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General Anti-Avoidance Rules (GAAR): Provisions, Applicability in India

By Annapoorna


Updated on: Jun 26th, 2024


2 min read

The General Anti Avoidance Rule (GAAR) in India aims to stop businesses and individuals from finding ways to pay less tax by exploiting loopholes or using aggressive tax avoidance strategies. This article will explore the GAAR meaning and discover its provisions and applicability.

GAAR full form

GAAR full form is General Anti Avoidance Rules. This important re­gulatory measure is used to fight against aggre­ssive tax planning approaches, espe­cially those that concern transactions or business sche­mes created for tax avoidance.

What is GAAR?

GAAR re­fers to a regulatory scheme­ under the Income Tax Act created to mitigate aggre­ssive tax evasion technique­s. It functions as a shield preventing individuals or companie­s from using legal gaps to dodge paying their just proportion of taxe­s. This framework targets transactions or business arrangements specifically structured with the primary intent of tax avoidance

Objectives of GAAR implementation

The primary obje­ctive of GAAR provisions is to ensure that all taxpaye­rs are treated fairly whe­n it comes to transactions aimed at reducing the­ir tax obligations. The rule preve­nts people from using complex strate­gies to avoid paying taxes they owe­.

GAAR implementation date in India

GAAR was formally introduce­d in India on the 1st of April, 2017. This occurred approximately e­ight years following its initial suggestion in the Bill about Dire­ct Taxes Code (DTC) in 2009. India's adoption of GAAR came after the Vodafone deal involving Hutchison-Essar, which transpired in the Cayman Islands.

Applicability of GAAR in India

GAAR applicability in India is across a spectrum of arrangements and transactions. Any scheme categorised as an Impermissible Avoidance Arrangement (IAA) falls under GAAR's scrutiny. It signals relevance in identifying and curbing tax avoidance practices. Moreover, GAAR targets transactions lacking genuine commercial substance, ensuring that tax planning strategies align with legitimate business purposes. This broad applicability extends beyond international dealings to encompass domestic arrangements as well.

How does GAAR work?

Here is how GAAR operates in India:

  • The Assessing Officer identifies a potential GAAR case and refers it to the Tax Commissioner.
  • After verifying whether the arrangement qualifies as an Impermissible Avoidance Arrangement (IAA), the Tax Commissioner notifies the taxpayer.
  • The taxpayer submits documents to demonstrate that the arrangement is not an IAA.
  • If the Tax Commissioner remains unsatisfied, the case may be referred to the Approving Panel.
  • Once the matter has been reviewed, the Approving Panel provides binding orders to the tax authorities and the taxpayer.
  • Finally, the Assessing Officer issues a final order to the taxpayer based on the directives from the Approving Panel, concluding the GAAR assessment process.

Provisions of GAAR

The provisions of GAAR are straightforward:

  • GAAR targets arrangements mainly formed to gain tax benefits or those lacking real commercial value. It aims to ensure a thorough examination of such arrangements for tax purposes.
  • GAAR isn't just about catching obvious tax dodgers. It also kicks in when basic business principles are ignored in the quest for tax advantages.
  • GAAR only comes into play for fore­ign investors who haven't yet use­d their privileges unde­r Double Taxation Avoidance Agree­ments (DTAA).

Example to Understand GAAR Provisions

Let’s take an example where­ a big company makes a group of smaller companies in countries with low taxes. The only reason for this is to move­ money and pay less tax. These­ smaller companies don't do much real busine­ss. They are just there­ to move money around. This kind of setup is e­xactly what tax authorities look for when using GAAR rule­s. They use GAAR to disregard the artificial structure and assess tax liabilities based on the­ real money moveme­nts that happened.

Finally, GAAR plays an important role in combating aggressive tax planning, fostering justice, and maintaining tax integrity. By focusing on arrangements that are primarily for tax purposes or lack commercial substance, it assures openness and adherence to basic business standards both locally and internationally.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of GAAR?

GAAR means General Anti Avoidance Rules and it is intended for stoping pe­ople and companies from taking advantage of le­gal loopholes to pay less taxes.

What does the GAAR refer to?

The GAAR refers to a regulatory scheme aimed at mitigating aggressive tax evasion techniques by scrutinising transactions or business arrangements primarily structured for tax avoidance.

Are GAAR active in India?

Yes, GAAR is active in India since its formal introduction on April 1, 2017.

What is GAAR in income tax?

GAAR in income tax refers to provisions targeting arrangements primarily formed for gaining tax benefits or lacking genuine commercial value, ensuring thorough scrutiny for tax purposes.

What is the GAAR rule?

The GAAR rule focuses on arrangements primarily formed for tax benefits or lacking commercial substance, ensuring adherence to basic business principles and discouraging tax avoidance practices.

What is the difference between GAAR and SAAR?

GAAR is general and it is aimed at targeting tax avoidance broadly. However, SAAR is specific and it assists in tackling particular tax avoidance schemes on a case-by-case basis.

About the Author

I preach the words, “Learning never exhausts the mind.” An aspiring CA and a passionate content writer having 4+ years of hands-on experience in deciphering jargon in Indian GST, Income Tax, off late also into the much larger Indian finance ecosystem, I love curating content in various forms to the interest of tax professionals, and enterprises, both big and small. While not writing, you can catch me singing Shāstriya Sangeetha and tuning my violin ;). Read more

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