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Section 115BAC of Income Tax Act: New Tax Regime Slabs, Deductions and Exemptions

By Mohammed S Chokhawala


Updated on: Feb 14th, 2025


18 min read

The new regime under Section 115BAC gives individuals and HUF taxpayers an option to pay income tax at lower rates with fewer exemptions and deductions to claim. Keep reading to learn more about Section 115BAC of the Income-tax Act, 1961.

Budget 2025 Update

The income earned up-to Rs.12 Lakhs will ultimately have Nil tax liability. Here's how!

  • The modified slab rates for new tax regime applicable for FY 2025-2026 is as follows:

Income Tax Slabs

Tax Rates

Up-to Rs. 4,00,000


Rs. 4,00,001 - Rs. 8,00,000


Rs. 8,00,001 - Rs. 12,00,000


Rs. 12,00,001 - Rs. 16,00,000


Rs. 16,00,001 - Rs. 20,00,000


Rs. 20,00,001 - Rs. 24,00,000


Above Rs. 24,00,000


  • The rebate allowed under section 87A has now been increased to Rs.60,000 for new regime from Rs.25,000 .
  • Since the rebate allowed has been increased, and relaxations made in the slab rates, tax incidence for income up-to Rs.12,00,000 will be zero.
  • Marginal relief on rebate is still applicable. 
  • Rebate is not allowed for income taxable at special rates. For example, capital gain u/s 112A.
  • The new Income Tax Bill has been tabled by the Honorable Finance Minister in the Lok Sabha. Learn more.

What is Section 115BAC – The New Tax Regime?

Section 115BAC - the new tax regime system came into force from FY 2020-21 (AY 2021-22). The new tax regime introduced concessional tax rates with reduced deductions and exemptions. Section 115BAC was amended in the Budget 2023, and the new regime was made the default regime from FY 2023-24. This Section was further amended with revised tax rates in Budget 2024. If an individual or HUF wants to opt for the old tax regime, then he must file Form 10-IEA before the due date of filing ITR. 

New Tax Regime

What are the Tax Rates Under the New Regime?

In Budget 2024, the income tax slabs under the new tax regime have been revised. The new tax slabs under the new tax regime for FY 2024-25 (AY 2025-26) are shown in the table below, whereas under the old tax regime, the income tax slabs and rates remain unchanged.

Tax Slab for FY 2024-25Tax Rate
Upto 3,00,000Nil
3,00,001 - 7,00,0005%
7,00,001 - 10,00,00010%
10,00,001 - 12,00,00015%
12,00,001 - 15,00,00020%
Above 15,00,00030%

Rebate : 

In case the total income of a resident individual (after deducting all deductions and exemptions) does not exceed Rs.7,00,000 , rebate is allowed under section 115BAC for the tax payable and cess. In any case, the rebate allowed does not exceed Rs. 25,000. 

If the assessee opts for old regime, the rebate is allowed if the total income (after deducting all deductions and exemptions) does not exceed Rs.5,00,000. Maximum rebate allowed is RS.12,500. Similar to new regime, rebate under old regime is available only for resident individuals.

Note: The following additional benefits have been extended to the taxpayers who opt for new regime for FY 2024-25 (AY 2025-26):

  • Limit of Standard Deduction against salaried income has been increased from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 75,000.
  • Limit of maximum Deduction under Family Pension has been increased from Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 25,000. 
  • The deduction on employers contribution to pension Scheme as per Section 80CCD (2) has been increased from 10% of salary to the 14% of salary. 

The tax rates under the new tax regime and the old tax regime for FY 2024-25(AY 2025-26) are compared below:


Old Tax Regime (FY 2024-25)

New Tax Regime (FY 2024-25)

Income Slabs

Age < 60 years & NRIs

Age of 60 Years to 80 years

Age above 80 Years

FY 2024-25

Up to ₹2,50,000





₹2,50,001 - ₹3,00,000





₹3,00,001 - ₹5,00,000





₹5,00,001 - ₹6,00,000





₹6,00,001 - ₹7,00,000





₹7,00,001 - ₹7,50,000





₹7,50,001 - ₹9,00,000





₹9,00,001 - ₹10,00,000





₹10,00,001 - ₹12,00,000





₹12,00,001 - ₹12,50,000





₹12,50,001 - ₹15,00,000





₹15,00,000 and above





The new tax regime does not allow 70+ deductions and exemptions (discussed in para 4). 

The tax payable under both the new and the old regimes without claiming deductions and exemptions for FY 2024-25 (AY 2025-26) is as below:

Annual income*

Tax under the old regime (Rs) (A)

Tax under the new regime (Rs) (B)

Tax savings under the new regime (Rs) (A - B)

Rs 7,50,000




Rs 10,00,000




Rs 12,50,000




Rs 15,00,000




*Assumed that the annual income is after considering the standard deduction under both old and new regimes. 
The above table shows that the new tax regime generally saves taxes for taxpayers who don’t claim any deductions or exemptions.

The Eligibility Criteria for the New Tax Regime on Section 115BAC

For the assessment year 2024-25, individuals and Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs) have to pay the taxes under the new tax regimes unless they choose to opt in for the old regime while filing the return of income before the due date. Under the new tax regime, the total income should meet the below-mentioned conditions:

  • The following deductions or exemptions are not available under the new regime:
    • All deductions under Chapter VI-A, except those specified in section 80CCD (Contribution to National Pension Scheme) 80JJAA.(Deduction on expenses incurred on new employees)
    • Deductions specified in Section 35/35AD/35CCC. (Scientific research expenditure)
    • Clause (iia) of Section 57. (Deduction on family pension)
    • Deductions specified in Section 24(b). (Deduction of interest paid for housing loan)
    • Clause (5)/(13A)/(14)/(17)/(32) of Section 10/10AA/16.
    • Deductions specified in Section 32(1)(Depreciation)/32AD/33AB/33ABA.
  • Losses under house property carried forward from previous assessment year cannot be set off under new regime.
  • No deductions and exemptions are allowed for perquisites and allowances for new regime.
  • Additional depreciation u/s 32(1) (iia) is not claimed.

Comparison of Deductions: Old Tax Regime vs. New Tax Regime for FY 2024-25

The below table outlines the key differences in available deductions between the Old Tax Regime and the New Tax Regime (Section 115BAC) for the financial year 2024-25:


Old Regime

New Regime (Section 115BAC)

Section 80C (Investment in PPF, NSC, Life Insurance Premium, ELSS, etc.)

Available up to Rs. 1.5 lakh

Not available

Section 80D (Health insurance premium)


Not available

Standard Deduction (for salaried individuals)

Rs. 50,000

Rs. 75,000 (FY 2024-25) and Rs. 50,000 (FY 2023-24)

House Rent Allowance (HRA)

Available (based on actuals)

Not available

Leave Travel Allowance (LTA)


Not available

Interest on Housing Loan (Section 24) (for self-occupied property)

Deduction up to Rs. 2 lakh

Not available

Section 80E (Interest on education loan)


Not available

Section 80G (Donations to charitable institutions)


Not available

Section 80TTA/80TTB (Interest on savings bank account/interest for senior citizens)


Not available

Entertainment Allowance


Not available

Professional Tax (for salaried individuals)


Not available

Additional Depreciation (Section 32(1)(iia))


Not available

Income from House Property Loss Set-off

Allowed (set off with other income)

Not available

Children’s Education Allowance


Not available

Transport Allowance (for specially abled)


Not available

What are the Exemptions and Deductions Not Claimable under the New Tax Regime?

The following are some of the major deductions and exemptions you cannot claim under the new tax regime:


House property:

  • Interest on housing loan on the self-occupied property or vacant property (Section 24)

Other sources:

  • Minor child income allowance

Business or profession:

  • Additional depreciation under section 32(1)(iia)
  • Deductions under section 32AD, 33AB, 33ABA
  • Various deductions for donation for or expenditure on scientific research contained in section 35(2AA) or 35(1)(ii) or (iia) or (iii)
  • Deduction under section 35AD or section 35CCC
  • Exemption under section 10AA for SEZ units

Chapter VI A deductions:

  • The deduction under Section 80TTA/80TTB 
  • Section 80C, 80D, 80E and so on, except Section 80CCD(2) and Section 80JJAA
  • Exemption or deduction for any other perquisites or allowances including food allowance of Rs 50/meal subject to 2 meals a day
  • Employee's (own) contribution to NPS
  • Donation to Political party/trust, etc

What are the Exemptions and Deductions Available Under the New Regime?

Under the New tax regime, you can claim tax exemption for the following:


  • Transport allowances in case of a specially-abled person.
  • Conveyance allowance received to meet the conveyance expenditure incurred as part of the employment.
  • Any compensation received to meet the cost of travel on tour or transfer.
  • Daily allowance received to meet the ordinary regular charges or expenditure you incur on account of absence from his regular place of duty.
  • Perquisites for official purposes
  • Exemption on voluntary retirement 10(10C), gratuity u/s 10(10) and Leave encashment u/s 10(10AA)
  • Budget 2023 introduced a standard deduction of Rs 50,000 under New Tax Regime applicable from FY 2023-24. This has been increased to Rs.75,000 in Budget 2024 applicable from FY 2024-25 

House property:

  • Interest on Home Loan on let-out property (Section 24)

Other sources:

  • Gifts up to Rs 50,000
  • Budget 2023 also introduced deduction under Section 57(iia) of family pension income. In Budget 2024 Limit of maximum Deduction under Family Pension has been increased from Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 25,000. 

Chapter VI A deductions:

  • Deduction for employer’s contribution to NPS account [Section 80CCD(2)]
  • Deduction for additional employee cost (Section 80JJA)
  • Budget 2023 further introduced deduction of amount paid or deposited in the Agniveer Corpus Fund under Section 80CCH(2)
  • The deduction on employers contribution to pension Scheme as per Section 80CCD (2) has been increased from 10% of salary to the 14% of salary in Budget 2024.

Here's a detailed list of exemptions and deductions available under the Old vs New Regime.


Can I Choose Between the New Tax Regime and the Existing Regime?

The new regime is default tax regime. The assess can still choose to file under old regime.

For salaried employees:

  • Choice needs to be made in the beginning of the financial year.
  • The choice made by the employee at the beginning of the FY is only for the purpose of deducting TDS and it is changeable while filing the return i.e., July 2024. 
  • If no choice is made by the employee at the beginning of the financial year, TDS deducted by the employer under new regime as it is default regime.
  • Salaried employee can choose to file under new regime in one year and old regime in the next year, or vice versa.

Non salaried employee:

  • A non-salaried taxpayer has to choose the new regime when filing the tax return
  • They need not declare or intimate their choice to anyone during the year.
  • Taxpayers with an income from business or profession (non-salaried)cannot opt-in and opt-out of the new tax regime every year. Once a non-salaried opts out of the new tax regime, they cannot opt-in again for the new tax regime in the future.

The due date for tax filing for the FY 2024-25 (AY 2025-26) is 31st July 2025, unless extended. If you have not filed your return within 31st July, you have until 31st December, 2025 to summit your Belated Return. 

How Do I Choose the New Regime and Plan My Taxes?

From a tax planning perspective, choosing the tax regime at the beginning of the financial year is essential. A taxpayer must compare the income tax under the new tax regime with the old regime. Once the taxpayer chooses the tax regime at the beginning of the year, the investments and TDS or advance tax payable calculations are made accordingly. Also, the taxpayer has to furnish Form 10IEA to the income tax department before filing the return if the taxpayer intends to opt for the old tax regime.

Example 1: Where the new regime is better in respect of tax outflow (FY 2024-25)

Income Amount (Rs)Old regime (Rs)New regime (Rs)
Less: Standard deduction50,00050,00075,000
Less: Professional tax2,4002,400-
Gross total income11,97,60011,97,60011,75,000
Less: Deduction u/s 80C1,50,0001,50,000-
Total income10,47,60010,47,60011,75,000
Income tax (Including 4% cess) 1,31,85179,300

In the above example, for an income of Rs 12,50,000, the new tax regime is significantly beneficial by Rs 52,551. However, if you claim further deductions for interest on housing loan for SOP, health insurance, investment in NPS, education loans and so on, the old regime will be helpful in respect of tax savings.

Example 2: Where the old regime is better in respect of tax outflow (FY 2024-25)

Income Amount (Rs)Old regime (Rs)New regime (Rs)
Less: HRA Exemption70,00070,000-
Less: Standard deduction50,00050,00075,000
Less: Professional tax2,4002,400-
Gross total income9,47,6008,77,6009,50,000
Less: Deduction u/s 80C1,50,0001,50,000-
Less: Deduction u/s 80D50,00050,000-
Total income10,47,6006,77,6009,25,000
Income tax 48,02042,500
Add: Education cess @ 4% 1,9211,700
Total tax 49,94154,600

In Example 2, for an income of Rs 10 lakh having HRA exemption and 80D deduction, the old tax regime is beneficial by Rs 5,741.

If an individual claims lower deductions for tax savings towards health insurance, investment in NPS and so on, the new regime will be more beneficial against individuals who utilize the tax-saving investments.

Also, individuals with an income bracket between Rs 5-15 lakh with lower deductions claims will benefit from the new regime. In contrast, individuals can benefit more from the old regime by making tax-saving investments.

It is important to note that each taxpayer should calculate income tax, consider their tax-saving investments and then choose the regime. Refer to this page for a detailed comparison between the old tax regime and the new tax regime.

House Property Loss Under the New Tax Regime

Self occupied property:

  • Deduction against  interest on housing loan paid upto Rs. 2 lakhs not allowed.
  •  Set off the loss of Rs 2 lakh from house property from salary income not allowed.

Let out property:

  • If you have let out house property, you can claim a deduction for interest paid on the housing loan.
  • New tax regime restricts the deduction to the taxable rent received from the property against the old regime.
  • Loss arising due to excess interest paid over rental income not allowed under new regime.
  • Carry forward of house property loss to set off in future years not allowed.

Unabsorbed Depreciation and Business Loss Under the New Regime

In the case of a business income, an individual or HUF cannot claim set-off of the brought forward business loss or unabsorbed depreciation. 

The deductions are not available under the new regime to the extent they relate to deductions/exemptions withdrawn.


Based on the provided information, it is evident that the current tax regime offers advantages for the specified income level. If an individual chooses to claim fewer deductions for tax savings, such as investments in NPS or health insurance, the new regime becomes more advantageous compared to individuals who rely on tax-saving investments.

It is important to consider that individuals with an income ranging from Rs.5 lakh to Rs.10 lakh, who opt for lower deductions, will benefit from the new regime. Conversely, individuals falling into higher income tax brackets, earning more than Rs.15 lakh annually, can benefit from the old regime by utilizing tax-saving investments.  
Related Articles:
Old Tax Regime vs New Tax Regime: Which is Better 
Income Tax Slabs
Income Tax Deductions List 
House Rent Allowance (HRA) 
Section 80D 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is new tax regime better than old?

It depends on case-to-case basis. The answer depends on the total taxable income of an assessee and whether they have deductions under Section 80C, 80D, HRA exemptions/housing loan. Suppose, an assessee has total gross income of Rs.7,50,000 for FY 2023-24 (AY 2024-25) and they plan to claim standard deduction (common for both regime) and Section 80C of Rs.1,50,000(only under old regime). When comparing under both old and new regime, they pay no tax under the new tax regime (due to tax rebate) and have to pay tax of Rs.22,500+cess. In this case, they benefit from remaining under the new tax regime (default). But upon considering HRA exemption and 80D, you may tend to benefit by opting into the old tax regime.

Is 80C applicable in new tax regime?

No, Section 80C deductions are not available under the new tax regime.

How to calculate tax in new regime?

From FY 2023-24 (AY 2024-25) onwards, the tax slabs under the new tax regime have been revised, as per the table given in the beginning of this article. Take the gross total income after providing for standard deduction of Rs.50,000. Then, if you have deductions such as 80CCD(2) or 80JJA, you can claim the same and then compute tax as per the slabs on the net total taxable income. Claim rebate if you are eligible under Section 87A. If not, add cess at 4% to the tax and you'll arrive at total tax payable.

Is HRA allowed in new tax regime?

No, HRA exemption is not allowed in the new tax regime.

Is standard deduction allowed in new tax regime?

The standard deduction is not allowed in new tax regime until FY 2022-23 (AY 2023-24). However, as per Budget 2023 , standard deduction of Rs.50,000 is allowed for salaried persons from FY 2023-24 (AY 2024-25) onwards. Budget 2024 has increased this deduction amount to Rs.75,000 applicable from FY 2024-25(AY 2025-26). 

Which deductions are allowed in new tax regime?

Some deductions are allowed such as standard deduction (from FY 2023-24), amount paid to Agniveer Corpus Fund (from FY 2023-24), expenses towards income from family pension under Section 57(iia) (from FY 2023-24), transport allowance for specially abled persons, employer’s contribution to NPS account, additional employee cost and a few more listed in the above section of this article. 

Which deductions are not allowed in new tax regime?

Many deductions are not allowed such as: Chapter VIA - Section 80C, 80D (premium on health insurance), 80E and so on, except Section 80CCD(2) and Section 80JJAA, and those listed in the above section of this article.

What is Section 115BAC – The New Tax Regime?

The Budget 2020 introduced Section 115BAC - a new tax regime with lower tax rate with fewer exemptions and deductions. It was further amended in the Budget 2023, changing the slab rates and the new regime was made the default regime from FY 2023-24.

Is there any change in the new tax regime?

Budget 2025 has introduced changes in the new tax regime tax slab, which is mentioned below in the table.

Income Tax Slabs

Tax Rate

Upto Rs. 4,00,000


Rs. 4,00,001 - Rs. 8,00,000


Rs. 8,00,001 - Rs. 12,00,000


Rs. 12,00,001 - Rs. 16,00,000 


Rs. 16,00,001 - Rs. 20,00,000


Rs. 20,00,001 - Rs. 24,00,000


How much standard deduction in new tax regime for FY 2024-25?

The budget 2024 has proposed to increase the limit for the standard deduction under the new tax regime to Rs 75,000 for the FY 2024-25, however, for the FY 2023-24 the standard deduction will remain the same as Rs 50,000.

What is the new deduction on family pension for pensioners?

FM Nirmala Sitharaman in the Budget 2024 has proposed to increase the deduction on family pension from Rs 15,000 to Rs 25,000 for the FY 2024-25. Keep a note that this is applicable only under the new tax regime. 

Has the deduction on Employers contribution to a pension scheme has increased?

For the FY 2024-25, the deduction on employers contribution to the pension scheme under section 80CCD(2) has been increased in the Budget 2024 to 14% of the salary + DA  from 10% of salary +DA.

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About the Author

I'm a chartered accountant, well-versed in the ins and outs of income tax, GST, and keeping the books balanced. Numbers are my thing, I can sift through financial statements and tax codes with the best of them. But there's another side to me – a side that thrives on words, not figures. Read more

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