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GST Certificate Download: How to Download GST Registration Certificate From GST Portal?

By Annapoorna


Updated on: Mar 7th, 2025


3 min read

Ever noticed GST certificate displayed in any establishment/ even a local supermarket? A GST registration certificate is issued by the government as a valid document for proof of being registered under the GST law in India. Any business in India whose turnover exceeds the threshold limit for GST registration or otherwise mandated, must get registered under GST, download and display GST certificate. Getting a GST Certificate is simple process. Let's show you how!

Watch the video to know the steps of downloading GST registration certificate-

Meaning of GST Registration Certificate and Uses

Every taxpayer who has successfully registered under GST is issued a GST registration certificate in Form GST REG-06. It contains the GST Identification Number (GSTIN), the principal and additional places of business. The registration certificate is available for downloading only on the GST Portal, and the government does not issue any physical certificate. 

The type of taxpayers includes regular, TDS and TCS applicants under GST, those who are liable to obtain unique Identity Number under Section 25(9) of the CGST Act, non-residents including those that are providing OIDAR services, and the taxpayers who migrated from the pre-GST laws. The certificate is signed or verified using EVC by the verifying tax officer before sending it to the taxpayer.

The taxpayer is required to display this certificate at his primary place of business, as well as other additional places of business listed in the Form GST REG-06. It is laid down in CGST Rule 18(1) and any failure can attract a penalty of up to Rs.25,000.

Whenever there is any amendment to the GST registration particulars, the GST portal allows the taxpayer or user to download the fresh GST registration certificate with the amended particulars.

Validity Period of the GST Registration Certificate

The GST registration certificate is valid from the date when the person became liable to GST registration if they submitted the registration application within thirty days from such liable date. If not, then validity begins from the date of granting the certificate under the CGST Rules 9(1), 9(3) and 9(5). 

If an application falls under cases of delay by the officer under the CGST Rule 9(5), then the officer must send the signed registration certificate within three working days from the period given under the same subrule.

The certificate does not have any time limit for expiry if issued to all the regular taxpayers. As long as the GST registration is valid and not surrendered or cancelled, it remains valid. For a casual taxable person, since the GST registration remains valid for a maximum of ninety days, the registration certificate turns invalid after that. However, the taxpayer can extend its validity or renew by the end of the validity period.

Contents of a GST Registration Certificate

The GST registration certificate contains the main certificate along with two annexures- Annexure- A and Annexure-B. Following are the contents of the main GST registration certificate:

  • The GSTIN of the taxpayer
  • Trade Name and Legal Name
  • Type of Business Constitution (Eg: Partnership, Company, Proprietorship, Trust, etc)
  • Address of the Principal Place of Business
  • Date of Liability
  • Period of Validity. Usually, there is a date mentioned for ‘From date’. However, regular taxpayers will not have a date mentioned for ‘To date’. That would be found in cases of casual taxable persons or non-resident taxable persons.
  • Type of registration
  • Particulars of the Approving authority- Name, designation, jurisdictional office, and signature (usually digitally signed).
  • Date of issuing the certificate

The details found in Annexure-A are as follows-

  • The GSTIN
  • The Legal Name
  • The Trade Name (if found)
  • Additional Places of Business 

The details found in Annexure-B are as follows-

  • The GSTIN
  • The Legal Name
  • The Trade Name (if applicable)
  • Information of proprietor, partners, Karta, managing and whole-time director, the board of trustees, etc. such as photo, name, designation or status and a resident of which State.

How to Get GST Registration Certificate?

Any eligible person can apply for GST registration on the GST portal, by visiting www.gst.gov.in on the web browser. After the due verification of application by the proper officer, the registration shall be approved. The registration will be effective from the date when liability for registration arises, in case the application was submitted within 30 days from that date. However, if the submission was delayed, then the GST registration is valid from the date of grant of registration.

There may be a scenario where bank account details are being submitted later on. In no case, they must submit within earlier of two dates, i.e., 45 days from the date of grant of registration or the due date of filing the return in form GSTR-3B.

For a detailed step-by-step process of obtaining the GST registration or GSTIN, read our article on ‘How to register for GST?’.

How to Download GST Registration Certificate from GST Portal

If you are an existing registered taxpayer, you may also download the certificate in Form GST REG-06 from the GST portal. It is available for download, only on the GST portal, and note that the government does not issue any physical certificate.

Here is a step-by-step process to download GST Registration Certificate in Form GST REG-06:

Step 1 – Login to GST Portal.

 Step 2 – Go to ‘Services’ > ‘User Services’ > ‘View/ Download Certificate.

how to download gst registration certificate

Step 3 – Click on the ‘Download’ icon.

download option

Step 4 – Open the downloaded PDF document and take a printout.  

gst registration certificate download pdf

Step 5 – Display the printed certificate prominently at all your places of business in the State or UT.

Team Clear helps you in obtaining the GST registration certificate without any hassles in the shortest possible time. Explore our GST registration service by clicking on the link here.

Sample GST Registration Certificate

gst registration certificate form REG-06

annexure a REG-06

annexure b REG-06

gst registration certificate

‘Annexure A’ contains the list of any additional places of business, if declared at the time of GST registration.

Annexure A GST registration

‘Annexure B’ contains the list of persons-in-charge for the taxpayer along with their name, designation, State of residence and photograph. The list may have proprietor or partners or Karta or Managing Director and whole-time Directors or Members of the Managing Committee of Association of Persons or the Board of Trustees, etc.

Annexure B GST registration

How to Amend GST Registration?

To make changes in the details of GST registration certificate, you must identify if the field is core or non-core. Accordingly, login to the GST portal and go to Services > Registration > Amendment of Registration Core Fields or Amendment of Registration Core Fields, respectively. Add, delete or edit details. Upload the supporting documents wherever asked for. Save and complete verification through the authorised signatory using DSC, e-Signature or EVC. For more details, read our page on the step-by-step process to make amendments in GST registration.

What changes in GST Registration can be made?

One can change certain core and non-core fields in the GST registration details. Any update in core field requires tax official's verification and approval unlike the non-core fields change.

Core fields can be business name, (Legal Name) if there is no change in PAN, principal and additional places of business (other than any change in the State), addition or deletion of stakeholders such as promoters or partners or Karta or Managing Committee or CEO. 

Whereas, the non-core fields can include the rest of the fields other than core fields such as addition or deletion or modification of bank details, business details, description of goods and services, editing state-specific information (Not being any change of State), authorised signatories or representatives, modifying details of existing stakeholders such as promoters or partners or Karta and minor modifications in existing principal and additional places of business.

For further reading, check out our articles-

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a GST certificate?

GST Certificate refers to a document issued by the Indian government to such businesses who get registered under the GST law. It also gives out crucial details such as the GSTIN, name of the business, and address.

Why do I need a GST Certificate?

You need a GST certificate to display it at your place of business prominently. Moreover, you need the GST certificate to conduct business without any compliance hassles or difficulties in claiming input tax credit, later on.

What are the prerequisites for downloading the GST certificate?

Visit and login to the gst.gov.in portal. Go to ‘Services’ > ‘User Services’ > ‘View/ Download Certificate. All you need is GSTIN and basic business details such as name of the business. 

I forgot my GST portal login credentials. How can I recover them?

Use the 'Forgot Username' or 'Forgot Password' options provided on the portal to recover your username or reset new password. Authenticate using the OTP and accordingly reset new username or password.

Can I download the GST certificate on my mobile device?

You can download the GST certificate on your mobile by visiting the GST portal and logging into it. Follow the same steps as given in this article to download the GST certificate.

What should I do if my GST certificate is incorrect?

If the details in GST certificate is incorrect, ensure to amend your GST registration. 

Is it mandatory to display the GST certificate at my place of business?

Yes, it is mandatory to display the GST certificate at your place of business.

What is the validity period of the GST certificate?

No expiry date is attached to a GST Certificate. It stays valid forever unless you specifically cancelled or surrendered or has been revoked by the tax authorities for non-compliance.

About the Author

I preach the words, “Learning never exhausts the mind.” An aspiring CA and a passionate content writer having 4+ years of hands-on experience in deciphering jargon in Indian GST, Income Tax, off late also into the much larger Indian finance ecosystem, I love curating content in various forms to the interest of tax professionals, and enterprises, both big and small. While not writing, you can catch me singing Shāstriya Sangeetha and tuning my violin ;). Read more

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