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Latest Minimum Wages in Maharashtra 2025

By Mayashree Acharya


Updated on: Mar 24th, 2025


23 min read

the Maharashtra Government promotes fair compensation for workers by providing adequate minimum wages. The revised minimum wages in Maharashtra impact several crucial industries.

This article covers the recent minimum wages in Maharashtra for 2024. 

What is the Minimum Wages in Maharashtra

The Maharashtra Minimum Wages Rules, 1963, oversees the enforcement of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, across the state. As per these Rules, the Maharashtra Government fixes and revises minimum wage rates, ensuring fair pay for workers across 60 scheduled employment. These wages differ based on work zones and skill levels.

The revised minimum wage rates are divided into three zones, reflecting the geographic and economic characteristics of different regions:

  • Zone 1: Includes the regions falling within the Municipal Corporation’s limits, Cantonment areas and Industrial areas within a 20 km radius from all Municipal Corporation’s limit
  • Zone 2: Includes regions under ‘A’ and ‘B’ class Municipal Corporations.
  • Zone 3: Areas not covered by Zones 1 or 2.

Current Minimum Wages in Maharashtra

The following table mentions the current minimum wages in Maharashtra for some of the top scheduled employment, effective from 1 July 2024:

Minimum Wages for Zone 1 Workers in Maharashtra

The following table mentions the minimum wages in Maharashtra for Zone 1 workers in the top scheduled employment:

Schedule of Employment






Total Minimum


Automobile RepairingSkilledRs. 5,500 Rs. 8,170Rs. 13,670
Semi-skilledRs. 5,100Rs. 8,170Rs. 13,270
UnskilledRs. 4,800Rs. 8,170Rs. 12,970
Advocate or AttorneySkilledRs. 16,620 Rs. 2,310Rs. 18,930
Semi-skilledRs. 15,150Rs. 2,310Rs. 17,460
UnskilledRs. 14,095Rs. 2,310Rs. 16,405
Cement and Cement Based IndustrySkilledRs. 3,710Rs. 6,855Rs. 10,565 
Semi-skilledRs. 3,610Rs. 6,855Rs. 10,465
UnskilledRs. 3,510Rs. 6,855Rs. 10,365
BakeriesSkilledRs. 10,100 Rs. 5,174Rs. 15,274
Semi-skilledRs. 9,200 Rs. 5,174Rs. 14,374
UnskilledRs. 8,250Rs. 5,174Rs. 13,424
Chemical FertilisersSkilledRs. 5,600Rs. 7,915Rs. 13,515
Semi-skilledRs. 5,100Rs. 7,915Rs. 13,015
UnskilledRs. 4,600Rs. 7,915Rs. 12,515
Cotton Ginning and PressingSkilledRs. 5,200Rs. 7,660Rs. 12,860
Semi-skilledRs. 4,700Rs. 7,660Rs. 12,360
UnskilledRs. 4,200Rs. 7,660Rs. 11,860
Cloth Dyeing and PrintingSkilledRs. 4,900 Rs. 7,949Rs. 12,849
Semi-skilledRs. 4,400 Rs. 7,949 Rs. 12,349
UnskilledRs. 4,100Rs. 7,949 Rs. 12,049
Drugs and PharmaceuticalsSkilledRs. 16,605 Rs. 1,736 Rs. 18,341
Semi-skilledRs. 15,185Rs. 1,736 Rs. 16,921
UnskilledRs. 14,170Rs. 1,736 Rs. 15,906
Dairy Industry SkilledRs. 5,500 Rs. 8,025Rs. 13,525
Semi-skilledRs. 5,000Rs. 8,025Rs. 13,025
UnskilledRs. 4,500Rs. 8,025Rs. 12,525

Factories under the Factories Act (Residuary)


SkilledRs. 12,605Rs. 2,750Rs. 15,355
Semi-skilledRs. 11,445 Rs. 2,750Rs. 14,195
UnskilledRs. 10,350Rs. 2,750Rs. 13,100
Engineering IndustrySkilledRs. 16,450 Rs. 1,736 Rs. 18,186
Semi-skilledRs. 15,025 Rs. 1,736 Rs. 16,761
UnskilledRs. 14,010Rs. 1,736 Rs. 15,746
Glass IndustrySkilledRs. 7,700Rs. 7,224Rs. 14,924
Semi-skilledRs. 7,000Rs. 7,224Rs. 14,224
UnskilledRs. 6,500Rs. 7,224Rs. 13,724
HospitalSkilledRs. 6,200Rs. 8,009Rs. 14,209 
Semi-skilledRs. 5,700Rs. 8,009Rs. 13,709
UnskilledRs. 5,300Rs. 8,009Rs. 13,309
Oil MillSkilledRs. 10,350Rs. 5,572Rs. 15,922
Semi-skilledRs. 9,400Rs. 5,572Rs. 14,972
UnskilledRs. 8,500Rs. 5,572Rs. 14,072
Plastic IndustrySkilledRs. 5,300 Rs. 7,555Rs. 12,855
Semi-skilledRs. 4,800Rs. 7,555Rs. 12,355
UnskilledRs. 4,300Rs. 7,555Rs. 11,855

Saw Mills


SkilledRs. 9,450Rs. 4,769Rs. 14,219
Semi-skilledRs. 8,650 Rs. 4,769Rs. 13,419
UnskilledRs. 7,800Rs. 4,769Rs. 12,569

Shops and Commercial


SkilledRs. 11,632 Rs. 3,250Rs. 14,882
Semi-skilledRs. 10,856Rs. 3,250Rs. 14,106
UnskilledRs. 10,021Rs. 3,250Rs. 13,271
Silver IndustrySkilledRs. 5,500Rs. 7,915Rs. 13,415
Semi-skilledRs. 5,000Rs. 7,915Rs. 12,915
UnskilledRs. 4,500Rs. 7,915Rs. 12,415

Minimum Wages for Zone 2 Workers in Maharashtra

The following table mentions the minimum wages in Maharashtra for Zone 2 workers in the top scheduled employment:

Schedule of Employment






Total minimum


Automobile RepairingSkilledRs. 5,200Rs. 8,170Rs. 13,370
Semi-skilledRs. 4,800Rs. 8,170Rs. 12,970
UnskilledRs. 4,500Rs. 8,170Rs. 12,670
Advocate or AttorneySkilledRs. 15,780 Rs. 2,310Rs. 18,090
Semi-skilledRs. 14,310 Rs. 2,310Rs. 16,620
UnskilledRs. 13,255Rs. 2,310Rs. 15,565
Cement and Cement Based IndustrySkilledRs. 3,410Rs. 6,855Rs. 10,265
Semi-skilledRs. 3,310Rs. 6,855Rs. 10,165
UnskilledRs. 3,210Rs. 6,855Rs. 10,065
Chemical FertilisersSkilledRs. 5,400 Rs. 7,915Rs. 13,315
Semi-skilledRs. 4,900 Rs. 7,915Rs. 12,815
UnskilledRs. 4,400 Rs. 7,915Rs. 12,315
BakeriesSkilledRs. 9,750 Rs. 5,174Rs. 14,924
Semi-skilledRs. 8,800 Rs. 5,174Rs. 13,974
UnskilledRs. 7,900Rs. 5,174Rs. 13,074
Cotton Ginning & PressingSkilledRs. 5,000Rs. 7,660Rs. 12,660
Semi-skilledRs. 4,500Rs. 7,660Rs. 12,160
UnskilledRs. 4,000Rs. 7,660Rs. 11,660
Drugs and PharmaceuticalsSkilledRs. 16,000Rs. 1,736Rs. 17,736
Semi-skilledRs. 14,580Rs. 1,736 Rs. 16,316
UnskilledRs. 13,565Rs. 1,736 Rs. 15,301
Dairy Industry SkilledRs. 5,250Rs. 8,025 Rs. 13,275
Semi-skilledRs. 4,750Rs. 8,025 Rs. 12,775
UnskilledRs. 4,250Rs. 8,025 Rs. 12,775
Glass IndustrySkilledRs. 7,400Rs. 7,224Rs. 14,624
Semi-skilledRs. 6,700Rs. 7,224Rs. 13,929 
UnskilledRs. 6,200Rs. 7,224Rs. 13,424
Engineering IndustrySkilledRs. 16,045Rs. 1,736Rs. 17,781
Semi-skilledRs. 14,620Rs. 1,736Rs. 16,356
UnskilledRs. 13,605Rs. 1,736Rs. 15,341
HospitalSkilledRs. 6,000Rs. 8,009 Rs. 14,009
Semi-skilledRs. 5,500Rs. 8,009 Rs. 13,509
UnskilledRs. 5,100Rs. 8,009 Rs. 13,109
Oil MillSkilledRs. 9,800 Rs. 5,572Rs. 15,372
Semi-skilledRs. 8,850Rs. 5,572Rs. 14,422
UnskilledRs. 7,950Rs. 5,572Rs. 13,522
Plastic IndustrySkilledRs. 5,150Rs. 7,555Rs. 12,705
Semi-skilledRs. 4,650Rs. 7,555Rs. 12,205
UnskilledRs. 4,150Rs. 7,555Rs. 11,705

Saw Mills


SkilledRs. 9,100 Rs. 4,769Rs. 13,869
Semi-skilledRs. 8,300Rs. 4,769Rs. 13,069
UnskilledRs. 7,500Rs. 4,769Rs. 12,269

Shops & Commercial



SkilledRs. 11,036Rs. 3,250Rs. 14,286
Semi-skilledRs. 10,260Rs. 3,250Rs. 13,510
UnskilledRs. 9,425Rs. 3,250Rs. 12,675
Silver IndustrySkilledRs. 5,200 Rs. 7,915Rs. 13,115
Semi-skilledRs. 4,800Rs. 7,915Rs. 12,715
UnskilledRs. 4,300Rs. 7,915Rs. 12,215

Minimum Wages for Zone 3 Workers in Maharashtra

The following table mentions the minimum wages in Maharashtra for Zone 3 workers in the top scheduled employment:

Schedule of Employment






Total minimum


Automobile repairingSkilledRs. 4,900Rs. 8,170Rs. 13,070
Semi-skilledRs. 4,500Rs. 8,170Rs. 12,670
UnskilledRs. 4,200Rs. 8,170Rs. 12,370
BakeriesSkilledRs. 9,350Rs. 5,174Rs. 14,524
Semi-skilledRs. 8,450Rs. 5,174Rs. 13,624
UnskilledRs. 7,500Rs. 5,174Rs. 12,674
Cement and Cement Based IndustrySkilledRs. 3,110Rs. 6,855Rs. 9,965
Semi-skilledRs. 3,010Rs. 6,855Rs. 9,865
UnskilledRs. 2,910Rs. 6,855Rs. 9,765
Factories under Factories Act (Residuary)SkilledRs. 11,255Rs. 2,750Rs. 14,005
Semi-skilledRs. 10,160Rs. 2,750Rs. 12,910
UnskilledRs. 9,000Rs. 2,750Rs. 11,750
Cotton Ginning & PressingSkilledRs. 4,800Rs. 7,660Rs. 12,460
Semi-skilledRs. 4,300Rs. 7,660Rs. 11,960
UnskilledRs. 3,800Rs. 7,660Rs. 11,460
Drugs and PharmaceuticalsSkilledRs. 15,590Rs. 1,736Rs. 17,326
Semi-skilledRs. 14,170Rs. 1,736Rs. 15,906
UnskilledRs. 13,155Rs. 1,736Rs. 14,891
Dairy Industry SkilledRs. 5,000Rs. 8,025Rs. 13,025
Semi-skilledRs. 4,500Rs. 8,025 Rs. 12,525
UnskilledRs. 4,000Rs. 8,025 Rs. 12,025
Glass IndustrySkilledRs. 7,200Rs. 7,224 Rs. 14,424
Semi-skilledRs. 6,500Rs. 7,224 Rs. 13,724
UnskilledRs. 6,000Rs. 7,224 Rs. 13,224
Engineering IndustrySkilledRs. 15,225Rs. 1,736Rs. 16,961
Semi-skilledRs. 13,805Rs. 1,736Rs. 15,541
UnskilledRs. 12,795Rs. 1,736Rs. 14,531
HospitalSkilledRs. 5,800Rs. 8,009Rs. 13,809
Semi-skilledRs. 5,300Rs. 8,009Rs. 13,309
UnskilledRs. 4,900Rs. 8,009Rs. 12,909
Plastic IndustrySkilledRs. 5,000Rs. 7,555 Rs. 12,555
Semi-skilledRs. 4,500Rs. 7,555 Rs. 12,055
UnskilledRs. 4,000Rs. 7,555 Rs. 11,555

Saw Mills


SkilledRs. 8.750Rs. 4,769Rs. 13,591
Semi-skilledRs. 7,950Rs. 4,769Rs. 12,719
UnskilledRs. 7,150Rs. 4,769Rs. 11,919

Shops & Commercial



SkilledRs. 10,440Rs. 3,250Rs. 13,690
Semi-skilledRs. 9,664Rs. 3,250Rs. 12,914
UnskilledRs. 8,828Rs. 3,250Rs. 12,078

Click here to know the minimum wages in Maharashtra for all scheduled employment.

Employers must adhere to the revised minimum wage rates to avoid penalties and contribute to the welfare of their employees. Meanwhile, workers should also have the knowledge of the minimum wages to ensure they receive appropriate pay for their work. The revised minimum wages will positively impact the livelihoods of many workers throughout the state.

Related Articles:
Minimum Wages in MP
Minimum Wages in Haryana
Minimum Wages in Rajasthan
Minimum Wages in Karnataka
Minimum Wages in India

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I am an advocate by profession and have a keen interest in writing. I write articles in various categories, from legal, business, personal finance, and investments to government schemes. I put words in a simplified manner and write easy-to-understand articles. Read more

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