Saving Taxes!
The Tax Identification Number (TIN) is an 11-digit number assigned to dealers registered under the erstwhile Value-Added Tax (VAT) law. The Commercial Tax Department provides TINs to all business entities or dealers registered under VAT or Central Sales Tax (CST).
TIN is an identification number assigned to business entities or dealers of goods and services covered under the VAT. It is similar to the PAN identification number assigned to individual taxpayers. TIN is required for all entities that need to be registered under VAT for trading in goods and services.
The TIN replaced the Sales Tax numbers or CST numbers issued by the State Sales Tax Authorities. The TIN, VAT number or CST number are all the same, and it is mandatory to mention the TIN while undertaking inter-state or state-level sales. All businesses and dealers must mention their TIN in all their sales and purchases of goods and services between states or inside a state.
The state’s Commercial Tax Department assigns TIN to business enterprises located in that respective state to monitor their transactions. Entities that require VAT registration, such as dealers, manufacturers, exporters and traders of goods and services, should mandatorily obtain TIN.
The idea behind the introduction of the TIN is to integrate all tax-related information of business entities operating in different states and to carry out inter-state or intra-state transactions in a single place.
Since state governments furnish TIN, the documents required vary from state to state. However, the general documents required for the TIN application are as follows:
The application for the allotment of a TIN can be made both offline and online. The online procedure for obtaining TIN is as follows:
The offline procedure for obtaining TIN is as follows:
After the TIN is allotted by the state's Commercial Tax Department, dealers or business entities can commence their business involving the sale of goods. The TIN number should be quoted on all invoices raised by the business entity and mentioned to the seller.
An individual can search or verify the TIN number of the dealers by visiting the Commercial Tax Department of the state where the dealer is registered. TIN verification is an online process where an individual can verify the TIN of dealers or companies before dealing with them.
An individual can click on the ‘Dealer search’ option on the respective state’s Commercial Tax Department, enter the TIN number and click on the ‘Search’ button. The dealer’s name, address, license status and PAN will be displayed.
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