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MCA – RUN ( Reserve Unique name ) – Requirements & Process

Updated on: Jun 20th, 2024


2 min read

Reserve Unique Name (RUN) is a web service used for reserving a name for a new company or for changing its existing name. The web service helps you verify whether the name you’ve chosen for your company is unique. Before the RUN web-form was introduced, all applications concerning company names were to be made in the Form INC-1.

The names were to be accompanied with a minimum of 2 Director Identification Number and 1 Digital Signature. Today with the introduction of the RUN web-form, a company name can be reserved easily without the requirement of a digital signature.

Purpose of the RUN e-form

Any applicant seeking reservation of a proposed company or seeking to change an existing company should apply for reservation through the RUN service. This application will then be processed by the Central Registration Centre (CRC). The proposed name applied should not be undesirable as per the relevant provisions of the Act and the rules mentioned in it.

Names that can be reserved under the RUN

The following table gives the details regarding the types of companies names that can be reserved along with their respective suffixes:  

Sr.NoCompany TypeSuffix Required
1.Private Limited CompaniesLimited/ Company
2.Section 8 companiesPrivate Limited
3.IFSC CompanyIFSC Limited /IFSC Private Limited
4.Unlimited CompanyUnlimited Company
5.Nidhi CompanyNidhi Limited
6.Producer CompanyProducer Company Limited
7.One Person Company(OPC) Private Limited

The validity of the reserved Company names

The Central Registration Centre (CRC) may on the basis of information and documents provided, reserve the name for a period of:

  • 20 days from the date of approval if in case the name is being reserved for a new company.
  • 60 days from the date of approval if in case of it includes a change in the name of an existing company.

Important rules regarding the Proposed names

According to the laws governing the RUN form, there are certain regulations pertaining to the reservation of the names. Some of these rules are as follows:

  • The name stated should not be identical to the name of any existing company registered under the Companies Act
  • The name chosen should not constitute an offence under any law and should not be undesirable in the opinion of the Central Government.  
  • The company name should not have any word or expression which is likely to give the impression that the company is in any way connected to the Government central or state or any any other local authority when it is actually not unless the approval from the respective government authority has been attained.

If you’d like to know more about the rule pertaining to the proposed names.

Requirements to reserve a unique name via RUN

Here is a complete list of things required for RUN:

  • An MCA account.
  • Corporate Identification Number (CIN)
  • The proposed name
  • Relevant document required with the proposed name

Process for using RUN

  • It is necessary to have an MCA account before you access this service. Once you’re logged into the MCA account, you can enter the name you wish to use and check against the MCA database of company and LLP names for its availability.
  • If an existing company wishes to change its name a Corporate Identification Number (CIN) will be required for the RUN e-form.
  • The applicant must enter the name in the form, he wants to reserve for the incorporation of a new company or change the name of the existing company.
  • The user is then supposed to enter the objects of the proposed company and any other relevant comments or documents supporting the proposed name.

Process Post Submission

SRN Generation

Upon successful submission of the proposed name in the RUN form, an SRN will be generated. Make sure that you save the SRN details as it will be required for future correspondence with the MCA.

Challan Generation

A Challan will be generated upon successful submission of the proposed name and payment of the prescribed fees. This document will serve as a proof of payment by the user to the MCA.  


Whether a proposed name is approved or rejected an email conveying the same will be generated. This serves as an acknowledgement of the approval or rejection of the name by the MCA to the applicant.

Approval / Rejection Letter

In addition to the email, when a proposed name is approved or rejected by the concerned authority an acknowledgement of the approval or rejection along with the related documents, if any, is sent to the email id of the applicant.  

Resubmission of the e-form

It is important to note that the name applied for will either be approved or rejected. No resubmissions are allowed, the applicant cannot edit the forms once submitted. For any change pertaining to the company name or reservation of a new name, a new fresh application will have to be accompanied made with the payment of Rs.1000 as fees.

Fee rules

A nominal fee of Rs. 1000 is to be paid while applying for the company title. Please note that the fee payable is subject to changes with regard to the Act or any regulation. If in case such a change occurs a notification informing the same will be issued by the MCA.

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