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Double Tax Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) Between India and UAE

By Mohammed S Chokhawala


Updated on: Jun 11th, 2024


4 min read

As taxpayers, it is our goal to pay fair taxes on all of our income, whether it comes from our resident nation or a foreign one. However, a person who earns money from both India and another country might face confusion as to whether they need to pay taxes in both nations.

To avoid such confusions, the Income Tax Department of India decided to form an agreement between India and several other countries to avoid paying double taxes. It is the DTAA or Double Tax Avoidance Agreement. 

This article will discuss the effectiveness of the DTAA between the UAE and India and the taxes that apply under this agreement.

DTAA Between India and UAE

UAE and India signed the tax treaty which came into force on 22nd September 1993 to save double taxation by two countries on the same income. Personal income tax does not exist in Dubai, while other emirates in the UAE have passed tax decrees that include revenue taxes. Furthermore, corporations need to pay corporate tax. The DTAA treaty prevents corporations from paying income tax, wealth tax, and surtax twice, especially if they are already taxed in India. 

Residents with a permanent establishment in either India or the UAE are given the same tax treatment in India. Both States need to notify one another of any significant changes to their tax systems as per the India UAE DTAA. This agreement promotes fair taxation for all parties concerned and encourages investment and commerce between the two countries. As a result, businesses and individuals can undertake operations in both nations without fear of being subjected to double taxes.

Significance of DTAA for India and UAE

The major purposes of the DTAA between the two nations are to support developmental objectives and prevent double taxes. From the UAE's point of view, the protection of investment from different non-commercial risks such as expropriation, freezing, nationalisation and sequestration is derived from this agreement. Moreover, the UAE also aims to achieve prompt and fair compensation for investors in cases of expropriation of their investment in relation to the public interest without any discrimination. 

From India’s point of view, the DTAA with UAE has helped improve the scope of foreign investment and boost economic progress. UAE is one of India's most important commercial partners, and the DTAA has made it easier for UAE enterprises to invest in India. It has resulted in increased investment, technology transfer, and job creation in India.

Taxes Covered Under DTAA

Article 2 of the DTAA between India and UAE covers the section on taxes. They are as follows:

  • All taxes imposed on total income, total capital, or elements of income or capital, including taxes on gains from the alienation of movable or immovable property, shall be considered income and capital taxes.
  • The following tax rates are applicable to the two nations under the DTAA convention.
    • In case of United Arab Emirates (UAE) also called “U.A.E. tax”:
      • Corporation tax
      • Income tax
      • Wealth tax
    • In India: 
      • Wealth tax, also called the "Indian Tax"
      • Surtax
      • Income tax that includes any surcharge
  •  The agreement is applicable to identical taxes on capital or income that is imposed at the State or Federal level by either the place of tax or the Contracting State.

India UAE DTAA Tax Rates

The tax rates applicable as per India UAE DTAA on different incomes are as follows.

Type of income

Income earned in 

Income taxed in



Resident country of the recipient

Same resident country of the recipient

Interest is taxed in the State where it arises and will not exceed the following:

  • 5% of gross interest on bank loan
  • 12.5% of the gross amount in all other cases


Resident country of the recipient

Same resident country of the recipient

Dividends are taxed at a rate not exceeding 10% in the contracting state where the firm paying dividends is based.


Resident country of the recipient

Same resident country of the recipient

Taxed at a rate not surpassing 10% of the gross royalty amount in the contracting state in which they occur.

Apart from this, TDS is levied on the interest income at a rate of 12.5% in the UAE.

Taxation on Capital Gains Under DTAA

Article 13 of DTAA talks about taxation policy related to capital gains. Some rules that are followed in this case are:

  • A resident of a Contracting State deriving gains from alienating immovable property and is situated in another Contracting State may get taxed in the other state.
  • Gains derived from the alienation of shares of capital stock in a firm whose property comprises primarily immovable property located in a Contracting State may get taxed in the same State.
  • Gains from the sale of shares of a corporation based in a Contracting State may get taxed in that state. 
  • A taxpayer receiving gains from the alienation of any other property other than those above will be taxable only in the Contracting State of the alienator’s residence.

Elimination of Double Taxation

Article 25 of the India UAE DTAA addresses the measures for eliminating double taxes on foreign income. Some provisions are:

  • Any Indian resident who owns capital or derives income according to the provisions of the convention may need to pay taxes in the UAE. Here, India will allow a tax deduction equal to the capital tax or income tax paid in UAE.
  • Deductions will not exceed a part of capital or income tax as computed before the provision of deduction to the taxpayer.
  • Where a UAE resident needs to pay taxes in India under the agreement, the UAE shall offer a deduction on that person's tax on an amount equivalent to the income tax paid in India.

Final Word

India UAE DTAA is a crucial agreement helping both countries develop trade relationships and achieve economic growth. With more than 20 billion dollars in comprehensive economic trade and commerce, both countries have been able to promote mutual improvement in their economies. 

Overall, claiming tax exemptions under the DTAA can help you save taxes for a fiscal year. If you have any income from the UAE or vice versa, it is recommended that you fill up the appropriate categories during ITR filing to save money while paying taxes.

Related Articles:
1. DTAA Between India and Canada
2. DTAA Between India and China
3. DTAA Between India And Hong Kong
4. DTAA Between India and Mauritius
5. DTAA Between India and Singapore
6. DTAA Between India and Japan
7. DTAA Between India and Ireland
8. DTAA Between India and Netherlands

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can the complete text of India - UAE DTAA be found?

The complete text of the DTAA is usually available on the official websites of the tax authorities of both countries.

When was the India - UAE DTAA entered into?

India - UAE DTAA was signed in 1992 and came into force on 22nd September 1993.

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About the Author

I'm a chartered accountant, well-versed in the ins and outs of income tax, GST, and keeping the books balanced. Numbers are my thing, I can sift through financial statements and tax codes with the best of them. But there's another side to me – a side that thrives on words, not figures. Read more

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