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FSSAI Registration For Home Bakers

By Mayashree Acharya


Updated on: Jun 14th, 2024


2 min read

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) implements the Food Safety and Standards (FSS) Act, 2006 and FSS Regulations, 2011. It ensures food standardisation and covers a large base of food products from restaurants to home bakers.

The FSSAI authority guarantees food safety in India. It ensures that people sell food across India by following some basic safety and hygiene standards making the food safe to consume for the general public. The FSSAI registration acts as food safety approval and gives confidence of quality to the customers.

Home bakers are people who bake food at home and sell them. It could also be a cottage industry that caters to consumers’ needs from their own residence. The home bakers and cottage industries should register themselves with FSSAI.


Requirement of FSSAI Registration for Home Bakers

There is an increase in the number of home bakers since there has been an increase in demand for home baking products over the past few years. Thus, FSSAI made it compulsory for home bakers to obtain FSSAI registration to regulate the food safety and quality of such bakers. The home bakers will face legal issues if they do not get FSSAI registration for baking and selling food from home.

The FSSAI could impose a fine if home bakers do not obtain the registration and also ban them from continuing their food business in the future. It may also result in loss of business. Without FSSAI registration, home bakers will also not be able to sell their food online through delivery apps. Thus, all home bakers in India must obtain the FSSAI registration.

Types of FSSAI Registration for Home Bakers

There are three types of FSSAI registration, i.e. FSSAI Basic Registration, FSSAI State License and FSSAI Central License. The FSSAI has categorised food business operators and the type of registration each category needs to obtain. The home bakers need to apply for FSSAI registration/license under the category of ‘Restaurant’ as per their turnover provided below:

  • FSSAI Basic Registration – Home bakers with an annual turnover of less than Rs.12 lakh, need to file for the FSSAI basic registration. They should fill the Form-A to obtain the registration.
  • FSSAI State License – Home bakers with an annual turnover exceeding Rs.12 lakh but below Rs.20 crore need to file for the FSSAI state license. They should fill the Form-B to obtain the license.
  • FSSAI Central License – Home bakers with an annual turnover exceeding Rs.20 crore, need to file for the FSSAI central license. They should fill the Form-B to obtain the license.

FSSAI Registration Application Procedure 

  • Go to the FoSCoS website
  • Scroll down and click on the ‘Apply/License Registration’ option on the homepage.
  • Select the state from the drop-down menu where the home baking business is established.
  • Select the ‘Food Services’ option that is displayed below.
  • Scroll down and select the ‘Restaurants’ option from the list.
  • Select the applicable turnover and click on the ‘Proceed’ button.
  • Click on the option ‘Click here to apply for Registration for all businesses’ or ‘Click here to apply for State License for all businesses’.
  • Fill in the required details on Form-A or Form-B and click on the ‘Save & Next’ button.
  • Upload the necessary documents.
  • Pay the FSSAI registration fees and submit the registration form.
  • The FSSAI authorities will verify the registration application form and documents. They may also inspect the food premises if required.
  • The FSSAI authorities will grant the FSSAI Registration Certificate if they are satisfied that the home baker meets all the required criteria. The home bakers can download the FSSAI registration certificate by logging into the FoSCoS portal.

The home bakers can also file for FSSAI registration offline by visiting the food safety commissioner or food safety officer-in-charge. They need to get the registration form, i.e. Form-A or Form-B, fill it and submit the documents to the officer-in-charge in the food safety department. The authorities will verify the application and grant the FSSAI registration.

Documents Required for an FSSAI Registration

The documents that the home bakers must submit to obtain the FSSAI basic registration are as follows:

  • Proof of possession of home baking premises, i.e. rental agreement, sale deed, etc. It is sufficient for a home baker to provide the home address to avail of FSSAI registration. But if the home baker has a separate working space like a studio where he/she bakes the food, that address should be given as the business address.
  • List of foods provided.

The documents that the home bakers must submit to obtain the FSSAI state license are as follows:

  • Proof of possession of office address/home baking premises.
  • List of foods provided.
  • Proof of expected annual turnover.
  • Food safety management system certificate or plan.
  • Address proof and photo ID proof issued by the government authority of the authorised signatory.
  • Analysis report of water used in foods from a recognised or public health laboratory to confirm the quality of drinkable water.

The documents that the home bakers must submit to obtain FSSAI central license are as follows:

  • Identity proof such as ration card, PAN card, passport, driving license, Aadhaar card or voter ID card.
  • Food safety management system certificate or plan.
  • Import/Export Code (IEC).
  • Proof of possession of premises of the home baker such as electricity bill, sale deed, rent agreement, etc.
  • Partnership deed for partnership firm, self-declaration for proprietorship or Memorandum and Articles of association for company.
  • Panchayath license, trade license, corporation license or municipality license.
  • Certificate of product approval.
  • Permit from the Animal Husbandry Ministry.
  • No Objection Certificate (NOC) for the quality of food and regulating compliances issued by the FSSAI authority.

Benefits of FSSAI Registration

  • The FSSAI license aids the home bakers to export baked items to foreign markets and reach international food safety and security benchmarks.
  • It provides credibility, builds goodwill and helps the company gain more clients.
  • It helps build a strong relationship with customers as the FSSAI registration/license assures them of the baked food’s quality, hygiene and safety.
  • It enables the home bakers to carry on business without legal hassles and avoid penalties.
  • It helps obtain funds quickly from investors and expand the home baking business.
  • It ensures the customers that the home bakers are committed to public health and comply with the norms that ensure food safety.

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I am an advocate by profession and have a keen interest in writing. I write articles in various categories, from legal, business, personal finance, and investments to government schemes. I put words in a simplified manner and write easy-to-understand articles. Read more

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