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Income From Other Sources - Calculate Income Tax, Deductions & Exemptions

By Ektha Surana


Updated on: Feb 14th, 2025


4 min read

Heads of Income

The Income Tax Department breaks down income into five heads of income for the purpose of income tax reporting:

  • Income from Salary
  • Income from House Property
  • Income from Capital Gains/Loss
  • Profits and Gains from Business and Profession
  • Income from Other Sources

Income from Other Sources covers income that does not fall under any of the other heads of income. 

Savings Bank Account – Interest Income

Interest that gets accumulated in your savings bank account must be declared in your tax return under income from other sources. Note that the bank does not deduct TDS from savings bank interest. Interest from fixed deposits and recurring deposits is taxable, while interest from savings bank accounts and post office deposits is tax-deductible to a certain extent. However, they are shown as under income from other sources. Interest income from a savings bank account or a fixed deposit or from a post office savings account are all shown under this head.

Budget 2025 update

It has been proposed to increase the limit for TDS deduction u/s 194A on the Interest Income of the taxpayer as follows:

  •  TDS will be deducted on interest income from bank to a senior citizen only if such income is more that Rs. 1,00,000.
  • TDS will be deducted on interest income from bank in case of other assessee if such income is more that Rs. 50,000.
  • TDS will be deducted on interest income from other than bank if such income is more than Rs. 10,000.

Deduction on Interest Income Under Section 80TTA

For a residential individual (age of 60 years or less) or HUF, interest earned upto Rs.10,000 in a financial year is exempt from tax. The deduction is allowed on interest income earned from:

  • savings account with a bank;
  • savings account with a co-operative society carrying on the business of banking; or
  • savings account with a post office

Senior citizens are not entitled to benefits under section 80TTA.

Tax on Fixed Deposits

Fixed deposit interest that you receive is added along with other income that you have, such as salary or professional income, and you’ll have to pay tax on that income at a tax rate that applies to you. TDS is deducted on interest income when it is earned, though it may not have been paid.

Example: The bank will deduct TDS on interest accrued each year on a FD for 5 years. Therefore, it is advisable to pay your taxes annually instead of only paying them when the FD matures. With effect from 1 April 2018, senior citizens will enjoy an income tax exemption of up to Rs.50,000 on the interest income they receive from savings bank accounts, fixed deposits, recurring deposits with banks, post offices, etc., under Section 80TTB.

Avoiding TDS on Fixed Deposits

Banks are required to deduct tax when interest income from deposits held in all the bank branches put together is more than Rs.40,000 in a year (Prior to FY 2019-20, it was Rs.10,000). A 10% TDS is deducted if PAN details are available. It is 20% if the bank does not have your PAN details. The details of TDS deducted on Fixed Deposit Interest are in Form 26AS. If your total income is below the taxable limit, you can avoid tax deductions on fixed deposits by submitting Form 15G and Form 15H to the bank, requesting them not to deduct any TDS. Form 15H is for senior citizens (60 years or older);  Form 15G is for everybody else. These forms are for residents only and for those whose taxes add up to zero. These forms must be submitted at the start of the financial year. If you missed submitting them, then you can claim a refund by filing an income tax return. These forms are valid for one year only. Therefore, they must be submitted each year to keep banks from deducting tax.

Reporting Fixed Deposit and Recurring Deposits in Your Tax Return

Reporting Fixed Deposits

If you have three FDs open, then add up all the interest income and enter it under ‘Other interest income’.

Reporting recurring deposit

When interest income from all the branches of the bank including from recurring deposits, exceeds Rs.40,000 (Rs.50,000 for senior citizens) in a financial year, a 10% tax on interest earned will be deducted. The interest earned should be shown in ‘income from other sources'.

Family Pension

If you are collecting a pension on behalf of someone who is deceased, then you must show this income under income from other sources. This will be added to the taxpayer’s income and tax must be paid at the tax rate that is applicable. There is a deduction of Rs.15,000 or one-third of the family pension received, whichever is lower from the Family Pension Income. 

Taxation of Winnings from Lottery, Game Shows, Puzzles - Casual Income

If you receive money from winning the lottery, Online/TV game shows, races including horse races, card games and other games, gambling betting, etc., it will be taxable under the head Income from other Sources. The income will be taxable at flat rate of 30%, which after adding cess, will amount to 31.2%.

 Dividend Income

Dividends received from investments, such as stocks, are taxed under “income from other sources”. However, as of the recent removal of the Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT), individuals receiving dividends need to include them in their total income and pay tax based on their applicable slab rates. Taxpayers can claim interest expense up to 20% of the dividend income. Also, if the total dividend amount exceeds Rs.5,000, the company deducts TDS at 10% while paying the dividend.

Click here to know more about dividend income taxation.

Agriculture income

As per the Income-tax law, agricultural income covers 3 main activities:

  • Rent or revenue earned from agricultural land situated in India.
  • Income from agricultural activities such as the cultivation of the land, tilling of the land, sowing of seeds, planting, etc., and also includes subsequent operations which would make the product fit for use in the market like tending, pruning, cutting, harvesting, etc. Income derived from saplings or seedlings grown in a nursery would also be considered to be agricultural income.
  • Income derived from farm building required for agricultural operations.

Click here to know more about agriculture income taxation.

Virtual Digital Assets (VDAs)

The virtual digital asset shall mean a cryptocurrency, NFT, etc. Any profit or loss from the sale of VDAs shall be charged to income tax at 30%, subject to the conditions on setting off losses against income.

Click here to know more about virtual digital assets.

Income from Gifts

Taxation on gifts is covered by section 56 (2)(vi) of the Income Tax Act. Any gift received with or without consideration in excess of Rs.50,000 in a financial year will be taxed according to your slab.

  • Any gifts received in cash exceeding Rs.50,000 shall be chargeable to tax.
  • Any gifts received in kind (without any consideration) and the fair market value of such gift is more than Rs.50,000 then the aggregate value will be taxable in the hands of such individual.

Click here to know more about income from gifts.

Interest on Income Tax Refund

The assessee is entitled to a refund of the excess tax paid when they have paid more than they are required to. Advance Tax (AT), Tax Deducted at Source (TDS), or Self-Assessment Tax (SAT) are three possible ways to pay excess taxes. To get an income tax refund, the individual must wait a few days after filing their income tax return. Interest on the refund for this time period will be paid to the taxpayer.

Click here to know more about interest on income tax refund.

Exempt Income

The PPF and EPF amount you withdraw after maturity is exempt from tax and must be declared as exempt income from income from other sources. Note that: The EPF is only tax-exempt after five years of continuous service. Read in detail the rules of EPF withdrawal and taxability thereof.

Expenses Allowed to be Deducted from Certain Income Sources

Similar to freelancers and businesses who can deduct certain expenses from their income, a taxpayer earning income from other sources can claim deductions for expenses as given below:

  • Expenses (not capital expenses) such as repairs, insurance premium, and depreciation in respect of plant, machinery, furniture and buildings are deductible from rental income earned by letting out of plant, machinery, furniture and building.
  • The rental income from the plant and machinery is chargeable to tax under income from other sources. The expenses incurred in respect of such plant and machinery are allowed to be deducted.
  • A standard deduction is allowed on family pension, i.e. a deduction which is the lower of Rs.15,000 and one-third of such income is available in case of income in the nature of family pension which is paid monthly to the family members of a deceased employee.
  • In case, interest on compensation or enhanced compensation is received, 50% of the interest is allowed to be deducted (applicable starting from the assessment year 2010-11).
  • As per Section 57(iii), a deduction is allowed for any other expense (which is not a capital expense) which has been spent wholly and exclusively for making or earning such income.
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Frequently Asked Questions

I have received a dividend from an Indian company this year. Is this taxable as income from other sources?

Yes, dividend income is taxable as “Income from other sources”. The government has abolished the Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT) from FY 2020-21. Hence, the investor has to pay tax on dividend income. The taxpayer can claim interest expense up to 20% of the dividend income. The tax shall be paid at the normal tax slab rates applicable to you. Also, if the total dividend amount exceeds Rs 5,000, the company deducts TDS at 10% while paying the dividend.

What is the tax treatment of dividends received from a foreign company?

Dividends received from a foreign company are taxable as “Income from other sources,” and you need to pay taxes at rates based on the income tax slab under which you fall.

Is dividend received from mutual funds taxable?

Dividend received from mutual funds is taxable as “income from other sources” and one can claim interest expense up to 20% of the dividend income. The tax shall be paid as per the normal income tax slab rates applicable to you.

I am a resident of India and have earned agricultural income from a land situated in Nepal, Is it exempt from tax?

No, only agriculture income from land situated in India is exempt from tax.

What if agricultural operations are carried out on urban land?

The agricultural income derived from agricultural operations carried out on urban or rural land is exempt from taxes.

Is income from animal husbandry tax-free?

No, the income from animal husbandry is taxable since it does not come under agricultural income.

How much tax is charged on cryptocurrency in India?

In India, gains from cryptocurrency are subject to a 30% tax (along with applicable surcharge and 4% cess) under Section 115BBH.

How to calculate taxes on cryptocurrency?

As discussed above, the taxation of crypto gains is determined by the type of transaction. You can use our crypto tax calculator to calculate your taxes accurately and with ease.

How do you calculate tax on crypto?

30% crypto tax will be levied on the income you make from cryptocurrency, which can be calculated as:
Sale Price - Cost Price = Income

Are gifts on the occasion of a wedding taxable?

No, the gifts received by the newlyweds on the occasion of their wedding are not taxable.

What is the maximum limit for gifts that will not be taxable in marriages?

No limit is specified in the act in case of a gift received on the occasion of marriage. Gifts received on the occasion of marriage are not taxable.

I received a prize worth Rs 2 lakhs by participating in a game show. Is this taxable?

Yes. Prize money received from participating in game shows is taxable as income from other sources. Generally, taxes at the source would be deducted from such sum at the time of payment to you at a rate of 30%. Even if taxes have not been deducted, you may pay taxes on such income based on rates applicable to the income slab you fall under.

I have interest income from a fixed deposit, a recurring deposit and a savings account. What is the taxability? Do I have deductions available on such income?

All such interest income is taxable under “Other sources”. You will be liable to tax based on your income slab. Further, you enjoy a deduction of upto Rs 10,000 on interest received from savings account. While senior citizens get a deduction upto Rs 50,000 on their interest income from fixed deposits and savings accounts.

On the occasion of my marriage, I received Rs 1 lakh in cash from my father. Will this sum be taxed?

Money received from a “relative” is not taxable under the Indian tax laws. Further, “relative” includes the father. Therefore, you will not be taxed on this sum you have received.

Can I deduct expenses from ‘income from other sources’?

Yes, you can deduct expenses directly related to getting that income.

What are tax-saving FDs?

The tax-saving FDs come with a lock-in of 5 years. The amount you invest can also be claimed as a deduction under Section 80C subject to a maximum limit of Rs.1,50,000. But, like a regular FD, the interest is fully taxable.

I earn income solely from fixed deposits. Do I have to file an income tax return?

Any individual whose income exceeds Rs.2,50,000 during a financial year must file an income tax return in India. If the bank has deducted TDS and your income does not exceed Rs.2,50,000, then you must file a tax return to claim a refund on excess TDS deducted.

What are casual incomes? What is its tax treatment under the Income Tax Act?

Casual income means income that is not earned in a regular manner, such as lottery income, horse races, etc., and they are charged @30%.

What are the examples of Income from Other Sources

Income from Other Sources includes various types of earnings that do not fall under the other four heads of income (i.e., Salary, House Property, Business or Profession, and Capital Gains). Here are some examples of income that are categorized under "Income from Other Sources":

  • Interest Income: Interest earned on savings accounts, fixed deposits, recurring deposits, and other bank deposits is considered income from other sources.
  • Dividend Income: Dividends received from investments in shares of companies are classified as income from other sources.
  • Rental Income from Machinery, Plant, or Furniture: If you rent out machinery, plant, or furniture, the rental income is categorised under this head.
  • Winning from Lotteries, Crossword Puzzles, and Game Shows: Income from lottery winnings, crossword puzzles, and game shows is considered as income from other sources.
  • Gifts and Cash Prizes: Gifts or cash prizes received on special occasions or events are considered as income from other sources.
  • Royalty Income: Income received as royalty for granting the use of intellectual property like copyrights, patents, or trademarks is categorized as income from other sources.
  • Family Pension: Pension received by the family members of a deceased employee is treated as income from other sources.
  • Interest on Tax Refunds: Interest received on tax refunds from the Income Tax Department is also considered income from other sources.
  • Commission or Brokerage Income: Commission or brokerage received for providing services or facilitating transactions is categorized under this head.
  • Annuity Income: Periodic payments received from annuity plans or insurance policies are considered as income from other sources.
A painting was given to me as a present. Is it subject to taxes?

According to the Income Tax Act, "painting" is considered an asset. If a gift exceeds Rs. 50,000 in value, it will be subject to taxation under the heading "Income from Other Sources.”

Is income tax refund and the interest on income tax refund taxable?

Income Tax refund is already taken into consideration while filing Income Tax Return. Thus, it does not attract any tax liabilty. However, interest on income tax refund is taxable under “Income from other sources”.

What is the difference between head of income and source of income?

Heads of income are the broad categories under which income is classified for the purpose of taxation. The categories are as follows -

  • Income from Salary
  • Income from House Property
  • Profits and Gains of Business or Profession
  • Capital Gains
  • Income from Other Sources

Source of income denotes the specific origin or cause from which income is derived. It typically refers to the direct place, activity, or transaction that generates income.

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About the Author

Multitasking between pouring myself coffees and poring over the ever-changing tax laws. Here, I've authored 100+ blogs on income tax and simplified complex income tax topics like the intimidating crypto tax rules, old vs new tax regime debate, changes in debt funds taxation, budget analysis and more. Some combinations I like- tax and content, finance & startups, technology & psychology, fitness & neuroscience. Read more

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