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Hard Disk HSN Code and GST Rate

By Tanya Gupta


Updated on: Nov 12th, 2024


2 min read

From CCTVs and digital display boards to everyday laptops and desktops, Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) and Solid State Drives (SSDs) are essential for memory storage and computing. This article discusses the HSN code for hard disks and applicable GST rates for hard disks so that you can make informed decisions while purchasing for your business. 

Applicability of GST on Hard Disk 

Before GST was introduced in 2017, hard disk drives and other computer hardware items were used to attract a value added tax (VAT) along with customs duty, as HDDs and SSDs were mostly imported. In 2016, customs duty on internal HDDs was around 6.3%, while customs duty on external HDDs was 14.7%. Now, GST has streamlined these multiple layers of taxes and duties and replaced them with a single tax rate.

  • Customers purchasing from a dealer/trader within India must pay 9% SGST and 9% CGST on HDDs and SSDs. 
  • IGST @ 18% is applicable on import for both internal and external hard disk drives and solid-state drives (SSD).

HSN Code Classification and GST Rate for Hard Disk 

The Harmonised System of Nomenclature (HSN) is a globally accepted standard for classification, identification, tariff structuring, and naming of products and services in international trade.

For example, the HSN code for Hard Disc Drive (HDD) is 84717020

  • 84 - Chapter on nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances and parts thereof
  • 8471 - Heading for automatic data processing machines, magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing, processing and storing coded data onto data media
  • 847170 - Subheading for ‘computer storage units’ 
  • 84717020 - Tariff item code for ‘storage units: hard disc drives.’

GST Rate on Hard Disk Drive and other Computer Components 

HSN code 

HSN Description 


847170204Tb Hard disk, external hard disk18% 
84713010Personal computer 18% 
8528Monitor 18% 
847160 Printer 18% 
85235100Non-volatile SSD 18% 

Read more: GST on Laptops: Applicability, HSN Code and GST Rate

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the HSN code for a 1TB hard disk?

The HSN code for a 1 TB hard disk is 84717090. 

What is the exact HSN code for hard disks?

For GST, payable by domestic dealers and traders, the HSN code for the hard disk is 8471. Dealers and traders importing or exporting hard disk drives must use 84717020. 

Can the HSN code for hard disks vary by country?

No, it will not vary. The HSN code is a global harmonised standard accepted and followed by the World Customs Organization (WCO) member countries. Currently, 186 countries are members of WCO. So, the HSN code for goods or services will remain the same across these 186 countries. 

How often are HSN codes for electronic goods updated?

The World Customs Organization updates the HSN classification every 6 years. 

Does the HSN code for hard disks differ for SSDs and HDDs?

Yes. The HSN code for traditional magnetic and optical hard disks is 84717020, and the HSN code for non-volatile SSD hard disks is 85235100. However, the GST applicable for both the tariff item level codes is 18%.  

Is the HSN code for external hard disks the same as for internal hard disks?

HSN code 84717020 applies to internal HDDs, and 84717030 applies to external or removable HDDs. However, GST on external hard disks and internal HDDs is the same. 

Are there different HSN codes for different hard disk storage capacities?

No. 8-digit HSN code for HDD does not vary with storage capacity. 

About the Author

A Chartered Accountant by profession and a content writer by passion, I've dedicated my career to unraveling the complexities of GST. With a firm belief that learning is a lifelong journey, I've honed my skills in simplifying intricate legal jargon into easily understandable content. The satisfaction of transforming complex tax laws into relatable narratives is what drives me. Read more

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