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DIR-3 KYC – Application for KYC of Directors

By Mayashree Acharya


Updated on: Jun 17th, 2024


2 min read

Director identification number (DIN) is a unique identification number given to a person wanting to be a director or an existing director of a company. In this digitised era, application in e-Form DIR-3 was sufficient to obtain DIN. This was a one-time process for any person who wants to be a director in one or more companies. 

However, now with the move of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) to update its registry, all directors with a DIN will have to submit their KYC details annually in e-Form DIR-3 KYC.

Who has to file e-Form DIR-3 KYC?

As per MCA recent announcement, any director who was allotted a DIN by or on 31st March 2018 and whose DIN is in approved status, will have to submit his/her KYC details to the MCA. Further, this procedure is mandatory for the disqualified directors too.

From the Financial Year 2019-20 onwards, it is mandatory for every director who has been allotted a DIN on or before the end of the financial year and whose DIN is in approved status, will have to file form DIR-3 KYC before 30th September of the immediately next financial year.

For example– For the Financial Year 2022-23, the directors having DIN or Director Partner Identification Number (DPIN) and the directors allotted with a DIN/DPIN by 31st March 2023, need to file the e-Form DIR-3 KYC before 30th September 2023.

There are two types of e-Form DIR-3 KYC, which are as follows:

  • DIR-3 KYC - Any director who is filing e-Form DIR-3 KYC for the first time after allotment of DIN or whose details are required to be updated/changed must file this form.
  • DIR-3 KYC (Web) - Any director who has already filed the e-Form DIR-3 KYC/DIR-3 KYC (Web) in the previous year can file this form when there is no change in his/her KYC details. In this e-Form, the basic details of the director will be pre-filled from the MCA data and, thus, cannot be changed. 

Checkpoints for filing the e-Form DIR-3 KYC

  • Every director's personal mobile number and email address will have to be provided while filing the e-Form. This number and email address will be verified by an OTP (one-time password).
  • The director has to use his/her own digital signature while filing this e-Form.
  • The director has to ensure that complete and right information is provided on the e-Form and it should be certified by a practising Chartered Accountant (CA) or Company Secretary (CS), or Cost Accountant.

Consequence of not filing e-Form DIR-3 KYC within the specified due date

In case a director who is supposed to file the e-Form does not file it by 30th September on MCA 21 portal, the department will mark the DIN of such director as ‘Deactivated due to Non-filing of DIR-3 KYC’. 

If the director wishes to re-activate his/her DIN in future by filing the missed out e-Form DIR-3 KYC, he can do so after paying a late fee of Rs 5,000. This fee would be payable on or after 30th September of the year in which the e-Form DIR-3 KYC (Web) is to be filed. This form needs to be filed annually by the directors.

Documents required for filing e-Form DIR-3 KYC

For filing your DIR-3 -KYC form, you’ll need the following documents:

  • Permanent address proof, such as Voter's ID, driving license or PAN card. 
  • Present address proof, such as utility bills not older than 2 months, rental agreement, etc.
  • Aadhaar card.
  • Passport.
  • Other optional documents.

Apart from the above documents mentioned above, please keep the following things ready:

  • Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) of the director filing the form (applicant).
  • DSC, membership number, certificate of practise number from a practising professional, such as CA, CS, or Cost Accountant. 

Step-by-step guide to file e-Form DIR-3 KYC

Let’s take a look at the steps involved in filing a DIR- 3 KYC:

Step 1: Login to MCA website

Login to the MCA website by clicking ‘Sign In/Sign Up’ button on the homepage. If you have not registered on the MCA website, you can register by clicking the ‘Register’ button, entering the required details and logging in by entering the User ID and password.

Step 2: Enter the mobile number and email

After logging into the MCA website, go to ‘MCA Services’ tab, then ‘Company e-Filing’, ‘DIN Related Filings’ and click ‘Form DIR-3 KYC’ or ‘Form DIR-3 KYC Web’. On the form, the director must enter the DIN number, mobile number and email. OTP will be sent to mobile number and email. Enter the OTP and click on ‘Next’. 

Step 3: Enter the details in the DIR-3 KYC Form

The director has to enter the below details on the next page:

  • Name
  • Father's name
  • Nationality
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • PAN number
  • Mobile number
  • OTP sent to mobile number
  • Email ID
  • OTP sent to email ID
  • Aadhaar number
  • Permanent residential address
  • Present residential address

If the director is filling e-Form DIR-3 KYC (Web), the above details will be pre-filled. The details which are not pre-filled will have to be filled by the director.

Note: It is mandatory to declare Permanent Account Number (PAN). After entering PAN details, director will have to click on the ‘Verify income-tax PAN’ button. The system will verify the details based on the PAN card number. If the foreign nationals do not have a PAN, the name mentioned in the form must be the same as the name mentioned in the DSC for successful validation.

Step 4: Attachments and e-Form certification

Next, the director must upload the required documents. After documents are attached, the director must make the declaration that the information provided by him/her on the e-Form DIR-3 KYC is correct and attach his/her DSC. The e-Form should also be digitally signed by a practising CA, CS or Cost Accountant. It is important to enter the details of the practising professional and then attach their digital signature.

Last, click the ‘Submit’ button to submit the DIR-3 KYC form.

Process after form submission

SRN generation

Upon the successful submission of the e-Form DIR-3 KYC, an SRN will be generated for the user. This SRN will be used for future correspondence with the MCA.

Email communication

An email with the approval of the receipt of the form will be sent to the personal email ID of the applicant. Once the email of approval is received, filing e-Form DIR-3 KYC is complete.

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About the Author

I am an advocate by profession and have a keen interest in writing. I write articles in various categories, from legal, business, personal finance, and investments to government schemes. I put words in a simplified manner and write easy-to-understand articles. Read more

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