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Updated on: Jun 17th, 2024
1 min read
In this article, we will understand the process of copyright registration in India in detail.
A copyright is essentially a right not to copy someone’s work. A copyright gives the owner of the subject an exclusive right over his work. If a work is protected by copyright, no one can imitate, copy or reproduce the original work in any other way. A term of copyright in India is 60 years. Copyright can be taken for the following works:
The register of the Registrar of Copyrights is divided into 6 categories:
1: Literary works other than computer Programs
2: Musical Works
3: Artistic Works
4: Cinematography Films
5: Sound Recording
6: Computer Programs, tables & Compilations
Copyrights are protected by “THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 1957” though there have several amendments to the act.
It is not mandatory to get copyright protection but always advisable to do so because it will give the owner a certain set of minimum rights over his work and the protection that no one will be able to copy his work for a minimum period of time. This satisfaction will always motivate the owner to do more work and create more items.
To obtain the copyright registration the following process has to be followed:
Fees for different works have been given by the government in this link: