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Double Tax Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) Between India and Singapore

By Mohammed S Chokhawala


Updated on: Jun 7th, 2024


3 min read

The Indian Government developed the Double Tax Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) convention to help taxpayers avoid paying double taxes on their foreign income. Indian business owners intending to start their businesses in foreign countries benefit most from this agreement. India has signed DTAA with almost 100 countries. DTAA between India and Singapore is beneficial for both countries when it comes to claiming tax benefits and enhancing economic growth.

Read this article further to understand how the DTAA treaty between Singapore and India is effective in different aspects.

DTAA between India and Singapore

The DTAA tax treaty helps to avoid double taxation on income generated from the two countries and reduces the tax burden on the residents of both India and Singapore. This convention was signed in 1994 and last amended in 2017. As per the latest amendment, the Multilateral Instruments of OECD (The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) came into force for Singapore and India. 

As per this agreement, a resident of Singapore earning income from India is entitled to the same treatment of tax as Indian residents earning income from India. DTAA helps to eliminate different types of taxes on incomes, such as royalties, interest or fees for technical services. It has helped all Singapore-based organisations to invest in India as it helps to reduce the total tax burden on income earned from India.

Moreover, DTAA India Singapore has been valuable in improving investment and trade between the two countries. Singapore is one of the largest foreign investors in India, with investments in sectors such as real estate, infrastructure, and finance. This treaty facilitates such investments to provide predictable and stable economic growth. 

Significance of India - Singapore DTAA for Both Countries

The major benefits that Singapore and India acquired from the DTAA are improved international relations and growth in trade and investments. Avoiding double taxation allows Singaporean investors to invest in Indian companies or establish their company branches in India. 

Also, India Singapore DTAA prevents tax evasion and facilitates a free flow of trade and commerce. It ensures that income earned by residents of one country gets taxed in that country only, irrespective of income source.

This agreement is also significant in providing an exchange of information and assistance between the tax authorities of both countries. It is useful in avoiding tax evasion and allows both countries to enforce their respective tax policies.

As a taxpayer from either country, there are some other benefits that you can get through this agreement. Lower TDS rate applicability, exemption from taxes, and tax credits are some benefits taxpayers receive.

Taxes Covered under DTAA

DTAA agreement between India and Singapore covers different types of taxes that have been discussed below: 

1. Taxes applicable as per agreement:

  •  In India - Income tax (including surcharges), also referred to as the "Indian tax".
  •  In Singapore - Income tax, also called “Singapore Tax”

2. The treaty is applicable on similar or identical taxes imposed either by the Contracting State after the signature date of the present agreement or taxes referred to above. The authorities will notify each other of any changes made with respect to tax laws. 

India Singapore DTAA Tax Rates

There are several income sources on which the withholding tax rate is applicable. For instance, Singaporeans who receive dividends from Indian companies are subject to a 15% tax on gross dividend income. On the other hand, dividends given to an Indian resident by a Singaporean corporation are subject to a maximum 10% tax in Singapore. Withholding tax is applied at a maximum rate of 10% to interest and royalties paid by an Indian resident to a Singaporean resident, and at a maximum rate of 15% to interest and royalties paid by a Singaporean resident to an Indian resident.

Apart from that, there are other incomes as well that are mostly taxed in the source country. It includes earnings from sources such as income from immovable properties, shipping or airline profits, business profits, employment income, government payments, and others. 

Taxation on Capital Gains under DTAA

Capital gains are taxed under Article 13 of the DTAA. The provisions followed are:

  • Gains received by alienating aircraft or ships operated at the international level or any movable property related to such operations of aircraft or ships are taxable as per the tax rules of the recipient's residence country.
  • Gains acquired by one Contracting Country's resident from the devolution of immovable property situated in the other country might get taxed in the other nation.
  • Other capital gains received are taxable in the resident country of the taxpayer. 

Taxation on Employment Income under DTAA

DTAA between India and Singapore for salary income or similar remuneration is subjected to tax in the country where you are employed. The provisions of this tax fall under Article 15 of DTAA, which have been discussed below: 

  • Remuneration attained by the resident of a Contracting State but having employment in another Contracting State will be taxable in the first-mentioned State.
  • Any remuneration derived from employment aboard a ship or aircraft operated in international traffic by a Contracting State's enterprise is taxable in that same State.

However, the tax can be subject to the taxpayer's residence country and not the Contracting nation. The following rules are followed in the following scenarios: 

  • Payment is not made through a permanent business or a stable basis in the nation of employment.
  • Salary and wages get paid on behalf of the employer who is a non-resident of the country where employment is applicable.

Final Word

Overall, India Singapore DTAA is a crucial bridge to building economic relationships between both countries. Businesses and individuals in both nations can benefit from the relief from double taxation, which, in turn, encourages trade and investment. 

So, if you are worried about your tax liability on income from Singapore, the DTAA regulations will help you gain fair taxation on your gross income.

Related Articles:

  1. DTAA Between India and Canada
  2. DTAA Between India and China
  3. DTAA Between India And Hong Kong
  4. DTAA Between India and Mauritius
  5. DTAA Between India and Ireland
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Frequently Asked Questions

When was the DTAA between India and Singapore signed?

The DTAA between India and Singapore was signed on 24th June 1994 and came into effect on 1st August 1994.

What is the procedure to obtain Tax Residency Certificate?

You must apply to obtain Tax Residency Certificate using Form 10FA after which the application will undergo verification. Upon successful verification, TRC is issued.

What are the taxes applicable as per the India - Singapore DTAA?

In India - Income tax (including surcharges), also referred to as the "Indian tax".

In Singapore - Income tax, also called “Singapore Tax”

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About the Author

I'm a chartered accountant, well-versed in the ins and outs of income tax, GST, and keeping the books balanced. Numbers are my thing, I can sift through financial statements and tax codes with the best of them. But there's another side to me – a side that thrives on words, not figures. Read more

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