Zero Tax on Business Turnover Up to 2 Crore in India for FY 2025-26

By CA Mohammed S Chokhawala


Updated on: Mar 19th, 2025


2 min read

In Budget 2025, the government gave big relief to taxpayers by modifying tax slabs, rendering income up to Rs. 12,00,000 tax-free. Furthermore, Businesses with a turnover of up to Rs. 2 Crore could now have zero tax liability. Continue reading to learn how businesses with a turnover of up to Rs. 2 Crore can take advantage of this change.

Presumptive Taxation Scheme for Businesses

  • The government introduced the presumptive taxation system under Section 44AD of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (Act) to provide relief to small taxpayers with business income. 
  • The scheme is for businesses other than plying, hiring, and leasing businesses, as mentioned in Section 44AE of the Act.
  • Businesses that are eligible to take the presumptive taxation scheme have to report profits of 8% of turnover or gross receipts for non-digital transactions or 6% for digital transactions, whichever is applicable.

Eligible Assessees under Section 44AD of the Act

The eligible assessees under Section 44AD are as follows:

  • Individuals
  • Hindu Undivided Family (HUFs)
  • Partnership firms (other than limited liability partnership firms)

Eligible Business under Section 44AD of the Act

The eligible assessees under Section 44AD are as follows:

  • Any business, except for the business of plying, hiring, or leasing goods carriages mentioned in section 44AE; and
  • A business whose total turnover or gross receipts in the previous year does not exceed Rs. 2 crore ( Rs. 3 crore if at least 95% of the total turnover or gross receipts are received in online mode).

Will All Assessees u/s 44AD Enjoy Zero Tax Liability with Turnover Up to Rs. 2 Crore for FY 2025-26?

No, only resident individuals i.e. proprietorship businesses will be able to enjoy zero tax liability if their turnover is up to Rs. 2 crore as the rebate under section 87A is only applicable to the individual residents. So, only individual taxpayers will have zero tax liability if their turnover is up to Rs. 2 Crore. 

Example, Mr A a proprietor has a business turnover of Rs. 2 Crore in FY 2025-26. (Assuming no other Income apart from this). Mr. A had opted for the presumptive taxation under section 44AD.

The Tax Liability of Mr. A will be computed as follows:

ParticularsAmount (Rs.)
Gross turnover2,00,00,000
Presumptive Income assuming all are digital transactions12,00,000 (2,00,00,000 x 6%)
Tax Liability Nil (as rebate of up to Rs. 60,000 is available for income up to Rs. 12,00,000)


It is not that all the business have zero tax liability. In FY 2025-26, the zero tax benefit under Section 44AD is available only to individual taxpayers (proprietorship businesses) with a turnover upto Rs. 2 Crore. The rebate under Section 87A, which offers tax relief for income up to Rs. 12,00,000, applies exclusively to individuals, meaning other business structures like Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs) and partnership firms are not eligible for this benefit. Therefore, while small businesses can take advantage of this scheme, the zero tax liability is limited to individual taxpayers only.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does "zero tax on business turnover up to 2 crore" mean, and who qualifies for this exemption?

Assessee opting for Presumptive Taxation under section 44AD will have the benefit of calculating business profits as a percentage of their turnover i.e., 6% or 8% fulfilling certain conditions. Therefore, a person having Rs 2 crore turnover and eligble for 6% will declare his profit as Rs. 12,00,000.

In Budget 2025, the Rebate u/s 87A was increased to Rs 12 Lakhs under New Tax Regime. Hence, there will be no tax liability on total income upto Rs. 12 Lakhs. Further, Presumptive Taxation can only be opted by Individuals, HUFs and Partneships(otherthan LLP).

How does the 2 crore tax exemption benefit MSMEs, and what are the eligibility requirements?

MSMEs can opt for Presumptive Taxation, thus able to declare a profit as a percentage of their turnover. Therefore, MSMEs can claim a rebate of upto Rs. 60,000 provided the applicable conditions are fulfilled. 

Presumptive Taxation can only be opted by individuals, HUFs and Partnerships (otherthan LLPs) whose turnover does not exceed the prescribed limits.

Can NRI's doing business in India make use of this benefit?

No. Since rebate is not applicable for non residents, the income exceeding Rs.4,00,000 for NRI's will be taxable. Also, non-residents are not eligible to opt for presumptive taxation u/s 44AD.

What are the pre-requisites avail this zero tax benefit upto Rs.12 Lakhs?

The assessee should have his total income within Rs.12 Lakhs. (Business income + Income under other heads).His turnover should not have exceeded Rs.2 crores in FY 2025-26. Receipts should be realized in specified electronic modes so that 6% of it can be shown as profits. He should be a resident individual.

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About the Author

I'm a chartered accountant, well-versed in the ins and outs of income tax, GST, and keeping the books balanced. Numbers are my thing, I can sift through financial statements and tax codes with the best of them. But there's another side to me – a side that thrives on words, not figures. Read more

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