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Tax Benefits on Home Loan for Joint Owners

By Mohammed S Chokhawala


Updated on: Jul 12th, 2024


5 min read

All joint owners can individually avail of tax benefits on a joint home loan, provided certain conditions are met. Let’s examine them.
It’s pertinent to note that ‘ownership’ of the property is a prerequisite to availing any tax benefits against the property. You may have taken the loan jointly, but unless you are an owner/co-owner of the property – you may not be entitled to the tax benefits.

There have been situations where a parent and a child jointly own the property and take out a loan, which is paid off only by the child. In such a case, the child, who is not a co-owner, is devoid of the tax benefits on the home loan. 

Conditions to Claim the Tax Benefit on the Property

  • You must be a co-owner of the property– To be able to claim tax benefits for a home loan, you must be an owner of the property. Many a time, a loan is taken jointly, but the borrower is not an owner as per the property documents. In such a case, you may not be able to claim tax benefits.
  • You must be a co-borrower for the loan– Besides being an owner, you must also be an applicant as per the loan documents. Owners who are not borrowers and do not contribute to the EMI shall be devoid of the tax benefits.
  • The construction of the property must be complete – Tax benefits on a house property can only be claimed, starting the financial year in which construction of the property is complete. Tax benefits are not available for an under-construction property. However, any interest before completion of construction can be claimed in five equal instalments starting the year in which construction is complete.

Benefits on Joint Home Loan - In New Regime

If the co-owner of a house property opts for the new regime, then the benefits under Section 80C, 80EEA, and 24(b) for interest expenses incurred on self-occupied property are not available as a deduction.

However, there is no restriction on deducting interest expenses incurred for letting out property by the joint owners.

What are the Tax Benefits?

  • For a self-occupied property, each co-owner, who is also a co-applicant in the loan, can claim a maximum deduction of Rs. 2,00,000 for interest on the home loan in their Income Tax Return. The total interest paid on the loan is allocated to the owners in the ratio of their ownership. It goes without saying that the total interest claimed by the owners/borrowers cannot exceed the total interest paid for the loan. 

For example, Let’s understand Rahul and his father bought a house on loan and paid Rs 4,50,000 in interest. They have a 50:50 share in the property. Rahul can claim Rs 2,00,000 in his tax return, his father can also claim Rs 2,00,000.

  • For rented property, there is no limit on interest that can be claimed as a deduction; however, the set-off of losses against other heads of income is restricted to Rs. 2 lakhs.

For example, if the rental income is Rs. 7,50,000, Interest on the housing loan is Rs 12,00,000, the co-owner's share is 80%, and Salary income is Rs 15,00,000. Total Income will be as follows




Income from Salary



Income from House Property



Rental Income

(80% of Rental Income)



Less: Standard deduction u/s 24(a) 30%



Less: Interest on loan u/s 24(b)

(80% of Total Interest)






Income from House Property



Loss from House Property c/f to next year



Total Income



Thus in the above example, each co-owner will get deduction of interest equivalent to the percentage of ownership in the property, you will observe that excess loss over Rs 200,000 cannot be adjusted during the year and will be carried forward to next year, and such loss in next year will be eligible to set off only against income from house property.

  • Each co-owner can claim a deduction of a maximum of Rs 1,50,000 towards the repayment of principal under section 80C. This is within the overall limit of Rs 1,50,000 of Section 80C.
  • Each co-owner can claim a deduction of the stamp duty registration charge of Rs 1,50,000 each towards the payment under section 80C. This is within the overall limit of Rs 1,50,000 of Section 80C.

Therefore, as a family, you will be able to take a larger tax benefit against the interest paid on the home loan when the property is jointly owned and your interest outgo is more than Rs 2,00,000 per annum. 

There may be a situation where you are paying the entire loan instalment, and the co-borrower is not contributing any payments. In such a case, you may claim the entire interest as a deduction in your Income Tax Return. 

Things to Know About Tax Benefits on Home Loans for Joint Owners

  • The quantum of tax deduction available to co-owners is determined by the proportion of ownership of the loan.
  • Each joint owner of the home loan can claim a maximum deduction of Rs. 2,00,000 for interest on the home loan in case of self-occupied property. However, there is no limit on interest deduction in case of let-out property.
  • The loan must be taken in the names of two people to claim tax benefits as joint owners on the home loan.
  • Each individual’s share of the joint loan ownership should be written in percentages for the co-owners.

Deemed Ownership

Section 27 of the Income-tax Act explains the scenario of Deemed ownership. When an Individual transfer his property for other than adequate consideration 

  1. to his or her Spouse.
  2. to a minor child (not being a married daughter).

The person transferring such property will be deemed the owner of the property as per the Act.

Example Suppose a Husband (a salaried individual) buys a house property in Joint name with his wife (a Homemaker). The husband is the sole earner and pays the entire consideration for such acquisition. Now he lets out such property for rent. Now the question is, since the wife is also 50% owner of the property, can 50% of such rental income be shown in the wife's income tax return? Since the wife has no taxable income, this helps in paying no taxes on such 50% rental income. In such cases, it is deemed that the entire property belongs to the husband and rental income needs to be declared as his income in his ITR only since the entire consideration for such property purchase was paid by the husband. This is irrespective of the fact that the 50% of the rental income is earned by the wife.

Can There Be a Change in the Ratio of Tax Benefits on Home Loans for Joint Owners?

Both individuals need to be co-owners of the property to avail tax benefits. The joint owners can claim a tax rebate on their proportion of share in the house property. It means that a joint owner can consider his/her spouse’s repayment capacity when planning the share of a home loan.

Thus, if joint owners are equal, but their loan share is 60:40, the tax benefits will also be shared in the same ratio. If this ratio is changed to 70:30, even tax benefits will change accordingly. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can husband and wife both claim tax benefits on home loan?

Yes, If you have a housing loan where both husband and wife contribute to such housing loan repayment, then both of them can claim a deduction up to Rs 200,000. Thus in total, up to Rs 400,000 can be claimed as interest deduction. Also, on the principal portion, Rs 150,000 each can be claimed in 80C also. This is a good tax planning strategy to claim maximum tax benefits.

Can I claim tax exemption for a property in my wife's name for which I am paying full EMI since I am the deemed owner?

As per Section 27 of the Income Tax Act, Where the entire consideration for the acquisition of such house property is borne by you, then you will be the deemed owner of such property. As such any rental income or interest on the loan, you are eligible to claim the same.

However, from a practical implementation point of view, since your name does not appear in the sale deed or in the housing loan document, It might be difficult to substantiate the claim of the deemed ownership. Thus it is recommended to make yourself a co-owner and co-borrower to such property and loan where it will be easy to substantiate the claim. 

I have 2 house properties which are under loan. Can I claim interest benefits on both the property jointly?

Yes , You are eligible to claim exemption u/s 24(b) for both the house property however, such exemption will be limited to Rs 200,000 .

What is the declaration of a joint housing loan?

This is a declaration signed by both the owners of the property mentioning the percentage of housing loan being paid by each of such co owner.

What is the 24(b) deduction for joint owners?

Section 24(b) allows joint owners to claim deduction on interest on housing loan portion that is being repaid by them.

Is a marriage certificate required for a joint home loan?

Joint Home Loan can be taken by anyone, hence there is no requirement of a marriage certificate.

What is the difference between 80EE and 80EEA?

Section 80EE was applicable for all the home loan sanctioned between 1st April 2016 to 31st Mar 2017.

Section 80EEA was applicable for all the home loan sanctioned between 1st April 2019 to 31st Mar 2022.

Can I claim 100% tax benefit as co owner?

Yes, if the other co owner does not claim their share of exemption and declaration is provided for the same 100% tax benefit can be claimed by the other co owner.

Can 80EE and 80EEA both be claimed?

Section 80EE and 80EEA is mutually exclusive and cannot be claimed together since applicability of such section falls in different financial year.

Section 80EE was applicable for all the home loan sanctioned between 1st April 2016 to 31st Mar 2017.

Section 80EEA was applicable for all the home loan sanctioned between 1st April 2019 to 31st Mar 2022

Can I benefit from an interest deduction for a joint home loan under the new regime?

No, under the new regime, the interest deduction is not available for self-occupied properties, whereas it will be available for let-out properties.

I have taken a joint home loan with my parents for house property, but I am not a co-owner of a property. Can I take a tax deduction for the interest expenses?

No, as you are not a co-owner of the property, you cannot tax deduction for the interest expenses.

I am thinking of buying a home for my family, should I opt for individual home loan or a joint home loan?

You can think of opting for a joint home loan, considering the tax benefits available to co-owners of a house property.  

I have taken a home loan jointly with my wife in the ratio of 50% each, the proportion of ownership in house property is also the same, but my wife does not have a taxable income, can I take whole interest deduction against the joint home loan under Section 24(b)?

No, the deduction under joint home loan is available only to the extent of ownership in the property, however, your wife can claim the interest and carry forward the same as losses.

Is there any restriction that joint home loan should be taken with relative only?

No, there is no restriction that you need to take joint home loan with your relative to obtain the tax benefit.

Can I take a joint home loan with my friend and avail the tax benefit on interest deduction?

Yes, that is possible, you can take joint home loan with your friend and avail interest deduction subject to the condition that you are also a co-owner of the property.

Am I allowed to add interest paid on home loan as cost of acquisition of the property?

No, if you have taken deduction of the interest under the income-tax then you cannot add the same to the cost of acquisition of the property. 

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About the Author

I'm a chartered accountant, well-versed in the ins and outs of income tax, GST, and keeping the books balanced. Numbers are my thing, I can sift through financial statements and tax codes with the best of them. But there's another side to me – a side that thrives on words, not figures. Read more

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