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GST Suvidha Provider (GSP) – An Overview



Updated on: Jan 9th, 2025


2 min read

GST Suvidha Provider (GSP) is considered as an enabler or authorised intermediary for businesses to access GST portal services. It helps comply with the provisions of GST law through their GST Software applications and APIs, just like ClearTax!

Who is a GST Suvidha Provider (GSP)?

GSP stands for GST Suvidha Provider. A GSP enables a GST taxpayer to comply with all the procedural provisions of the GST law through its web platform. ClearTax, an online tax filing platform has been granted the status of GSP. A GSP provides innovative methods or means of an effective interactive platform for taxpayers to access GST portal services ranging from registration and invoicing to completion of GST return filing.

GSP Ecosystem

Understanding with an example: Let’s take an example to understand it better: ABC Ltd is a private multinational company, which is running operations on SAP ERP. All records with respect to purchases and sales are maintained in it. At the end of each month, reports are generated from ERP and utilised to prepare and generate tax returns. Thereafter, returns are uploaded on the government’s portal. Our government is now aiming for single and automated workflow wherein these ERP companies can build an interface with government’s portal and all the GST related compliance can be done directly through their software. GSP need not be only ERP companies but can be startups or financial technology companies having expertise in building web applications for filing GST returns such as ClearTax.

GSP – A Brainchild of Goods and Services Tax Network

GSP is a term coined by GSTN (Goods and Service Tax Network), the private non-government entity that owns and maintains the GST portal. It is in-line with the ‘Digital India’ initiative that advocates a paperless tax compliance regime that enables transparency and reliability in doing business across India.  

Three Modes of Interaction With GST portal

Filing directly on the GST portal

A GST taxpayer will usually access the website directly for availing various services offered on the website such as registration, GST return filing, refund application, and other similar GST compliances. However, for services such as GST return filing, a taxpayer may not be technically equipped to file online. Hence, they may find it difficult to collate sales and purchase data from his ERP system or accounting software in the required GSTN format. A lot of manual efforts may go into preparing the GST returns. Hence, a GST Suvidha Provider is an indirect means yet an easy platform to access the GST portal saving time and efforts. Under indirect means, there are two types of intermediaries between the taxpayer and the GST portal. They are as follows:

ASP who is not a GSP:

These entities provide the requisite third-party applications for GST compliance. They have user interfaces via various modes such as desktop, mobile or any other interfaces for taxpayers just like any other Application Service Provider (ASP). Such an application developer can connect with the GST portal via a secure GST system Application Programming Interface (APIs) accessed with the help of GST Suvidha Providers. The below diagram will show the two ways of how the taxpayers can access the GST portal indirectly through an ASP who is Non-GSP:

Interaction through ASP who is not a GSP

ASP who is also a GSP:

A government-approved application service provider is the most reliable mode of completing GST compliances. They provide the application and are also authorised to provide an interactive platform to access the GST portal. Such an ASP who is also a GST Suvidha Provider can connect seamlessly with the GST portal and helps avoid; any third-party dependency, thereby increasing the speed of processing of data. Also, an ASP which has access to multiple GSPs will ensure higher uptime availability and scalability for the user. The below diagram will show the two ways of how the taxpayers can access the GST portal indirectly through an ASP who is also a GSP:

Interaction through an ASP who is also a GSP

Interaction of a taxpayer with the GST portal can, therefore, take place via either of the three routes as follows:


Overview of Interaction through GSP

Areas addressed by GST Suvidha Providers

  1. Upload invoice data (B2B and large value B2C).
  2. Upload GSTR-1 (return containing supply data), which will be created based on invoice data and some other data provided by the taxpayer.
  3. GSTR-2A download and reconciliation with purchase data accounted on ERP.
  4. File GSTR-3B based on the GSTR-1 filed, purchase data on record and GSTR-2A information available.
  5. Similarly, there are other returns for other categories of taxpayers like casual taxpayer or composition taxpayers.

List of GSPs in India

Till November 2019, there have been three rounds of licensing for GST Suvidha Provider. In the first round of allotment of the license, thirty-four companies were granted GSP license. Read the 1st round of allottees here. In the next round of licensing, around 42 companies were allotted the status of GSP as listed here. In the last round of GSP list announced in November 2019, 10 companies have joined the list as laid down here. ClearTax is a GSP authorised to connect to the GST Network using published APIs.

The latest round of allotment being the 4th round was opened in the beginning of 2021 and is available till 11th April 2021. For the complete details of the emplanelment, visit the GSTN’s guide here.

Benefits of being an ASP who is also a GSP

  1. Allows an end-to-end integration with any ERP system or accounting software so that data can be fetched automatically.
  2. Improved and faster performance compared to any other ASP not being GST Suvidha Provider.
  3. The integration with the GSTN can allow a smooth flow of data between the application and the GST portal avoiding any third-party dependency.
  4. A single login is needed to access different locations (GSTIN) instead of login and logout each time from different locations.
  5. Better security ensured as all security standards are met and approved by GSTN.

Why is ClearTax the best GSP solution?

  1. ClearTax is an ASP as well as GSP, posing numerous advantages to businesses looking for end-to-end compliance solution.
  2. GST data travels end-to-end without the involvement of a third-party. Hence, 100% data security guaranteed.
  3. High volume data ingestion made possible along with improved performance and greater speed.
  4. Single dashboard access by businesses where branches and units are set up across India.
  5. ClearTax provides various convenient and interactive modes including desktop application and cloud-based application.
  6. Smart GST solutions offered for GST return filing, managing e-way bills and raising GST compliant invoices.
About the Author

DVSR Anjaneyulu, known by the name AJ, I've got a vast experience in accounting, finance, taxes and audit. I'm always keen to simplify laws for the readers and learn about the Indian finance ecosystem. I also love listening to music, travelling, and, most importantly, conversing with people to better understand the world.. Read more

Clear offers taxation & financial solutions to individuals, businesses, organizations & chartered accountants in India. Clear serves 1.5+ Million happy customers, 20000+ CAs & tax experts & 10000+ businesses across India.

Efiling Income Tax Returns(ITR) is made easy with Clear platform. Just upload your form 16, claim your deductions and get your acknowledgment number online. You can efile income tax return on your income from salary, house property, capital gains, business & profession and income from other sources. Further you can also file TDS returns, generate Form-16, use our Tax Calculator software, claim HRA, check refund status and generate rent receipts for Income Tax Filing.

CAs, experts and businesses can get GST ready with Clear GST software & certification course. Our GST Software helps CAs, tax experts & business to manage returns & invoices in an easy manner. Our Goods & Services Tax course includes tutorial videos, guides and expert assistance to help you in mastering Goods and Services Tax. Clear can also help you in getting your business registered for Goods & Services Tax Law.

Save taxes with Clear by investing in tax saving mutual funds (ELSS) online. Our experts suggest the best funds and you can get high returns by investing directly or through SIP. Download Black by ClearTax App to file returns from your mobile phone.

Cleartax is a product by Defmacro Software Pvt. Ltd.

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