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6 Ways to Save Income Tax On New & Old Tax Regime for FY 2024-25 (AY 2025-26)

By CA Mohammed S Chokhawala


Updated on: Mar 13th, 2025


12 min read

As the famous saying goes, ‘A penny saved is a penny earned‘. Tax planning is one of the ways that will help you save on taxes and increase your income. The Income Tax Act provides deductions for various investments, savings and expenditures incurred by the taxpayer in a particular financial year. 

We invest in various products that improve our quality of life but can also cause considerable financial distress. The government offers income tax exemptions on direct taxes charged on your whole pay to alleviate this burden. We will discuss some avenues to help you save taxes under the old and new tax regimes.

Budget 2025 Updates

The new Income Tax Bill has been tabled by the Honorable Finance Minister in the Lok Sabha. It aims to simplification and better presentation of the provisions.

As per the budget 2025, the income up to Rs. 12,00,000 will have zero tax liability for the FY 2025-26 (AY 2026-27) under the new tax regime. Here's how:

The revised tax slabs under the new regime for FY 2025-26 (AY 2026-27) are as follows:

Annual Income Tax Slabs

Income Tax Rates

Upto Rs. 4,00,000


Rs. 4,00,001 - Rs. 8,00,000


Rs. 8,00,001 - Rs. 12,00,000


Rs. 12,00,001 - Rs. 16,00,000 


Rs. 16,00,001 - Rs. 20,00,000


Rs. 20,00,001 - Rs. 24,00,000


Above Rs. 24,00,000 


With the revised tax structure, individuals earning up to Rs. 12,00,000 will have no tax liability due to the increased rebate of Rs. 60,000. For salaried individuals, the tax liability will be zero for incomes up to Rs. 12,75,000, due to the Rs. 75,000 standard deduction.


The marginal relief on rebate is still applicable. 

The rebate is not available for income that is taxed at special rates (e.g., capital gains under section 112A).

Tax Saving Deductions and Exemptions Under the New Tax Regime

Under the new tax regime, only limited tax deductions are available for taxpayers. Hence, opting for the new tax regime is a good option if you have a less tax-saving investment. However, the tax slab rates are concessional compared to the old tax regime. 

Tax Slabs under the new tax regime are as follows;

Tax Slab for FY 2024-25 (New Regime)

Tax Rate

Upto ₹ 3 lakh 


₹ 3 lakh - ₹ 7 lakh


₹ 7 lakh - ₹ 10 lakh 


₹ 10 lakh - ₹ 12 lakh 


₹ 12 lakh - ₹ 15 lakh


More than 15 lakh


Now the deductions that are eligible under the new tax regime are as follows.

Increase in Standard Deduction

Budget 2024 has increased the standard deduction available under the head Salary for the taxpayers opting for the new tax regime to Rs. 75,000 from FY 2024-25.

Treatment under Old tax regime:

 Standard deduction of Rs.50,000 is allowed under the old regime.

1. Employer Contribution to NPS u/s 80CCD(2)

Section 80CCD(2) applies to only salaried individuals and not to self-employed individuals. The contribution made by the employer may be equal to or higher than the contribution made by the employee. The deductions under this section can be availed over and above those of Section 80CCD(1).  The amount that your employer contributes will be deducted from your employee payslip and deposited into your NPS account.
Section 80CCD(2) allows a salaried individual to claim the following deduction:

  • Central Government or State Government Employer: Up to 14% of their salary (basic + DA)
  • Any other employer: Maximum deduction of 14% of salary (basic + DA) (This 14% rate has been increased from 10% with effect from FY 2024-25) 

Treatment under Old tax regime: 

  • For Non - Governmental Employees: Maximum deduction of 10% of salary (basic + DA)
  • For Governmental Employees: Maximum deduction of 14% of salary (basic + DA)

2. Amount Paid or Deposited in the Agniveer Corpus Fund under Section 80CCH(2)

The Income Tax Act states that the total amount the applicants and the central government contribute to the Agniveer Corpus Fund will be eligible for deduction under section 80CCH(2).

The act also states that an exemption will be allowed if the applicant or the nominees receive such an income under the Agnipath Scheme.

Soldiers enrolled in this scheme will get all the benefits like ration, risk and hardships, travel, etc. Death and disability compensation is also available for the candidates. This deduction is now available under both regimes. 

3. Deduction Under Section 57(iia)  Of Family Pension Income

Family pension refers to the amount the employer pays to the employee’s family in the event of the employee's death.

A sum equal to ⅓ of the income received by the employee or Rs 25,000, whichever is lower among the two, will be allowed as a deduction under section 57( iia) of the family pension - for the new regime.  

Treatment under Old tax regime: The limit of Rs. 15,000 has been retained for the old regime for FY 2024-25.

4. Interest On Home Loan On Let-out Property Under Section 24

Under the new tax regime, interest on a home loan for self-occupied property is prohibited under section 24. Whereas interest on a home loan on the let-out property is allowed as a deduction without any upper limit. 

Treatment under Old tax regime: Under the old tax regime, interest on home loans under section 24 is allowed for both self-occupied and let out properties. For self -occupied property, the maximum deduction allowed is Rs.2,00,000 whereas for let-out property, the deduction is allowed without any limit.

5. Transport Allowance and Conveyance Allowance 

 Transport allowance means the allowance given to the employee by the employer to compensate for the travel expenses incurred for commuting between his place of residence and work. 

The exemption allowed, from FY 2018-19 onwards to the extent of Rs. 3,200 per month. However, this is applicable only for a physically challenged employee commuting from his place of residence to the place of duty.

Conveyance allowance is granted to meet the expenditure incurred during the performance of office duty. However, conveyance allowance is exempt only to the extent of actual expenditure incurred. 

6. Exemptions Allowed under section 10 for the New Tax Regime 

Under the new tax regime, exemptions under section 10 were not allowed. However, certain exemptions are now allowable. Let us discuss the exemptions allowed.

A voluntary retirement scheme is offered by employers so that employees can retire voluntarily. The amount exempt under this section is Rs. 5 lakh. 

Individuals who receive gratuity under section 10(10), if they are government employees and then the gratuity received is fully exempt. Whereas if the employee is in private employment, then exemption on the same depends on whether they are covered under the Payment of Gratuity Act. 

Leave encashment is when the employee encashed all the paid leave at the time of his retirement or resignation. The maximum amount exempt has been increased to Rs. 25 lakhs as per the New Finance Bills, 2023, and the amount exceeding will be taxable. 

Tax Saving Deductions and Exemptions Under the Old Tax Regime

Unlike the new tax regime, deductions and exemptions are allowed under the old tax regime, which gives taxpayers the benefit of paying lower tax liability. Tax slabs under the old tax regime are as follows

Tax Slab

FY 2024-25 Tax Rate (Old tax regime)

Upto Rs.2,50,000


Rs 2,50,000 – Rs 5,00,000


Rs 5,00,000 – Rs 10,00,000


Rs 10,00,000 and beyond


Below are the deductions available to save tax under the old tax regime.

1. Buy a Home Loan and Enjoy Tax Benefits Under Section 80C

Numerous government-mandated programs, such as the PMAY (Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana) and DDR (Delhi Development Authority) Housing Scheme, aim to make housing more accessible in India. At the same time, Sections 80C and 24(b) minimize monetary liability through lower tax burdens.

Whole annual income spent on repayment of the principal borrowed amount is eligible for Section 80C deductions of up to 1.5 lakh. Section 24(b) allows for tax exemption on the interest portion of a house loan up to Rs 2 lakh per year.

Furthermore, if you rent out the newly purchased home, the entire interest component is deductible from your rental income. However, to set off losses against other heads of income will be limited to Rs. 200,000.

Section 80EEA allows you to claim an additional deduction in your annual tax liability if you are a first-time homeowner and satisfy the other conditions underlying the same. 

2. Buy a Health Insurance Policy

People can claim tax deductions under Section 80D for the portion of their annual taxable income spent on premium payments. Depending on the age of the covered, different sums are exempt from such income tax computations.

Section 80D deduction limits are as follows:



Medical insurance for Self and Family

Rs. 25,000 (Rs. 50,000 in case of senior citizen)

Medical insurance for parents

Rs 25,000 (Rs. 50,000 in case of senior citizen)

Preventive Health Checkup

Rs 5,000 per year

Medical expenditure incurred towards parents (Senior citizens) not having health insurance.

Rs 50,000

3. Park Your Money In Government Schemes

Numerous government-mandated schemes offer high returns on total investments along with tax waivers. Individuals can claim up to Rs 1.5 lakh spent on such investments as tax waivers on total annual income under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.

Tax exemptions can be availed by investing in the following tools:

  • Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS)
  • Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY)
  • National Pension Scheme (NPS)
  • Public Provident Fund (PPF)
  • National Pension Scheme (NPS)

4. Buy Life Insurance Plans

Section 80C of the Income Tax Act provides for premium payments, and Section 10(10D) provides for the sum promised received at maturity or early death of the insured, whichever occurs first.

Yet, if the insurance is bought after 1st April 2012, tax benefits of up to Rs 1.5 lakh paid on annual premiums can be claimed under Section 80C, provided it is less than 10% of the entire sum assured.

If the policy was purchased before April 1, 2012, claims under Section 80C can be filed as long as the total premium payments do not exceed 20% of the sum guaranteed.

As per the Finance Act 2021, in the case of ULIP exemption, u/s 10(10D) is applicable only if the premium is less than Rs. 250,000 per year.

As per the Finance Act 2023, in the case of any other insurance policy (Other than ULIP), exemption u/ 10(10D) is applicable only if the premium is less than Rs 500,000 per year.

Acquisition or renewal of life insurance coverage, as well as annuity payments on such plans made through monthly salary, are also eligible for tax exemptions of up to Rs 1.5 lakh under Section 80CCC.

Only certain pension funds under section 23AAB are eligible for exemptions of up to Rs 1.5 lakh under section 80CCD(1).

5. Investment Options Under Section 80C

The most popular tax-saving options available to individuals and HUFs in India are under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, Section 80C includes various investments and expenses you can claim deductions on – up to the limit of Rs. 1.5 lakh in a financial year.



Lock-in Period

5-Year Bank Fixed Deposit

6% to 7%

5 years

Public Provident Fund (PPF)

7% to 8%

15 years

National Savings Certificate

7% to 8%

5 years

National Pension System (NPS)

12% to 14%

Till Retirement

ELSS Funds

15% to 18%

3 years

Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP)

Varies with Plan Chosen

5 years

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY)



Senior Citizen Saving Scheme (SCSS)


5 years

Other Tax Saving Options Beyond Section 80C

Apart from the 80C deductions, there are various deductions under Section 80 you can use to save on income tax. Tax benefits on health insurance premiums and home loan interest are a few-

  • Interest paid on a home loan can be claimed as a deduction under section 24 up to Rs 2 lakh. Section 80EE and Section 80EEA also allow you to claim a deduction of up to Rs 50,000 on home loan interest subject to underlying conditions, which is over and above the limit of Section 24. 
  • Any charity that is made to institutions or funds can be claimed as a deduction under section 80G.
  • Interest paid on education loans is allowed as a deduction under section 80E
  • Employer contribution to NPS is eligible for deduction u/s 80CCD(2) with an overall threshold of Rs 750,000 (Including Employer contribution to PF).
  • Individual contributions to NPS are eligible for deduction u/s 80CCD(1B) with a limit of Rs 50,000 a year.
  • Section 80GG provided a deduction for non-salaried individuals to claim a deduction of up to Rs 60,000 per annum for the rent being paid on accommodation.
  • Section 80TTA provided a deduction of up to Rs 10,000 on Saving bank interest for ages less than 60. For senior citizens, section 80 TTB provides deductions up to Rs 50,000 on all interest incomes.

A table summarizing the sections and the maximum deductions permissible are described below:


Maximum Deduction Limit





80D under different situations:

  • The assessee and parents are not senior citizens


  • The assessee is not a senior citizen parents are senior citizens


  • The assessee and parents are  senior citizens

Rs. 1,00,000


No Maximum Limit








As described under the provisions


As described under the provisions




Rs.50,000 (Only for Senior Citizens)


How to Plan Your Tax-Saving Investments for the Year?

The best time to start planning your tax-saving investments is at the beginning of the financial year.

Most taxpayers procrastinate till the last quarter of the year, resulting in hurried decisions. Instead, if you plan at the start of the year, your investments can compound and help you achieve long-term goals. Remember, tax saving should be an additional perk and not a goal in itself.

Use the following pointers to plan your tax-saving for the year:

  • Check the tax-saving expenses you already have – insurance premiums, children’s tuition fees, EPF contribution, home loan repayment etc.
  • Check which is the best tax regime for you, the New tax regime and the old tax regime. Use a cleartax calculator for such projection.
  • Deduct this amount from Rs 1.5 lakh to figure out how much to invest. You needn’t invest the entire amount if expenses are covering the limit.
  • Choose tax-saving investments based on your goals and risk profile. ELSS funds, PPF, NPS and fixed deposits are some of the popular options.
  • Only if the old tax regime is more beneficial on the basis of current and projected deductions, then you can proceed with the future investment. This is because if you opt for the new tax regime while filling ITR, the investment that you have made will not result in any tax savings.

It is best to begin investing in the first quarter of the financial year so that you can spread the investments over the year. Doing this won’t burden you at the end of the year and will also allow you to make informed investment decisions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What do you mean by 80C deduction under chapter VI A?

Income tax department allows reducing of the taxable income of the taxpayer in case the taxpayer makes certain investments or eligible expenditures allowed under Chapter VI A. 80C allows deduction for the investment made in PPF, EPF,  LIC premium, Equity-linked saving scheme, principal amount payment towards home loan, stamp duty and registration charges for purchase of property, Sukanya smriddhi yojana (SSY), National saving certificate (NSC), Senior citizen savings scheme (SCSS), ULIP, tax saving FD for 5 years, Infrastructure bonds etc. However, no deduction is allowed if taxpayers opts for nex tax regime.

How to save tax other than section 80C?

Apart from 80C, various other provisions allow deductions  to taxpayer as follows :

  • 80D- for medical insurance premium for self, spouse &  dependent parents. 
  • Section 80EE – Deduction  for interest payment of home loan for first home owners
  • Section 24- Interest deduction for housing loan upto Rs 2 lakh
  • Section 80EEB- interest deduction for vehicle loan for purchase of electric vehicle
  • 80G- donations to charitable institutions. 
  • 80GG-if your income does not include HRA component, you can claim rent deduction under 80GG
  • Section 80TTA- deduction upto Rs 10,000 for interest received in saving bank account. 
  • Section 54 -54F – Capital gain exemption for capital gains.
How can I save more tax on my salary?

To save tax on your salary, you can utilize deductions and exemptions offered under the Income Tax Act. These include allowances like HRA and LTA, as well as the Standard Deduction. Additionally, Section 80C allows for deductions up to Rs 1.5 lakh for expenses and investments, while investing in the NPS scheme can provide an extra Rs.50,000 deduction. Other tax-saving opportunities exist under sections like 80D for health insurance premiums and 80E for education loan interest paid.

What is section 80CCD?

80CCD is a subsection of 80C which allows a deduction for contributions to national pension schemes as notified by the central government. The deduction is allowed for contributions made by an employee, employer or voluntary self contribution. The overall limit of deduction allowed in section 80C is Rs 1.5 lakh plus an additional deduction of Rs 50,000  u/s 80CCD (1b) for self contribution to NPS or  Atal pension yojana.

What is the maximum deduction under section 80D?

Maximum deduction allowed varies in different scenarios as below:

  1. Individuals can claim a maximum deduction of Rs 25000 for insurance premium for self, spouse and dependent children. 
  2. Individuals can claim a maximum deduction up to Rs 50, 000 including premium for self, spouse, dependent children and dependent parents below 60 years of age.
  3. Whereas, Individuals can claim a maximum deduction of up to Rs 75, 000 including premium for self, spouse, dependent children and dependent parents above 60 years of age.
  4. Further Rs 1,00,000 can be claimed as a maximum deduction if an individual is above 60 years of age and makes the payment for premium for self, spouse, dependent children and dependent parents who are also above 60 years of age. 
What is section 24?

Section 24 allows a deduction for home loan interest up to Rs 2 lakh if the house property is self-occupied or vacant whereas if the house is rented, the entire interest amount can be deducted from the ‘Income from house property. This deduction gets redacted to Rs 30,000 if the following conditions are not met (i) Home loan should be taken for purchase or construction of the house property (ii) The loan must be taken after 1st April 1999 (iii) In case of construction of house property, the same should be completed within 5 years. 

Who can claim HRA exemption?

Salaried employees who receive house rent allowance as a part of salary and make a payment towards rent can claim HRA exemption to reduce their taxable salary wholly or partially.

How can I save tax if I earn 15 lakh?

If you earn 15 lakh, there are various ways to save tax. You can utilize exemptions such as HRA, LTA, and reimbursements to lower your net salary income. Additionally, deductions under Section 80C, 80D, and 80E for investments, expenses, health insurance premiums, and education loan interest can further decrease your taxable income and help you save on taxes. Further, if you have not made any such investments, then you can save taxes by opting for lower tax slabs under new regime.

How to calculate HRA ?

HRA exemption is allowed least of the below :

  • Actual HRA received by the employee
  • 40 % of salary for non-metro city or 50 % of salary if the rented property is in Metro city like Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai )
  •  Actual rent paid less than 10% of salary.

For the above calculation, the salary would include basic, dearness allowance and fixed percentage of commission. 

Which are the deductions applicable in the new tax regime?

In new tax regime you can claim the following deduction

Standard deduction of Rs. 50,000 (Rs. 75,000 from FY 24-25)
Employer contribution to NPS u/s 80CCD(2) (Increased to 14% of Salary from FY 24-25)
Agniveer Corpus contribution by the government 80CCH(2)
Interest on home loan for let-out property

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About the Author

I'm a chartered accountant, well-versed in the ins and outs of income tax, GST, and keeping the books balanced. Numbers are my thing, I can sift through financial statements and tax codes with the best of them. But there's another side to me – a side that thrives on words, not figures. Read more

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