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What is ECO Mark Scheme? ECO Mark Logo, Full Form, Products List, Benefits, Certification

Updated on: Jun 19th, 2024


4 min read

Eco Markalso known as Eco Label, is a symbol applied to ecologically friendly products complying with the requirements of the Eco Mark Scheme. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) implements the Eco Mark Scheme under the BIS Act, 1986. It provides the criteria eligible, assesses and certifies the products for which a manufacturer can use the Eco Mark.

What is an Eco Mark Scheme?

The government launched the Eco-labelling Scheme known as the Eco Mark Scheme in 1991 to identify environment-friendly products. It is a voluntary mark labelling consumer products as environment-friendly based on specific quality and environmental parameters. 

A product made, disposed of or used to reduce environmental harm significantly is considered environment-friendly. These products have less potential for pollution during their life cycle, i.e. raw material, use, manufacture, and disposal.

The Eco Mark Scheme applies to all products, including household and commercial products introduced in the market. Any industrialists and commercialists can apply to the BIS for an Eco Mark license.

Objectives of Eco Mark

There are five objectives of the Eco Mark Scheme, which are as follows:

  • To provide incentives for importers and manufacturers to reduce the adverse environmental impact of products.
  • To reward companies for their initiatives taken under this scheme.
  • To provide information to consumers, take account of environmental factors in their purchase decisions and become environmentally responsible in their daily lives.
  • To encourage citizens to purchase products with less harmful environmental impacts
  • To promote the sustainable management of resources and improve the quality of the environment.

Eco Mark products list in India

The Eco Mark Scheme covers the below product categories:

  • Soaps and detergents
  • Food items
  • Paints
  • Lubricating oils 
  • Electrical and electronic goods
  • Batteries
  • Wood substitutes 
  • Food additives 
  • Aerosols and propellants
  • Cosmetics
  • Plastic products
  • Fire-extinguisher
  • Textiles
  • Coir and coir products
  • Leather
  • Packing or packaging materials
  • Architectural paints and powder coatings

Eco Mark symbol/Eco Mark logo

An earthen pot is the logo of the Eco Mark, signifying the usage of renewable resources, like clay, which consumes less energy and does not have hazardous waste. It represents the strength and fragility which characterises the ecosystem.

An Eco Mark signifies that a product is the right environmental choice product. The Eco Mark and ISI mark on a product indicates that the product meets the environmental criteria and quality requirements specified in the relevant Indian Standards.

The combination of the Eco logo and ISI mark is given below:

eco mark logo

Criteria for Eco Mark

Manufacturers should ensure that the product qualifies the criteria as per Indian Standards before applying to BIS for Eco Mark certification. BIS will assess the products for certification based on the following environmental impact factors:

  • The product has substantially less potential for pollution compared to similar products in terms of production, usage and disposal.
  • The product is made of recyclable, recycled or biodegradable materials.
  • The product creates a significant contribution towards the preservation of non-renewable resources.
  • The product’s use must contribute to a decrease in the environmental impact.

BIS will consider the following criteria while determining if the product is eligible under the Eco Mark Scheme:

  • Process of production, including the source of raw materials
  • The potential impact of the resources on the environment
  • Natural resources utilised by the manufacturers
  • Amount of biological waste emanating out of the product
  • Amount of energy consumed while producing the product
  • Disposal aspects related to the product and other requirements
  • Sustainability of the product during one life cycle
  • Biodegradability of the product

Eco Mark application process

BIS allows the usage of the Eco Mark logo/symbol for the products covered under the Eco Mark Scheme upon an application for the same. The following is the process to apply and obtain a license:

Filing application

The manufacturer should file an application with the BIS for using the Eco Mark on their products. There is no online facility to apply for obtaining an Eco Mark certification. Thus, manufacturers must file the application with the concerned authority of the Regional BIS Offices.

Payment of fees

The manufacturers must apply in the prescribed form and pay the prescribed fee. BIS charges fees for application, annual licence fee, testing of samples, renewal of application, and marketing fee, depending upon the quantum of the yearly product production.

Inspection of premises

The BIS will inspect and verify the manufacturing premises after receipt of the application. The respective BIS authorities will inspect the different forms of processes and facilities present in the company/industry. 

Testing of product samples

The BIS will collect product samples and arrange for their testing during the inspection of the premises. The samples collected for testing will be provided to a separate laboratory, usually a NABL-accredited laboratory. The BIS will also send a draft or notification to the applicant regarding other compliances to be carried out by them. The costs related to testing have to be borne by the applicant. 

Grant of license

The BIS will grant the licence/certification to use the Eco Mark when the product conforms with the required criteria. The applicant/manufacturer can use the Eco Mark logo on their products upon grant of the licence.

BIS grants the Eco Mark license for a minimum period of one year, and the product is reassessed after the specified period for license renewal. The BIS can withdraw the licence if they find misleading information, change in criteria due to technological advancement, or other valid reasons.

Documents required for Eco Mark certification

  • Product details
  • NABL accreditation
  • Details and information obtained from the lab
  • Product Catalogue
  • Samples information
  • Certificate of incorporation (in case of an industry or company)
  • Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association (in case of an industry or company)

Benefits of Eco Mark


BIS has made specific compliance standards for improving and maintaining product values and authenticity towards the environment. When a product has Eco Mark, it ensures to the consumers that the manufacturer is maintaining and complying with the standards of BIS, making the product safe to buy.

Promoting efficiency

A manufacturer must fulfil the environmental-friendly standards to get the Eco Mark label. Thus, when the products meet these standards, it promotes sustainable development and efficiency at every level.

Increasing consumer awareness

When a product has the Eco Mark, consumers would be aware that the manufacturer maintains environmentally-friendly standards. It will help create awareness amongst consumers to choose products with the Eco Mark and cause less environmental harm.

BIS allows using Eco Mark on products upon application and fee payment. However, before granting the Eco Mark license, the respective authorities will inspect and take samples of the products for analysis and check if they conform with the Eco Mark criteria. A product containing the Eco Mark causes less environmental harm and encourages consumers to buy these products to help maintain and sustain the environment. 

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