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Section 122 of the CGST Act: Penalties & Offences

By Annapoorna


Updated on: Jan 13th, 2025


3 min read

The GST Act 2017 has provision for demarcating different types of GST-related offences and respective penalties applicable for them. The GST Council in regular intervals make amendments to such provisions and add new provisions to the list of offences and penalties depending on evolving business realities. 

This article discusses Section 122 of the CGST Act as the section elaborates offences and penalties specific to each of those offences. Continue reading. 

What is Section 122 of the CGST Act?

Section 122 of the CGST Act is about dealing with GST non-payments, excess input tax credit claim and incorrect documentation-related offences. For these offences, the Section recommends different monetary punishments, like paying tax dues with interests and penalties of different amounts based on the nature of the offences. 

As per the section, penalties vary with the nature and severity of the offence. The aim of the Section 122 is to discourage taxpayers from indulging in unlawful activities related to claiming of input tax credits, compliance related to GST documentations and fake invoicing.

Provisions of Section 122 of CGST Act

Sections Offences under Section 122 of CGST Act Penalty under Section 122 of CGST Act
Section 122(1) of CGST Act
  • Supplying goods/services without issuing an invoice or issuing false invoices.
  • Issuing invoices without any actual supply of goods/services.
  • Collecting tax but failing to remit it to the government within three months.
  • Failing to deduct or remit tax under Section 51.
  • Failing to collect or remit tax under Section 52.
  • Claiming input tax credit without receiving goods/services.
  • Fraudulently obtaining tax refunds.
  • Misusing or distributing input tax credit.
  • Providing false financial records or documents to evade tax.
  • Failing to register under GST despite being liable.
  • Providing false registration details.
  • Obstructing tax officers in their duties.
  • Transporting taxable goods without proper documentation.
  • Suppressing turnover to evade tax.
  • Failing to maintain required books and documents.
  • Providing false information or failing to furnish required documents.
  • Supplying or storing goods liable for confiscation.
  • Issuing invoices using another's registration number.
  • Tampering with or destroying evidence or documents.
  • Tampering with detained, seized, or attached goods.

Higher of the below two amounts-

1. ₹10,000 


Either of the below amounts as may be applicable-

- A sum equivalent to the sum of tax evaded,

- The tax not deducted under CGST Section 51 or short-deducted or deducted but not paid to the Government

- The tax not collected under section 52 or short collected or collected but not paid to the Government

- The input tax credit availed of or passed on or distributed irregularly

- The refund claimed fraudulently

Section 122(1A) of CGST Act



Retaining benefits of transaction as per Section 122 (1), clause (i), (ii), (vii) or clause (ix)


Clause (i) - Supplies without issuing any invoice or issuing incorrect or false invoice


Clause (ii) - Do not supplies goods or services or both despite issuing invoice or bill


Clause (vii) - Takes benefit of ITC without actual receipt of goods or services or both either fully or partially


Clause (ix) - takes benefit of or distributes ITC in contravention of section 20

Sum equivalent to tax evasion amount or input tax credit availed 

Section 122(1B) of CGST Act



An e-commerce operator u/s 52 of the CGST Act, through its platform:

  • Allowing an unregistered person to trade who is also not exempted for registration by notification as per the GST Act 
  • Allowing inter-state supply of goods by persons not eligible for such activity 
  • Failing to furnish the correct documentation for such trades 


₹10,000 or a sum equivalent to the tax liability if supplies were made though registered persons, whichever is higher



Section 122(2) of CGST Act



Any registered person supply goods and services without payment of tax, short payment or erroneously refunded or availed ITC wrongly for reasons: 

  • Other than fraud or wrongdoing 
  • Related to fraud, wilful misstatement, suppression of facts 
₹10,000 or 10% of the tax due, whichever is higher

Section 122(3) of CGST Act



A registered person who either: 

  • Aiding or abetting offences as per 122 (1), clause (i) to (xxi)
  • Knowingly acquiring, transporting, removing, depositing, keeping, concealing, or supplying goods or services that are liable to confiscation 
  • Knowingly receiving or supplying goods that are in contravention of any provisions of the GST Act
  • Failing to appear before the officer when summoned to produce evidence or document related above-mentioned unlawful activities 
  • Failing to issue an invoice in accordance with the GST Act 
Up to ₹25,000 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of Section 122 of the CGST Act?

The purpose of Section 122 of the CGST Act is to discourage taxpayers from indulging in unlawful activities related to claiming input tax credits, compliance related to GST documentation and fake invoicing. 

What types of offences are covered under Section 122?

Some of the offences covered under the Section 122 are: 

  • Non-payment or short payment of tax 
  • Claiming and receiving an excess refund 
  • Availing excess ITC 
  • Involving and benefiting from transactions as per Section 122 (1), clause (i), (ii), (vii) or clause (ix)
  • Aiding or abetting offences as per 122 (1), clause (i) to (xxi)
What is the penalty for Section 122 of GST?

Penalties under Section 122 vary with the nature and severity of the offences. 

What should businesses do to avoid penalties under Section 122?

  • Learn about the offences and avoid making them. 
  • Do not engage in wilful misstatement, suppression of facts or fraud.  
  • Comply with documentation requirements.  
  • Do not engage in any unlawful activity as per the provision of the GST Act. 
About the Author

I preach the words, “Learning never exhausts the mind.” An aspiring CA and a passionate content writer having 4+ years of hands-on experience in deciphering jargon in Indian GST, Income Tax, off late also into the much larger Indian finance ecosystem, I love curating content in various forms to the interest of tax professionals, and enterprises, both big and small. While not writing, you can catch me singing Shāstriya Sangeetha and tuning my violin ;). Read more

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