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Latest Minimum Wages in Gujarat 2025

By Mayashree Acharya


Updated on: Mar 14th, 2025


7 min read

The Gujarat State Government has recently updated minimum wage rates, effective from October 2024. These new rates apply across two zones in Gujarat and various skill levels, covering different scheduled employments. This article provides a complete guide to the minimum wages in Gujarat.

What is the Minimum Wages in Gujarat

The Minimum Wages Act of 1948 (‘Act’) sets the minimum wage for certain types of employment included in its schedule. The Gujarat Government implemented the Gujarat Minimum Wages Rules, 1961, to enforce and manage the standards of the Minimum Wages Act. 

According to this Act, every scheduled employment must pay its workers at least the minimum wage set by the government. The minimum wage in Gujarat combines a basic allowance with a special allowance that is revised every six months based on the average Cost of Living Index for the prior six months.

Gujarat has two zones for the calculation and fixation of minimum wages. They are:

  • Zone I: Covers areas under Municipal Corporations (under the Gujarat Municipal Corporation Act, 1949), municipalities (defined by the Gujarat Municipalities Act, 1963), and regions managed by the Urban Development Authority.
  • Zone II: Includes large municipalities that do not fall under Zone 1.

Current Minimum Wages in Gujarat

The following table mentions the current minimum wages in Gujarat:

Class of EmploymentZoneTotal Minimum Wages Per DayTotal Minimum Wages Per Month
UnskilledZone IRs. 487.00Rs. 12,662.00
Zone IIRs. 476.00Rs. 12,376.00
Semi-SkilledZone IRs. 497.00Rs. 12,922.00
Zone IIRs. 487.00Rs. 12,662.00
SkilledZone IRs. 509.00Rs. 13,234.00
Zone IIRs. 497.00Rs. 12,922.00

Minimum Wages in Gujarat Per Day

The following table mentions the current minimum wages in Gujarat per day:

Class of EmploymentZoneBasic Per DayVDA Per DayTotal Minimum Wages Per Day
UnskilledZone IRs. 452.00Rs. 35.00Rs. 487.00
Zone IIRs. 441.00Rs. 35.00Rs. 476.00
Semi-SkilledZone IRs. 462.00Rs. 35.00Rs. 497.00
Zone IIRs. 452.00Rs. 35.00Rs. 487.00
SkilledZone IRs. 474.00Rs. 35.00Rs. 509.00
Zone IIRs. 462.00Rs. 35.00Rs. 497.00

Minimum Wages in Gujarat Per Month

The following table mentions the current minimum wages in Gujarat per month:

Class of EmploymentZoneBasic Per MonthVDA Per MonthTotal Minimum Wages Per Month
UnskilledZone IRs. 11,752.00Rs. 910.00Rs. 12,662.00
Zone IIRs. 11,466.00Rs. 910.00Rs. 12,376.00
Semi-SkilledZone IRs. 12,012.00Rs. 910.00Rs. 12,922.00
Zone IIRs. 11,752.00Rs. 910.00Rs. 12,662.00
SkilledZone IRs. 12,324.00Rs. 910.00Rs. 13,234.00
Zone IIRs. 12,012.00Rs. 910.00Rs. 12,922.00

Minimum Wages in Gujarat For Skilled Labour

The following table mentions the current minimum wages in Gujarat for skilled workers:

SkilledZone IRs. 509.00Rs. 13,234.00
Zone IIRs. 497.00Rs. 12,922.00

Minimum Wages in Gujarat For Unskilled Labour

The following table mentions the current minimum wages in Gujarat for unskilled workers:

Class of EmploymentZoneTotal Minimum Wages Per DayTotal Minimum Wages Per Month
UnskilledZone IRs. 487.00Rs. 12,662.00
Zone IIRs. 476.00Rs. 12,376.00

Minimum wages in Gujarat ensure fair compensation for workers in scheduled employment. With specific rates for different zones and regular adjustments, Gujarat's minimum wage structure aims to address the cost of living and promote equality for all workers in scheduled employment.

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I am an advocate by profession and have a keen interest in writing. I write articles in various categories, from legal, business, personal finance, and investments to government schemes. I put words in a simplified manner and write easy-to-understand articles. Read more

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