The rebate for taxpayers opting for the Old Tax Regime remains the same i.e., Rs. 12,500.

Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) Changes

The provisions of TDS have significant changes that will be applicable from April 2025. It was proposed to enhance threshold limits for various TDS sections for both individuals and businesses. The threshold for TDS on interest received by senior citizens was increased to Rs 1 lakh from the previous limit of Rs. 50,000. Similarly, the thresholds for rent and commissions were also increased. The enhanced threshold limits for various TDS sections are given in the below table.

Effective from April 2025, the TDS threshold limits for various sections were increased as follows:


Before 1st April 2025

From 1st April 2025

193 - Interest on securities



194A - Interest other than Interest on securities

(i) 50,000/- for senior citizens;

(ii) 40,000/- in case of others when the  payer is the bank, cooperative society and post office

(iii) 5,000/- in other cases

(i) 1,00,000/- for senior citizen

(ii) 50,000/- in case of others when the payer is a bank, cooperative society and post office

(iii) 10,000/- in other cases

194 – Dividend, for an individual shareholder



194K - Income in respect of units of a mutual fund



194B - Winnings from lottery, crossword puzzle Etc.& 194BB - Winnings from horse raceAggregate of amounts exceeding 10,000/- during the financial year10,000/- in respect of a single transaction
194D - Insurance commission



194G - Income by way of commission, prize etc. on lottery tickets



194H - Commission or brokerage



194-I - Rent2,40,000 (in a financial year)50,000 per month
194J - Fee for professional or technical services



194LA - Income by way of enhanced compensation



194T - Remuneration, Interest and Commission paid to partners



   Note: Provisions of other TDS related sections remain the same.

Tax Collected At Source (TCS) Changes

The following TCS changes will be effective from April 2025 for TCS:


Before 1st April 2025

From 1st April 2025

206C(1G) – Remittance under LRS and overseas tour program package

7 Lakhs

10 Lakhs

206C(1G) - Remittance under LRS for education if financed through educational loans

7 Lakhs

Nil (No TCS Applicable)

206C(1H) - Purchase of Goods

50 Lakhs

Nil (No TCS Applicable)

Note: Provisions of other TCS related sections remain the same.

Updated Tax Return: ITR-U

The deadline for filing an Updated Tax Return was extended from 12 months to 48 months (4 years) from the end of the relevant assessment year. This extension was to encourage the taxpayers to disclose any previously undisclosed incomes and pay relevant taxes on the same. 

The additional tax liability based on the timeline of filing an updated return is as follows:

If ITR-U filed within

Additional Tax

12 months from the end of the relevant AY25% of additional tax (tax + interest)
24 months from the end of the relevant AY50% of additional tax (tax + interest)
36 months from the end of the relevant AY60% of additional tax (tax + interest)
48 months from the end of the relevant AY70% of additional tax (tax + interest)

Benefits For IFSC

  • The sunset dates for the commencement of operations of IFSC units for tax concessions have been extended to 31 March 2030.
  • The premium paid on a Life Insurance policy availed from an office in IFSC by non-residents, is completely exempt under section 10(10D) without any maximum premium amount. 

Tax Exemption For Start-ups

Under Section 80-IAC, start-ups incorporated before 01.04.2030 will be allowed a 100% deduction of profits and gains for three consecutive years out of ten years from the year of incorporation subject to certain conditions.

Omission Of Section 206AB and 206CCA

From April 2025, both Sections 206AB and 206CCA of the Income Tax Act 1961 will be omitted to reduce the compliance burden on tax deductors/collectors.

Previously, deductors/collectors were required to determine the correct withholding tax by identifying if the recipient has filed tax returns or not. This was a burden as it led to delays in filing TDS and TCS return statements, higher rates, blocking of capital, and compliance burden.

Deduction On Remuneration Paid To Partners

The limit of deduction available to partnership firms and LLPs for remuneration paid to partners is also enhanced. The calculation limits were revised to make way for higher deductions during tax computation.  

The following limits will be applicable to determine the maximum deduction available for partners remuneration paid:

Book ProfitLimit
On the first Rs.6,00,000 of book profit or lossRs.3,00,000 or 90% of the book profit, whichever is higher
On the remaining balance of book-profit60% of the book-profit

Treatment Of ULIPs as Capital Gains

The proceeds from ULPIs whose premium exceeds 10% of the assured amount or Rs. 2.5 Lakhs annually will be treated as capital gains and will be taxed accordingly.

Relaxation Of Deemed Let-Out Property Provision

Previously, the annual value of up to two self-occupied properties was deemed to be NIL, if the owner is unable to occupy the property due to employment, business, or professional commitments at a different location. It is now proposed that the annual value of up to two house properties shall be NIL if the owner occupies the house for his own residence or cannot occupy it for any reason.

The Finance Bill 2025, relaxed the condition to determine deemed let-out property by allowing individuals to claim up to two house properties as self-occupied and declare NIL income on such properties without any conditions. 


The above changes are crucial for FY 2025-26, and one must consider such changes in order to plan finances and taxes properly for the year. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some major tax changes for FY 2025-26?

Some of the major tax changes effective from April 1, 2025, are revised tax slabs, rebate of up to Rs. 60,000,  revised ITRU deadlines, calculation of partner's remuneration allowable as a deduction and revised TDS/TCS threshold limits.

What is the Rebate available under section 87A?

From FY 2025-26 onwards, taxpayers filing returns under the new tax regime can claim a rebate of up to Rs. 60,000. 

Taxpayers filing returns under the Old Tax Regime can claim a rebate of up to Rs. 12,500.

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About the Author

I'm a chartered accountant, well-versed in the ins and outs of income tax, GST, and keeping the books balanced. Numbers are my thing, I can sift through financial statements and tax codes with the best of them. But there's another side to me – a side that thrives on words, not figures. Read more

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