Tax Refunds for Individuals
Updated on: May 21st, 2024
2 min read
Online Tax Accounting System (OLTAS) Tax deducted at Source (TDS) Challan Status enquiry
In brief OLTAS is for collection, accounting and reporting of the receipts and payments of Direct Taxes from all kinds of taxpayers, online, through a network of bank branches. To understand what is OLTAS, its features and benefits, you can click here - ‘Online Tax Accounting System (OLTAS)’ .
Any category of direct tax such as income tax, corporate tax, tax deducted at source (TDS), tax collected at source (TCS) etc can be paid using a single copy challan either online or by visiting bank branches authorised for OLTAS. Once taxes are paid by taxpayers, the collecting bank will capture the entire data of the challan and transmit it electronically to the Income-tax Department. Banks also reconcile daily tax collection with the information and data received by Tax Information Network (TIN) from the banks.
This enables easy verification/ status checking of all details and information about the tax payments online. Once taxes are paid, tear off portion of counterfoil is given to taxpayers post rubber stamping by collecting bank and in case of online payment, challan is generated immediately. Challan/counterfoil contains Challan Identification Number (CIN) a unique serial number containing the following:
CIN is a proof of tax payment by a taxpayer which is required to be quoted in income tax returns or communication with the income tax department whenever required. Further, CIN has done away with the requirement of attaching a hard copy of tax paid receipts along with income tax return. Hence, tax paid challan plays an important role and it is imperative to ensure all details filled in the challan are correct. If a taxpayer wants to check the status of tax payments anytime, he/she can do so online. While the way OLTAS works is the same for both income tax directly paid by income earner and also payment of TDS by the deductor. We have discussed the procedure for checking the status of TDS challan online below.
Status of TDS Challan can be checked either by using CIN or Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number (TAN) of deductor. While, status enquiry for all kinds of tax payments can be made using CIN based view, status enquiry for TDS challan can be made using both CIN and TAN based view. Challan Status may be viewed after a week from depositing the challan with the bank.
While making the query on website, if the following message is displayed ‘no records found for the above query’ or if there is any other discrepancy in the data, taxpayer may enquire with the bank where tax has been deposited. In case of no satisfactory reply, taxpayers may email/write to National Securities Depository Ltd.
Visit OLTAS website - Click on ‘CIN based view’ under ‘For Tax Payers’. Enter CIN i.e., BSR code of collecting bank branch, Challan tender date (cash/cheque deposit date), Challan serial Number and amount (optional). On selecting the option, the taxpayer can view the following details:
Visit OLTAS website - Click on ‘TAN based view’ under ‘For Tax Payers’. Enter TAN and Challan Tender Date range for a required period (range should be within 24 months). On selecting this option text file containing the following challan details for the selected TAN and period can be downloaded:
If the taxpayer enters the amount against CIN, the system will confirm whether it matches with the details of amount uploaded by the bank. This file should be used to verify the challan details mentioned in the Quarterly e-TDS/TCS statement For verifying the challan details import the challan file in the File Validation Utility (FVU) along with the text file (Quarterly e-TDS/TCS statement). On successful validation of Quarterly e-TDS/TCS statement, FVU will provide the matching statistic for challan details mentioned in the e-TDS/TCS statement.
Tax collecting branches and the nodal branches need to login with their username and password to track online the status of their challans deposited in banks.
On providing the branch scroll date and the major head code – description, the tax collecting branch can access the total amount and total number of challans for each major head code*. Further, the collecting branch can view following details:
On providing the nodal scroll date and the major head code-description, the nodal branch can view the following details:
Further, for each Nodal Branch Scroll Number, following information can be accessed:
(*Major head code – 0020 – Corporation Tax/company deductees, 0021 – Income Tax (other than Companies)/non-company deductees) (**Minor head code – 200 – TDS/TCS payable by taxpayer, 400 – Tax/TDS/TCS on Regular Assessment Tax). These codes are specific to a TDS challan.