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Difference between TDS and TCS

By Ektha Surana


Updated on: Mar 17th, 2025


2 min read

TDS and TCS are one of the most familiar forms of direct tax levying mechanism by the Indian Government. 
However, taxpayers often mix up these terms and use them interchangeably. If you want a thorough understanding of the difference between TDS and TCS and their implications, check out the details below.

What are TDS and TCS with Examples?

Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)

  • It is the tax amount that the government collects directly from the recipient’s income immediately when it is earned. 
  • The payment is made to the recipient only after deducting prescribed TDS percentage.
  • As per the IT Act, an individual or any company can deduct this tax at the source of income if the payment for any goods or services crosses a certain amount. 

The Government decides the TDS rates and thresholds for different types of goods and services for a particular financial year. 

The services include the following:

  • Royalty
  • Technical services
  • Legal fees
  • Consulting
  • Rent, etc. 

In a transaction where TDS is applicable, the person or firm receiving the payment is called the deductee. On the other hand, the individual or business deducting TDS from the payment is called a deductor. 

Take a look at the TDS rates for some payment types:

Type of Payment 

TDS Rate

SalariesAs per the tax slab
Rental charges greater than Rs.2,40,000 for buildings, land, plant and machinery10% for land, building and furniture and 2% for plant and machinery and equipment
Prize money for a lottery, horse race, crossword puzzle, etc., more than Rs.10,00030%
Brokerage or commission from lottery ticket sales amounting to more than Rs.15,0005%
Purchase of immovable property of more than Rs.50,00,000 1%
Single payment of Rs.30,000 or aggregate payment of Rs.1,00,000 to a contractor 1% for individuals or HUF, 2% for Others


Let’s take an example for better understanding. Suppose ABC Ltd. pays a rent of Rs.80,000 per month for a warehouse, which is above the threshold of Rs.50,000 per month. 

Thus, ABC Ltd. will deduct the TDS at the rate of 10%, amounting to Rs.8,000 and then pay Rs.72,000 as monthly rental charges. 

Now, the warehouse’s owner will list Rs.9,60,000 gross income in his income tax return and claim a TDS of Rs.96,000, which has already been deducted, as a total tax liability credit, also known as a TDS credit.   

Tax Collected at Source (TCS)

According to Section 206C of the Income Tax Act, seller imposes TCS on their goods and collect them from buyers at the time of sale.

Here are the TCS rates for some commonly bought goods:

Good Purchased

TCS Rates

Tendu leaves5%
Timber wood from a forest on lease2.5%
Motor vehicles worth more than Rs.10 lakh1%
Toll plaza, quarry, mine and parking lot2%
Metals (including iron ore, lignite and coal)1%
Forest produce (excluding tendu leaves and timber)2.5%


Suppose Mr Mishra purchases tendu leaves worth Rs.60,000 from Mr Desai. However, Mr Mishra will pay the following amount:

Rs.{60,000 + (5% of 60,000)} = Rs.63,000

Mr Desai will collect the extra Rs.3,000, also known as TCS credit. 

What is the Difference between TDS and TCS?

You can understand the difference between TDS and TCS through the following illustration:




LimitsPurchase of goods and services
Sale of goods and services
Transactions coveredRent, commission, interest, rent, salaries, brokerage and moreSelling of toll tickets, forest products, cars, tendu leaves, minerals, liquor, timber, scrap, etc. 
Time of DeductionWhen payment is due or made, whichever comes soonerAt the time of sale
Due dates7th of next month, except for March it is the 30th of April of the next Financial Year. 7th of next month, except for March it is the 7th of April of the next Financial Year. The returns have to be submitted quarterly.
Person responsible Individual or company making the payment Person receiving the payment (selling the goods or service)
Filing quarterly statements Form 24Q (in case of salaries), Form 26Q (for others except salaries), and Form 27Q (for payments to NRIs).The returns have to be submitted quarterly.Form 27EQ.The returns have to be submitted quarterly.

Is TCS Applicable if TDS is Deducted?

During a transaction, if a buyer deducts TDS based on the provisions in the Income Tax Act, then, TCS is not applicable.  

What is TDS and TCS Amount?

TDS amount is the tax deducted by an person while making a payment. In comparison, TCS amount is the tax collected by the seller during the time of sale. 

Who will Deduct TDS and TCS?

In the event of a transaction, the person making the payment will deduct TDS. In contrast, the seller (person receiving the payment) collects TCS during the sale of goods or services. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when individuals fail to deposit or collect tax?

In case individuals fail to deposit or collect tax, they can face numerous legal consequences like interest and penalty.

How can I pay TDS and TCS?

Every tax-paying individual and the corporate firm can pay TDS and TCS online via the official e-filing portal using their TAN credentials. 

What is the time limit for a TDS refund?

TDS refund takes approximately 3 to 6 months in order to reflect in your bank account. In addition, it also depends on whether you have completed the e-verification. You can check the status of the TDS refund or Tax refund here.

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About the Author

Multitasking between pouring myself coffees and poring over the ever-changing tax laws. Here, I've authored 100+ blogs on income tax and simplified complex income tax topics like the intimidating crypto tax rules, old vs new tax regime debate, changes in debt funds taxation, budget analysis and more. Some combinations I like- tax and content, finance & startups, technology & psychology, fitness & neuroscience. Read more

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