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Calculate NowThe government constituted the Odisha Labour Welfare Fund (‘Fund’) under the Odisha Labour Welfare Fund Act, 2005 (‘Act’) to promote labour welfare and help them with financing in times of need. The Odisha Labour Welfare Board (‘Board’) was created to maintain and manage the Fund.
The Odisha Labour Welfare Fund was created to provide services and facilities to the labourers, employees and workers working in establishments covered under the Act. The main aim of this Fund is to improve working conditions and the overall quality of life for workers. To provide these services to them, employees and employers contribute to the Fund twice a year. The Odisha Labour Welfare Board maintains this Fund.
The Odisha Labour Welfare Fund Rules, 2015, provides for the mode of payment to the Fund, mode of depositing contributions to the Fund, maintenance of registers, meeting of the Board, budget of the Board, etc. The Odisha Labour Welfare Fund Act and Rules applies to the entire state of Odisha.
The following establishments in Odisha are covered under the Act:
The Act covers all employees employed for hire or reward to do any manual, unskilled, supervisory, skilled, clerical or technical work in an establishment but does not include any person:
The employers and employees working in the establishments covered under the Act must contribute to the Fund half-yearly. They must contribute on 30th June and 31st December every year, and the returns should be filed on 15th July and 15th January with the Board.
The amount contribution amount towards the Odisha Labour Welfare Fund is as follows:
The Board may utilise the contributions made to the Fund for the following purposes:
The Odisha Labour Welfare Fund ensures that all the labourers and employees get assistance for better living standards, social security and good working conditions. This fund not only benefits the worker but also their families.
Also read about:
1. West Bengal Labour Welfare Fund
2. Telangana Labour Welfare Fund
3. Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund
4. Delhi Labour Welfare Fund