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Form 24Q- TDS Return on Salary Payment

By CA Mohammed S Chokhawala


Updated on: Mar 17th, 2025


1 min read

At the time of paying salary to an employee, the employer deducts TDS under section 192 of the Income Tax Act 1961. The employer has to file salary TDS return in Form 24Q every quarter. Details of salary paid to the employees and TDS deducted on such payment are to be reported in 24Q. You can easily file your TDS returns through ClearTax software i.e. ClearTDS.

24Q consists of 3 annexures – Annexure I, Annexure II and Annexure III.

While Annexure I has to be submitted for all four quarters of an FY, Annexure II and Annexure III are not required to be submitted for the first three quarters. Annexure II and Annexure III have to be submitted in the last quarter (Jan – Mar) only.

TDS on salary has to be deducted as per the income tax slab. The employer has to consider all deductions and investments of the employee (if proofs of such investments are submitted).

Annexure I of 24Q

Annexure I shows a deductee-wise breakdown of TDS against each particular challan.

Details of challan(s) to be mentioned in Annexure I

  • BSR code of branch
  • Date of deposition of challan
  • Challan serial number
  • Total Amount in Challan
  • TDS amount to be allocated among deductees
  • Interest amount to be allocated among deductees

Details of deductee(s) to be mentioned in Annexure I

  • Employee reference number (if available)
  • PAN of the employee
  • Name of the employee
  • TDS Section Code
  • Date of payment/ credit
  • Amount paid or credited
  • TDS amount
  • Education Cess

Besides, if the employer doesn’t deduct TDS or deducts TDS at a lower rate, he’ll have to provide the reasons for such non-deduction or lower deduction.

Annexure II of 24Q

Annexure II consists of a total breakup of the salary, any deductions to be claimed by the employee, his income from other sources, and house property and overall tax liability as calculated.

Annexure III of 24Q

Annexure III consists of a total breakup of pension and interest income paid or credited during the financial year,  his income from other sources, and house property and overall tax liability as calculated.

TDS Section Code

92A – Salary paid to govt. employees other than union govt. employees

92B – Salary paid to non-government employees

92C – Salary paid to union govt. employees

94P – Payment to Specified Senior Citizen

Due Dates of 24Q

QuarterDue Date
April to June31st July
July to September31st Oct
October to December31st Jan
January to March31st May

Fees/ Interest/ Penalties attached with 24Q


If TDS not deducted – 1% per month, from due date of deduction to actual date of deduction,

If TDS not deposited – 1.5% per month, from actual date of deduction to actual date of payment

Late Filing Fees – under section 234E, a fine of Rs. 200 per day is to be paid until the return is filed. This amount has to be paid for each day until total fine becomes equal to the TDS amount.

The penalty under 271H – In addition to fees to be paid under 234E, AO may charge the penalty of minimum Rs. 10,000 and maximum Rs. 1,00,000.

No penalty will be charged under 271H if –

  • TDS is deposited to the government
  • Late filing fees and interest (if any) is also deposited
  • Return is filed before expiry of 1 year from due date

Points to Ponder

  • Verify all the PAN numbers
  • Verify the challans, and try to match them through e-filing portal
  • Signed Form-27A is to be filed with the TDS return
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is TDS on Salary?
What is the purpose of Form 24Q?
Circumstances where no tax needs to be deducted under section 192?
When should the TDS for salary be deducted?
What is the due date of siling Form 24Q?
Can i use 26Q challan for 24Q?
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About the Author

I'm a chartered accountant, well-versed in the ins and outs of income tax, GST, and keeping the books balanced. Numbers are my thing, I can sift through financial statements and tax codes with the best of them. But there's another side to me – a side that thrives on words, not figures. Read more

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